import pytest from .conftest import ( tick_box, info_box, cross_box, mock_command, ) def mock_selinux_config(state, Pihole): ''' Creates a mock SELinux config file with expected content ''' # validate state string valid_states = ['enforcing', 'permissive', 'disabled'] assert state in valid_states # getenforce returns the running state of SELinux mock_command('getenforce', {'*': (state.capitalize(), '0')}, Pihole) # create mock configuration with desired content''' mkdir /etc/selinux echo "SELINUX={state}" > /etc/selinux/config '''.format(state=state.lower())) @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ('fedora_31'), ('fedora_32'), ]) def test_selinux_enforcing_exit(Pihole): ''' confirms installer prompts to exit when SELinux is Enforcing by default ''' mock_selinux_config("enforcing", Pihole) check_selinux =''' source /opt/pihole/ checkSelinux ''') expected_stdout = cross_box + ' Current SELinux: Enforcing' assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout expected_stdout = 'SELinux Enforcing detected, exiting installer' assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout assert check_selinux.rc == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ('fedora_31'), ('fedora_32'), ]) def test_selinux_permissive(Pihole): ''' confirms installer continues when SELinux is Permissive ''' mock_selinux_config("permissive", Pihole) check_selinux =''' source /opt/pihole/ checkSelinux ''') expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Current SELinux: Permissive' assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout assert check_selinux.rc == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ('fedora_31'), ('fedora_32'), ]) def test_selinux_disabled(Pihole): ''' confirms installer continues when SELinux is Disabled ''' mock_selinux_config("disabled", Pihole) check_selinux =''' source /opt/pihole/ checkSelinux ''') expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Current SELinux: Disabled' assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout assert check_selinux.rc == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('fedora_31'), ('fedora_32'), ]) def test_epel_and_remi_not_installed_fedora(Pihole): ''' confirms installer does not attempt to install EPEL/REMI repositories on Fedora ''' distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') assert distro_check.stdout == '' epel_package = Pihole.package('epel-release') assert not epel_package.is_installed remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ]) def test_release_supported_version_check_centos(Pihole): ''' confirms installer exits on unsupported releases of CentOS ''' # modify /etc/redhat-release to mock an unsupported CentOS release'echo "CentOS Linux release 6.9" > /etc/redhat-release') distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = cross_box + (' CentOS 6 is not supported.') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = 'Please update to CentOS release 7 or later' assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ]) def test_enable_epel_repository_centos(Pihole): ''' confirms the EPEL package repository is enabled when installed on CentOS ''' distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling EPEL package repository ' '(') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Installed epel-release' assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout epel_package = Pihole.package('epel-release') assert epel_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_default_optout_centos_eq_7(Pihole): ''' confirms the default behavior to opt-out of installing PHP7 from REMI ''' distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. ' 'Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_default_continue_centos_gte_8(Pihole): ''' confirms the latest version of CentOS continues / does not optout (should trigger on CentOS7 only) ''' distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') unexpected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS.' ' Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert unexpected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout # ensure remi was not installed on latest CentOS remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_user_optout_centos_eq_7(Pihole): ''' confirms installer behavior when user opt-out of installing PHP7 from REMI (php not currently installed) ''' # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. ' 'Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_user_optout_skipped_centos_gte_8(Pihole): ''' confirms installer skips user opt-out of installing PHP7 from REMI on latest CentOS (should trigger on CentOS7 only) (php not currently installed) ''' # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') unexpected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS.' ' Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert unexpected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout # ensure remi was not installed on latest CentOS remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_user_optin_centos_eq_7(Pihole): ''' confirms installer behavior when user opt-in to installing PHP7 from REMI (php not currently installed) ''' # Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') assert 'opt-out' not in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling Remi\'s RPM repository ' '(') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Remi\'s RPM repository has ' 'been enabled for PHP7') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_upgrade_user_optin_skipped_centos_gte_8(Pihole): ''' confirms installer skips user opt-in to installing PHP7 from REMI on latest CentOS (should trigger on CentOS7 only) (php not currently installed) ''' # Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') assert 'opt-out' not in distro_check.stdout unexpected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling Remi\'s RPM repository ' '(') assert unexpected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout unexpected_stdout = tick_box + (' Remi\'s RPM repository has ' 'been enabled for PHP7') assert unexpected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_default_optout_centos(Pihole): ''' confirms the default behavior to opt-out of upgrading to PHP7 from REMI ''' # first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior php_install ='yum install -y php') assert php_install.rc == 0 php_package = Pihole.package('php') default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0] if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7") distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. ' 'Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_user_optout_centos(Pihole): ''' confirms installer behavior when user opt-out to upgrade to PHP7 via REMI ''' # first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior php_install ='yum install -y php') assert php_install.rc == 0 php_package = Pihole.package('php') default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0] if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7") # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. ' 'Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert not remi_package.is_installed @pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos_7'), ('centos_8'), ]) def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_user_optin_centos(Pihole): ''' confirms installer behavior when user opt-in to upgrade to PHP7 via REMI ''' # first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior php_install ='yum install -y php') assert php_install.rc == 0 php_package = Pihole.package('php') default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0] if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7") # Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole) distro_check =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check install_dependent_packages PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS[@] ''') expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. ' 'Deprecated PHP may be in use.') assert expected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling Remi\'s RPM repository ' '(') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Remi\'s RPM repository has ' 'been enabled for PHP7') assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release') assert remi_package.is_installed updated_php_package = Pihole.package('php') updated_php_version = updated_php_package.version.split('.')[0] assert int(updated_php_version) == 7