# Credits

## Active contributors

Simon Rupf - current developer and maintainer  
rugk - security review, doc improvment & various other stuff

## Past contributions

Sébastien Sauvage - original idea and main developer

* Alexey Gladkov - syntax highlighting
* Greg Knaddison - robots.txt
* MrKooky - HTML5 markup, CSS cleanup
* Simon Rupf - MVC refactoring, configuration, i18n and unit tests
* Hexalyse - Password protection
* Viktor Stanchev - File upload support
* azlux - Tab character input support
* Adam Fisher - old Favicons
* rugk - new logo/icons
* Sobak - PSR-4 and PSR-2 refactoring
* Nathaniel Olsen - jQuery upgrade
* Alexander Demenshin - modal password dialog
* PunKeel - Dockerfile

## Translations
* Hexalyse - French
* Kuba Niewiarowski - Polish
* Gabbalo - German
* Draky50110 - French
* Filip Muki Dobranić - Slovene
* Jiawei Zhou - Chinese
* Stefano Marty - Italian
* R4SAS - Russian
* Alfredo Fabián Altamirano Tena - Spanish
* Quent-in - Occitan
* idarlund - Norwegian
* Tulio Leao - Portuguese