name: Sync Back to Development on: push: branches: - master # The section is needed to drop the default write-all permissions for all jobs # that are granted on `push` event. By specifying any permission explicitly # all others are set to none. By using the principle of least privilege the damage a compromised # workflow can do (because of an injection or compromised third party tool or # action) is restricted. Adding labels to issues, commenting # on pull-requests, etc. may need additional permissions: # # Syntax for this section: # # # Reference for how to assign permissions on a job-by-job basis: # # # Reference for available permissions that we can enable if needed: # permissions: {} jobs: sync-branches: # The job needs to be able to pull the code and create a pull request. permissions: contents: read # for actions/checkout pull-requests: write # to create pull request runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Syncing branches steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3.1.0 - name: Opening pull request id: pull uses: tretuna/sync-branches@1.4.0 with: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} FROM_BRANCH: 'master' TO_BRANCH: 'development' - name: Label the pull request to ignore for release note generation uses: actions-ecosystem/action-add-labels@v1.1.3 with: labels: internal repo: ${{ github.repository }} number: ${{ steps.pull.outputs.PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER }}