# Automated Install #### Designed For Raspberry Pi B, B+, 2, ##### and Zero (with an Ethernet adapter) 1. Install Raspbian 2. Run the command below ### ```curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash``` ![Pi-hole automated installation](http://i.imgur.com/Un7lBlj.png) Once installed, **configure any device to use the Raspberry Pi as its DNS server and the ads will be blocked**. You can also configure your router's DHCP options to assign the Pi as clients DNS server so they do not need to do it manually. [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif "AdminLTE Presentation")](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3J2L3Z4DHW9UY "Donate") # How Does It Work? **Watch the 60-second video below to get a quick overview** [![Pi-hole exlplained](http://i.imgur.com/wd5ltCU.png)](https://vimeo.com/135965232) ## Video Coverage ### TekThing Pi-hole is mentioned at the two minute mark [![Pi-hole on TekThing](http://img.youtube.com/vi/8Co59HU2gY0/0.jpg)](https://youtu.be/8Co59HU2gY0?t=2m) ### Security Now! Podcast Pi-hole is mentioned at 100 minutes and 26 seconds (the link brings you right there) [![Pi-hole on Security Now!](http://img.youtube.com/vi/p7-osq_y8i8/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7-osq_y8i8&t=100m26s) ### Tech Blogs Pi-hole has been written about on: - [Medium](https://medium.com/@robleathern/block-ads-on-all-home-devices-for-53-18-a5f1ec139693#.gj1xpgr5d) - [MakeUseOf](http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/adblock-everywhere-raspberry-pi-hole-way/) - [Lifehacker](http://lifehacker.com/turn-a-raspberry-pi-into-an-ad-blocker-with-a-single-co-1686093533)! ## Partnering With Optimal.com Pi-hole will be teaming up with [Rob Leathern's subscription service to avoid ads](https://medium.com/@robleathern/block-ads-on-all-home-devices-for-53-18-a5f1ec139693#.gj1xpgr5d). This service is unique and will help content-creators and publishers [still make money from visitors who are using an ad ablocker](http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/17/the-new-optimal/). ## Technical Details A more detailed explanation of the installation can be found [here](http://jacobsalmela.com/block-millions-ads-network-wide-with-a-raspberry-pi-hole-2-0). ## Gravity The [gravity.sh](https://github.com/jacobsalmela/pi-hole/blob/master/gravity.sh) does most of the magic. The script pulls in ad domains from many sources and compiles them into a single list of [over 1.6 million entries](http://jacobsalmela.com/block-millions-ads-network-wide-with-a-raspberry-pi-hole-2-0). ## Whitelist and blacklist You can add a `whitelist.txt` or `blacklist.txt` in `/etc/pihole/` and the script will apply those files automatically. ## Web Interface The [Web interface](https://github.com/jacobsalmela/AdminLTE#pi-hole-admin-dashboard) will be installed automatically so you can view stats and change settings. You can find it at: `http://192.168.1.x/admin/index.php` ![Web](http://i.imgur.com/m114SCn.png) ## Custom Config File If you want to use your own variables for the gravity script (i.e. storing the files in a different location) and don't want to have to change them every time there is an update to the script, create a file called `/etc/pihole/pihole.conf`. In it, you should add your own variables in a similar fashion as shown below: ``` piholeDir=/var/run/pihole adList=/etc/dnsmasq.d/adList ``` See the [Wiki](https://github.com/jacobsalmela/pi-hole/wiki/Customization) entry for more details. ### How It Works A technical and detailed description can be found [here](http://jacobsalmela.com/block-millions-ads-network-wide-with-a-raspberry-pi-hole-2-0)! ## Other Operating Systems This script will work for other UNIX-like systems with some slight **modifications**. As long as you can install `dnsmasq` and a Webserver, it should work OK. The automated install only works for a clean install of Raspiban right now since that is how the project originated. ### Examples Of The Pi-hole On Other Operating Systems - [Sky-Hole](http://dlaa.me/blog/post/skyhole) - [Pi-hole in the Cloud!](http://blog.codybunch.com/2015/07/28/Pi-Hole-in-the-cloud/) [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif "AdminLTE Presentation")](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3J2L3Z4DHW9UY "Donate")