#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Controller for all pihole scripts and functions. # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. readonly PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR="/opt/pihole" # PI_HOLE_BIN_DIR is not readonly here because in some functions (checkout), # they might get set again when the installer is sourced. This causes an # error due to modifying a readonly variable. PI_HOLE_BIN_DIR="/usr/local/bin" readonly colfile="${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}/COL_TABLE" source "${colfile}" readonly utilsfile="${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}/utils.sh" source "${utilsfile}" # Source api functions readonly apifile="${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}/api.sh" source "${apifile}" versionsfile="/etc/pihole/versions" if [ -f "${versionsfile}" ]; then # Only source versionsfile if the file exits # fixes a warning during installation where versionsfile does not exist yet # but gravity calls `pihole -status` and thereby sourcing the file source "${versionsfile}" fi # TODO: We can probably remove the reliance on this function too, just tell people to pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.password "password" SetWebPassword() { if [ -n "$2" ] ; then readonly PASSWORD="$2" readonly CONFIRM="${PASSWORD}" else # Prevents a bug if the user presses Ctrl+C and it continues to hide the text typed. # So we reset the terminal via stty if the user does press Ctrl+C trap '{ echo -e "\nNot changed" ; stty sane ; exit 1; }' INT read -s -r -p "Enter New Password (Blank for no password): " PASSWORD echo "" if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "" ]; then setFTLConfigValue "webserver.api.password" "" echo -e " ${TICK} Password Removed" exit 0 fi read -s -r -p "Confirm Password: " CONFIRM echo "" fi if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "${CONFIRM}" ] ; then # pihole-FTL will automatically hash the password setFTLConfigValue "webserver.api.password" "${PASSWORD}" echo -e " ${TICK} New password set" else echo -e " ${CROSS} Passwords don't match. Your password has not been changed" exit 1 fi } listFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/list.sh "$@" exit 0 } debugFunc() { local automated local web local check_database_integrity # Pull off the `debug` leaving passed call augmentation flags in $1 shift for value in "$@"; do [[ "$value" == *"-a"* ]] && automated="true" [[ "$value" == *"-w"* ]] && web="true" [[ "$value" == *"-c"* ]] && check_database_integrity="true" [[ "$value" == *"--check_database"* ]] && check_database_integrity="true" done AUTOMATED=${automated:-} WEBCALL=${web:-} CHECK_DATABASE=${check_database_integrity:-} "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeDebug.sh exit 0 } flushFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeLogFlush.sh "$@" exit 0 } arpFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeARPTable.sh "$@" exit 0 } updatePiholeFunc() { if [ -n "${DOCKER_VERSION}" ]; then unsupportedFunc else shift "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/update.sh "$@" exit 0 fi } reconfigurePiholeFunc() { if [ -n "${DOCKER_VERSION}" ]; then unsupportedFunc else /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure exit 0; fi } updateGravityFunc() { exec "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/gravity.sh "$@" } queryFunc() { shift "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/query.sh "$@" exit 0 } chronometerFunc() { echo "Chronometer is gone, use PADD (https://github.com/pi-hole/PADD)" exit 0 } uninstallFunc() { if [ -n "${DOCKER_VERSION}" ]; then unsupportedFunc else "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/uninstall.sh exit 0 fi } versionFunc() { exec "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/version.sh } reloadDNS() { local svcOption svc str output status pid icon FTL_PID_FILE svcOption="${1:-reload}" # get the current path to the pihole-FTL.pid FTL_PID_FILE="$(getFTLConfigValue files.pid)" # Determine if we should reload or restart if [[ "${svcOption}" =~ "reload-lists" ]]; then # Reloading of the lists has been requested # Note 1: This will NOT re-read any *.conf files # Note 2: We cannot use killall here as it does # not know about real-time signals pid="$(getFTLPID ${FTL_PID_FILE})" if [[ "$pid" -eq "-1" ]]; then svc="true" str="FTL is not running" icon="${INFO}" else svc="kill -RTMIN ${pid}" str="Reloading DNS lists" icon="${TICK}" fi elif [[ "${svcOption}" =~ "reload" ]]; then # Reloading of the DNS cache has been requested # Note: This will NOT re-read any *.conf files pid="$(getFTLPID ${FTL_PID_FILE})" if [[ "$pid" -eq "-1" ]]; then svc="true" str="FTL is not running" icon="${INFO}" else svc="kill -HUP ${pid}" str="Flushing DNS cache" icon="${TICK}" fi fi # Print output to Terminal, but not to Web Admin [[ -t 1 ]] && echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." output=$( { ${svc}; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -eq 0 ]]; then [[ -t 1 ]] && echo -e "${OVER} ${icon} ${str}" return 0 else [[ ! -t 1 ]] && local OVER="" echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${output}" return 1 fi } piholeEnable() { if [[ "${2}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${2}" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: pihole enable/disable [time] Example: 'pihole enable', or 'pihole disable 5m' En- or disable Pi-hole subsystems Time: #s En-/disable Pi-hole functionality for # second(s) #m En-/disable Pi-hole functionality for # minute(s)" exit 0 fi # Get timer local tt="null" if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then local error=false if [[ "${2}" == *"s" ]]; then tt=${2%"s"} if [[ ! "${tt}" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]];then local error=true fi elif [[ "${2}" == *"m" ]]; then tt=${2%"m"} if [[ "${tt}" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]];then tt=$((${tt}*60)) else local error=true fi elif [[ -n "${2}" ]]; then local error=true fi if [[ ${error} == true ]];then echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Unknown format for blocking timer!${COL_NC}" echo -e " Try 'pihole disable --help' for more information." exit 1 fi fi # Authenticate with the API LoginAPI # Send the request data=$(PostFTLData "dns/blocking" "{ \"blocking\": ${1}, \"timer\": ${tt} }") # Check the response local extra=" forever" local timer="$(echo "${data}"| jq --raw-output '.timer' )" if [[ "${timer}" != "null" ]]; then extra=" for ${timer}s" fi local str="Pi-hole $(echo "${data}" | jq --raw-output '.blocking')${extra}" # Logout from the API LogoutAPI echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" } piholeLogging() { shift if [[ "${1}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${1}" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: pihole logging [options] Example: 'pihole logging on' Specify whether the Pi-hole log should be used Options: on Enable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log off Disable and flush the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log off noflush Disable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log" exit 0 elif [[ "${1}" == "off" ]]; then # Disable logging setFTLConfigValue dns.queryLogging false if [[ "${2}" != "noflush" ]]; then # Flush logs "${PI_HOLE_BIN_DIR}"/pihole -f fi echo -e " ${INFO} Disabling logging..." local str="Logging has been disabled!" elif [[ "${1}" == "on" ]]; then # Enable logging setFTLConfigValue dns.queryLogging true echo -e " ${INFO} Enabling logging..." local str="Logging has been enabled!" else echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Invalid option${COL_NC} Try 'pihole logging --help' for more information." exit 1 fi echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" } analyze_ports() { local lv4 lv6 port=${1} # FTL is listening at least on at least one port when this # function is getting called # Check individual address family/protocol combinations # For a healthy Pi-hole, they should all be up (nothing printed) lv4="$(ss --ipv4 --listening --numeric --tcp --udp src :${port})" if grep -q "udp " <<< "${lv4}"; then echo -e " ${TICK} UDP (IPv4)" else echo -e " ${CROSS} UDP (IPv4)" fi if grep -q "tcp " <<< "${lv4}"; then echo -e " ${TICK} TCP (IPv4)" else echo -e " ${CROSS} TCP (IPv4)" fi lv6="$(ss --ipv6 --listening --numeric --tcp --udp src :${port})" if grep -q "udp " <<< "${lv6}"; then echo -e " ${TICK} UDP (IPv6)" else echo -e " ${CROSS} UDP (IPv6)" fi if grep -q "tcp " <<< "${lv6}"; then echo -e " ${TICK} TCP (IPv6)" else echo -e " ${CROSS} TCP (IPv6)" fi echo "" } statusFunc() { # Determine if there is pihole-FTL service is listening local pid port ftl_pid_file block_status ftl_pid_file="$(getFTLConfigValue files.pid)" pid="$(getFTLPID ${ftl_pid_file})" if [[ "$pid" -eq "-1" ]]; then case "${1}" in "web") echo "-1";; *) echo -e " ${CROSS} DNS service is NOT running";; esac exit 0 else # get the DNS port pihole-FTL is listening on port="$(getFTLConfigValue dns.port)" if [[ "${port}" == "0" ]]; then case "${1}" in "web") echo "-1";; *) echo -e " ${CROSS} DNS service is NOT listening";; esac exit 0 else if [[ "${1}" != "web" ]]; then echo -e " ${TICK} FTL is listening on port ${port}" analyze_ports "${port}" fi fi fi # Determine if Pi-hole's blocking is enabled block_status=$(getFTLConfigValue dns.blocking.active) if [ ${block_status} == "true" ]; then case "${1}" in "web") echo "$port";; *) echo -e " ${TICK} Pi-hole blocking is enabled";; esac else case "${1}" in "web") echo 0;; *) echo -e " ${CROSS} Pi-hole blocking is disabled";; esac fi exit 0 } tailFunc() { # Warn user if Pi-hole's logging is disabled local logging_enabled=$(getFTLConfigValue dns.queryLogging) if [[ "${logging_enabled}" != "true" ]]; then echo " ${CROSS} Warning: Query logging is disabled" fi echo -e " ${INFO} Press Ctrl-C to exit" # Get logfile path readonly LOGFILE=$(getFTLConfigValue files.log.dnsmasq) # Strip date from each line # Color blocklist/denylist/wildcard entries as red # Color A/AAAA/DHCP strings as white # Color everything else as gray tail -f $LOGFILE | grep --line-buffered "${1}" | sed -E \ -e "s,($(date +'%b %d ')| dnsmasq\[[0-9]*\]),,g" \ -e "s,(.