# Installation **TL;DR:** Download the [latest release archive](https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/releases/latest) and extract it in your web hosts folder where you want to install your PrivateBin instance. We try to provide a safe default configuration, but advise you to check the options and adjust them as you see fit. ## Basic installation ### Requirements - PHP version 5.3 or above - _one_ of the following sources of cryptographically safe randomness is required: - PHP 7 or higher* - [Libsodium](https://download.libsodium.org) - mcrypt extension* - com_dotnet extension \* Mcrypt and PHP 7 need to be able to access `/dev/urandom`. This means if `open_basedir` is set, it must include this file. - GD extension - (optional) a database supported by [PDO](https://secure.php.net/manual/book.pdo.php) - ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH - A web browser with javascript support ### Configuration In the file `cfg/conf.ini` you can configure PrivateBin. A `cfg/conf.ini.sample` is provided containing all options and default values. You can copy it to `cfg/conf.ini` and adapt it as needed. The config file is divided into multiple sections, which are enclosed in square brackets. In the `[main]` section you can enable or disable the discussion feature, set the limit of stored pastes and comments in bytes. The `[traffic]` section lets you set a time limit in seconds. Users may not post more often then this limit to your PrivateBin installation. More details can be found in the [configuration documentation](https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/Configuration). ## Advanced installation ### Changing the path In the index.php you can define a different `PATH`. This is useful to secure your installation. You can move the configuration, data files, templates and PHP libraries (directories cfg, doc, data, lib, tpl, tst and vendor) outside of your document root. This new location must still be accessible to your webserver / PHP process (see also [open_basedir setting](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.open-basedir)). > #### PATH Example > Your PrivateBin installation lives in a subfolder called "paste" inside of > your document root. The URL looks like this: > http://example.com/paste/ > > The full path of PrivateBin on your webserver is: > /home/example.com/htdocs/paste > > When setting the path like this: > define('PATH', '../../secret/privatebin/'); > > PrivateBin will look for your includes / data here: > /home/example.com/secret/privatebin ### Web server configuration A `robots.txt` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It disallows all robots from accessing your pastes. It is recommend to place it into the root of your web directory if you have installed PrivateBin in a subdirectory. Make sure to adjust it, so that the file paths match your installation. Of course also adjust the file if you already use a `robots.txt`. A `.htaccess.disabled` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It blocks some known robots and link-scanning bots. If you use Apache, you can rename the file to `.htaccess` to enable this feature. If you use another webserver, you have to configure it manually to do the same. ### Using a database instead of flat files In the configuration file the `[model]` and `[model_options]` sections let you configure your favourite way of storing the pastes and discussions on your server. `Filesystem` is the default model, which stores everything in files in the data folder. This is the recommended setup for most sites. Under high load, in distributed setups or if you are not allowed to store files locally, you might want to switch to the `Database` model. This lets you store your data in a database. Basically all databases that are supported by [PDO](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php) may be used. Automatic table creation is provided for `pdo_ibm`, `pdo_informix`, `pdo_mssql`, `pdo_mysql`, `pdo_oci`, `pdo_pgsql` and `pdo_sqlite`. You may want to provide a table prefix, if you have to share the PrivateBin database with another application or you want to use a prefix for [security reasons](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/119510/is-using-a-db-prefix-for-tables-more-secure). The table prefix option is called `tbl`. > #### Note > The `Database` model has only been tested with SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL, > although it would not be recommended to use SQLite in a production environment. > If you gain any experience running PrivateBin on other RDBMS, please let us > know. For reference or if you want to create the table schema for yourself (replace `prefix_` with your own table prefix): CREATE TABLE prefix_paste ( dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL, data BLOB, postdate INT, expiredate INT, opendiscussion INT, burnafterreading INT, meta TEXT, attachment MEDIUMBLOB, attachmentname BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (dataid) ); CREATE TABLE prefix_comment ( dataid CHAR(16), pasteid CHAR(16), parentid CHAR(16), data BLOB, nickname BLOB, vizhash BLOB, postdate INT, PRIMARY KEY (dataid) ); CREATE INDEX parent ON prefix_comment(pasteid); CREATE TABLE prefix_config ( id CHAR(16) NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO prefix_config VALUES('VERSION', '0.22');