#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Web interface settings # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. readonly setupVars="/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf" readonly dnsmasqconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" readonly dhcpconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/02-pihole-dhcp.conf" # 03 -> wildcards readonly dhcpstaticconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf" helpFunc() { cat << EOM ::: Set admin options for the web interface of pihole ::: ::: Usage: pihole -a [options] ::: ::: Options: ::: -p, password Set web interface password, an empty input will remove any previously set password ::: -c, celsius Set Celsius temperature unit ::: -f, fahrenheit Set Fahrenheit temperature unit ::: -k, kelvin Set Kelvin temperature unit ::: -h, --help Show this help dialog ::: -i, interface Setup interface listening behavior of dnsmasq ::: pihole -a -i local : Listen on all interfaces, but allow only queries from ::: devices that are at most one hop away (local devices) ::: pihole -a -i single : Listen only on one interface (see PIHOLE_INTERFACE) ::: pihole -a -i all : Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins EOM exit 0 } add_setting() { echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${setupVars}" } delete_setting() { sed -i "/${1}/d" "${setupVars}" } change_setting() { delete_setting "${1}" add_setting "${1}" "${2}" } add_dnsmasq_setting() { if [[ "${2}" != "" ]]; then echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" else echo "${1}" >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" fi } delete_dnsmasq_setting() { sed -i "/${1}/d" "${dnsmasqconfig}" } SetTemperatureUnit(){ change_setting "TEMPERATUREUNIT" "${unit}" } SetWebPassword(){ if [ "${SUDO_USER}" == "www-data" ]; then echo "Security measure: user www-data is not allowed to change webUI password!" echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi if [ "${SUDO_USER}" == "lighttpd" ]; then echo "Security measure: user lighttpd is not allowed to change webUI password!" echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi # Set password only if there is one to be set if (( ${#args[2]} > 0 )) ; then # Compute password hash twice to avoid rainbow table vulnerability hash=$(echo -n ${args[2]} | sha256sum | sed 's/\s.*$//') hash=$(echo -n ${hash} | sha256sum | sed 's/\s.*$//') # Save hash to file change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" "${hash}" echo "New password set" else change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" "" echo "Password removed" fi } ProcessDNSSettings() { source "${setupVars}" delete_dnsmasq_setting "server" COUNTER=1 while [[ 1 ]]; do var=PIHOLE_DNS_${COUNTER} if [ -z "${!var}" ]; then break; fi add_dnsmasq_setting "server" "${!var}" let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done delete_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed" if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" == true ]]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "bogus-priv" if [[ "${DNS_BOGUS_PRIV}" == true ]]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "bogus-priv" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "dnssec" delete_dnsmasq_setting "trust-anchor=" if [[ "${DNSSEC}" == true ]]; then echo "dnssec trust-anchor=.,19036,8,2,49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A41855200FD2CE1CDDE32F24E8FB5 " >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "host-record" if [ ! -z "${HOSTRECORD}" ]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "host-record" "${HOSTRECORD}" fi # Setup interface listening behavior of dnsmasq delete_dnsmasq_setting "interface" delete_dnsmasq_setting "local-service" if [[ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" == "all" ]]; then # Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins add_dnsmasq_setting "except-interface" "nonexisting" elif [[ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" == "local" ]]; then # Listen only on all interfaces, but only local subnets add_dnsmasq_setting "local-service" else # Listen only on one interface add_dnsmasq_setting "interface" "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" fi } SetDNSServers(){ # Save setting to file delete_setting "PIHOLE_DNS" IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "${args[2]}" for index in "${!array[@]}" do add_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_$((index+1))" "${array[index]}" done if [[ "${args[3]}" == "domain-needed" ]]; then change_setting "DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" "true" else change_setting "DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" "false" fi if [[ "${args[4]}" == "bogus-priv" ]]; then change_setting "DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" "true" else change_setting "DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" "false" fi if [[ "${args[5]}" == "dnssec" ]]; then change_setting "DNSSEC" "true" else change_setting "DNSSEC" "false" fi ProcessDNSSettings # Restart dnsmasq to load new configuration RestartDNS } SetExcludeDomains(){ change_setting "API_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS" "${args[2]}" } SetExcludeClients(){ change_setting "API_EXCLUDE_CLIENTS" "${args[2]}" } Reboot(){ nohup bash -c "sleep 5; reboot" &> /dev/null /dev/null else service dnsmasq restart &> /dev/null fi } SetQueryLogOptions(){ change_setting "API_QUERY_LOG_SHOW" "${args[2]}" } ProcessDHCPSettings() { source "${setupVars}" if [[ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" == "true" ]]; then interface=$(grep 'PIHOLE_INTERFACE=' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf | sed "s/.