## Pi-hole ad-list default sources. Updated 29/10/2016 #########################
#                                                                              #
#  To make changes to this file:                                               #
#    1. run `cp /etc/pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.list`          #
#    2. run `nano /etc/pihole/adlists.list`                                    #
#    3. Uncomment or comment any of the below lists                            #
#                                                                              #
#  Know of any other lists? Feel free to let us know about them, or add them   #
#  to this file!                                                               #

# The below list amalgamates several lists we used previously.
# See `https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts` for details

# Other lists we consider safe:

# hosts-file.net list. Updated frequently, but has been known to block legitimate sites.

# Mahakala list. Has been known to block legitimage domains including the entire .com range.
# Warning: Due to the sheer size of this list, the web admin console will be unresponsive.

# ADZHOSTS list. Has been known to block legitimate domains

# Windows 10 telemetry list

# Securemecca.com list - Also blocks "adult" sites (pornography/gambling etc)

# Quidsup's tracker list

# Block the BBC News website Breaking News banner

# Untested Lists:
# Following two lists should be used simultaneously: (readme https://github.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists/)
# Combination of serveral host files on the internet (warning some facebook domains are also blocked but you can go to facebook.com). See https://github.com/mat1th/Dns-add-block for more information.