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<div class="content">
<div class="innerContent">
<h1 class="classTitle">File Index</h1>
<ul class="fileList">
<for each="item" in="data">
<h2 class="filename">{+new Link().toSrc(item.alias).withText(}</h2>
<if test="item.desc">{+resolveLinks(item.desc)+}</if>
<dl class="detailList">
<if test="">
<dt class="heading">Author:</dt>
<if test="item.version">
<dt class="heading">Version:</dt>
{! var locations = item.comment.getTag('location').map(function($){return $.toString().replace(/(^\$ ?| ?\$$)/g, '').replace(/^HeadURL: https:/g, 'http:');}) !}
<if test="locations.length">
<dt class="heading">Location:</dt>
<for each="location" in="locations">
<dd><a href="{+location+}">{+location+}</a></dd>