*=//") # Use eth0 as fallback interface if [ -z ${interface} ]; then interface="eth0" fi if [[ "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" == "" ]]; then PIHOLE_DOMAIN="local" change_setting "PIHOLE_DOMAIN" "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" fi if [[ "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" == "0" ]]; then leasetime="infinite" elif [[ "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" == "" ]]; then leasetime="24h" change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${leasetime}" else leasetime="${DHCP_LEASETIME}h" fi # Write settings to file echo "############################################################################### # DHCP SERVER CONFIG FILE AUTOMATICALLY POPULATED BY PI-HOLE WEB INTERFACE. # # ANY CHANGES MADE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST ON CHANGE # ############################################################################### dhcp-authoritative dhcp-range=${DHCP_START},${DHCP_END},${leasetime} dhcp-option=option:router,${DHCP_ROUTER} dhcp-leasefile=/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases #quiet-dhcp " > "${dhcpconfig}" if [[ "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" != "none" ]]; then echo "domain=${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" >> "${dhcpconfig}" fi if [[ "${DHCP_IPv6}" == "true" ]]; then echo "#quiet-dhcp6 #enable-ra dhcp-option=option6:dns-server,[::] dhcp-range=::100,::1ff,constructor:${interface},ra-names,slaac,${leasetime} ra-param=*,0,0 " >> "${dhcpconfig}" fi else rm "${dhcpconfig}" &> /dev/null fi } EnableDHCP(){ change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "true" change_setting "DHCP_START" "${args[2]}" change_setting "DHCP_END" "${args[3]}" change_setting "DHCP_ROUTER" "${args[4]}" change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${args[5]}" change_setting "PIHOLE_DOMAIN" "${args[6]}" change_setting "DHCP_IPv6" "${args[7]}" # Remove possible old setting from file delete_dnsmasq_setting "dhcp-" delete_dnsmasq_setting "quiet-dhcp" ProcessDHCPSettings RestartDNS } DisableDHCP(){ change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "false" # Remove possible old setting from file delete_dnsmasq_setting "dhcp-" delete_dnsmasq_setting "quiet-dhcp" ProcessDHCPSettings RestartDNS } SetWebUILayout(){ change_setting "WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT" "${args[2]}" } SetPrivacyMode(){ if [[ "${args[2]}" == "true" ]] ; then change_setting "API_PRIVACY_MODE" "true" else change_setting "API_PRIVACY_MODE" "false" fi } ResolutionSettings() { typ="${args[2]}" state="${args[3]}" if [[ "${typ}" == "forward" ]]; then change_setting "API_GET_UPSTREAM_DNS_HOSTNAME" "${state}" elif [[ "${typ}" == "clients" ]]; then change_setting "API_GET_CLIENT_HOSTNAME" "${state}" fi } AddDHCPStaticAddress() { mac="${args[2]}" ip="${args[3]}" host="${args[4]}" if [[ "${ip}" == "noip" ]]; then # Static host name echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${host}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" elif [[ "${host}" == "nohost" ]]; then # Static IP echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${ip}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" else # Full info given echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${ip},${host}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" fi } RemoveDHCPStaticAddress() { mac="${args[2]}" sed -i "/dhcp-host=${mac}.*/d" "${dhcpstaticconfig}" } SetHostRecord(){ if [ -n "${args[3]}" ]; then change_setting "HOSTRECORD" "${args[2]},${args[3]}" echo "Setting host record for ${args[2]} -> ${args[3]}" else change_setting "HOSTRECORD" "" echo "Removing host record" fi ProcessDNSSettings # Restart dnsmasq to load new configuration RestartDNS } SetListeningMode(){ source "${setupVars}" if [[ "${args[2]}" == "all" ]] ; then echo "Listening on all interfaces, permiting all origins, hope you have a firewall!" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "all" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "local" ]] ; then echo "Listening on all interfaces, permitting only origins that are at most one hop away (local devices)" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "local" else echo "Listening only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "single" fi # Don't restart DNS server yet because other settings # will be applied afterwards if "-web" is set if [[ "${args[3]}" != "-web" ]]; then ProcessDNSSettings # Restart dnsmasq to load new configuration RestartDNS fi } Teleporter() { local datetimestamp=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") php /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/teleporter.php > "pi-hole-teleporter_${datetimestamp}.zip" } main() { args=("$@") case "${args[1]}" in "-p" | "password" ) SetWebPassword;; "-c" | "celsius" ) unit="C"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "-f" | "fahrenheit" ) unit="F"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "-k" | "kelvin" ) unit="K"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "setdns" ) SetDNSServers;; "setexcludedomains" ) SetExcludeDomains;; "setexcludeclients" ) SetExcludeClients;; "reboot" ) Reboot;; "restartdns" ) RestartDNS;; "setquerylog" ) SetQueryLogOptions;; "enabledhcp" ) EnableDHCP;; "disabledhcp" ) DisableDHCP;; "layout" ) SetWebUILayout;; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; "privacymode" ) SetPrivacyMode;; "resolve" ) ResolutionSettings;; "addstaticdhcp" ) AddDHCPStaticAddress;; "removestaticdhcp" ) RemoveDHCPStaticAddress;; "hostrecord" ) SetHostRecord;; "-i" | "interface" ) SetListeningMode;; "-t" | "teleporter" ) Teleporter;; * ) helpFunc;; esac shift if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then helpFunc fi }