cleaned up CSS, changed template to output clean XHTML 5, added unit tests for 60% of the code, found a few bugs by doing that and fixed them
42 lines
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42 lines
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class vizhash16x16Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private $_dataDirCreated;
private $_file;
private $_path;
public function setUp()
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = PATH . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->_dataDirCreated = !is_dir($this->_path);
if($this->_dataDirCreated) mkdir($this->_path);
$this->_file = $this->_path . 'vizhash.png';
public function tearDown()
/* Tear Down Routine */
if($this->_dataDirCreated) {
} else {
if(!@unlink($this->_file)) {
throw new Exception('Error deleting file "' . $this->_file . '".');
public function testVizhashGeneratesUniquePngsPerIp()
$vz = new vizhash16x16();
$pngdata = $vz->generate('');
file_put_contents($this->_file, $pngdata);
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$this->assertEquals('image/png', $finfo->file($this->_file));
$this->assertNotEquals($pngdata, $vz->generate('2001:1620:2057:dead:beef::cafe:babe'));
$this->assertEquals($pngdata, $vz->generate(''));