You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
3.6 KiB

use PrivateBin\I18n;
use PrivateBin\View;
class ViewTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private static $error = 'foo bar';
private static $status = '!*#@?$+';
private static $formatters = array(
'plaintext' => 'Plain Text',
'syntaxhighlighting' => 'Source Code',
'markdown' => 'Markdown',
private static $formatter_default = 'plaintext';
private static $expire = array(
'5min' => '5 minutes',
'1hour' => '1 hour',
'never' => 'Never',
private static $expire_default = '1hour';
private static $version = 'Version 1.2.3';
private $_content;
public function setUp()
/* Setup Routine */
$page = new View;
$page->assign('CIPHERDATA', helper::getPaste()['data']);
$page->assign('ERROR', self::$error);
$page->assign('STATUS', self::$status);
$page->assign('VERSION', self::$version);
$page->assign('DISCUSSION', true);
$page->assign('OPENDISCUSSION', true);
$page->assign('MARKDOWN', true);
$page->assign('SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING', true);
$page->assign('SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTINGTHEME', 'sons-of-obsidian');
$page->assign('FORMATTER', self::$formatters);
$page->assign('FORMATTERDEFAULT', self::$formatter_default);
$page->assign('BURNAFTERREADINGSELECTED', false);
$page->assign('PASSWORD', true);
$page->assign('FILEUPLOAD', false);
$page->assign('ZEROBINCOMPATIBILITY', false);
$page->assign('NOTICE', 'example');
$page->assign('LANGUAGESELECTION', '');
$page->assign('LANGUAGES', I18n::getLanguageLabels(i18n::getAvailableLanguages()));
$page->assign('EXPIRE', self::$expire);
$page->assign('EXPIREDEFAULT', self::$expire_default);
$page->assign('EXPIRECLONE', true);
$page->assign('URLSHORTENER', '');
$this->_content = ob_get_contents();
public function tearDown()
/* Tear Down Routine */
public function testTemplateRendersCorrectly()
'<div id="cipherdata" class="hidden">' .
htmlspecialchars(helper::getPaste()['data'], ENT_NOQUOTES) .
'outputs data correctly'
'#<div[^>]+id="errormessage"[^>]*>.*' . self::$error . '</div>#',
'outputs error correctly'
'password available if configured'
'checked discussion if configured'
'discussions available if configured'
// testing version number in JS address, since other instances may not be present in different templates
'#<script[^>]+src="js/privatebin.js\\?' . rawurlencode(self::$version) . '"[^>]*>#',
'outputs version correctly'
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionCode 80
public function testMissingTemplate()
$test = new View;
$test->draw('123456789 does not exist!');