*(denied |gravity blocked ).*),${COL_RED}&${COL_NC}," \ -e "s,.*(query\\[A|DHCP).*,${COL_NC}&${COL_NC}," \ -e "s,.*,${COL_GRAY}&${COL_NC}," exit 0 } piholeCheckoutFunc() { if [ -n "${DOCKER_VERSION}" ]; then unsupportedFunc else if [[ "$2" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$2" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different GitHub branch Usage: ${COL_GREEN}pihole checkout${COL_NC} ${COL_YELLOW}shortcut${COL_NC} or ${COL_GREEN}pihole checkout${COL_NC} ${COL_PURPLE}repo${COL_NC} ${COL_CYAN}branch${COL_NC} Example: ${COL_GREEN}pihole checkout${COL_NC} ${COL_YELLOW}master${COL_NC} or ${COL_GREEN}pihole checkout${COL_NC} ${COL_PURPLE}ftl ${COL_CYAN}development${COL_NC} Shortcuts: ${COL_YELLOW}master${COL_NC} Update all subsystems to the latest stable release ${COL_YELLOW}dev${COL_NC} Update all subsystems to the latest development release Individual components: ${COL_PURPLE}core${COL_NC} ${COL_CYAN}branch${COL_NC} Change the branch of Pi-hole's core subsystem ${COL_PURPLE}web${COL_NC} ${COL_CYAN}branch${COL_NC} Change the branch of the web interface subsystem ${COL_PURPLE}ftl${COL_NC} ${COL_CYAN}branch${COL_NC} Change the branch of Pi-hole's FTL subsystem" exit 0 fi source "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeCheckout.sh shift checkout "$@" fi } tricorderFunc() { local tricorder_token if [[ ! -p "/dev/stdin" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Please do not call Tricorder directly" exit 1 fi tricorder_token=$(curl --silent --fail --show-error --upload-file "-" https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/upload < /dev/stdin 2>&1) if [[ "${tricorder_token}" != "https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/"* ]]; then echo -e "${CROSS} uploading failed, contact Pi-hole support for assistance." # Log curl error (if available) if [ -n "${tricorder_token}" ]; then echo -e "${INFO} Error message: ${COL_RED}${tricorder_token}${COL_NC}\\n" tricorder_token="" fi exit 1 fi echo "Upload successful, your token is: ${COL_GREEN}${tricorder_token}${COL_NC}" exit 0 } updateCheckFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/updatecheck.sh "$@" exit 0 } unsupportedFunc(){ echo "Function not supported in Docker images" exit 0 } helpFunc() { echo "Usage: pihole [options] Example: 'pihole allow -h' Add '-h' after specific commands for more information on usage Domain Options: allow, allowlist Allow domain(s) deny, denylist Deny domain(s) --regex, regex Regex deny domains(s) --allow-regex Regex allow domains(s) --wild, wildcard Wildcard deny domain(s) --allow-wild Wildcard allow domain(s) Add '-h' for more info on allow/deny usage Debugging Options: -d, debug Start a debugging session Add '-c' or '--check-database' to include a Pi-hole database integrity check Add '-a' to automatically upload the log to tricorder.pi-hole.net -f, flush Flush the Pi-hole log -r, reconfigure Reconfigure or Repair Pi-hole subsystems -t, tail [arg] View the live output of the Pi-hole log. Add an optional argument to filter the log (regular expressions are supported) api Query the Pi-hole API at Options: setpassword [pwd] Set the password for the web interface Without optional argument, password is read interactively. When specifying a password directly, enclose it in single quotes. -g, updateGravity Update the list of ad-serving domains -h, --help, help Show this help dialog -l, logging Specify whether the Pi-hole log should be used Add '-h' for more info on logging usage -q, query Query the adlists for a specified domain Add '-h' for more info on query usage -up, updatePihole Update Pi-hole subsystems Add '--check-only' to exit script before update is performed. -v, version Show installed versions of Pi-hole, Web Interface & FTL uninstall Uninstall Pi-hole from your system status Display the running status of Pi-hole subsystems enable Enable Pi-hole subsystems disable Disable Pi-hole subsystems Add '-h' for more info on disable usage reloaddns Update the lists and flush the cache without restarting the DNS server reloadlists Update the lists WITHOUT flushing the cache or restarting the DNS server checkout Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different GitHub branch Add '-h' for more info on checkout usage arpflush Flush information stored in Pi-hole's network tables"; exit 0 } if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then helpFunc fi # functions that do not require sudo power need_root=1 case "${1}" in "-h" | "help" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; "-v" | "version" ) versionFunc;; "-c" | "chronometer" ) chronometerFunc "$@";; "-q" | "query" ) queryFunc "$@";; "status" ) statusFunc "$2";; "tricorder" ) tricorderFunc;; # we need to add all arguments that require sudo power to not trigger the * argument "allow" | "allowlist" ) need_root=0;; "deny" | "denylist" ) need_root=0;; "--wild" | "wildcard" ) need_root=0;; "--regex" | "regex" ) need_root=0;; "--allow-regex" | "allow-regex" ) need_root=0;; "--allow-wild" | "allow-wild" ) need_root=0;; "-f" | "flush" ) ;; "-up" | "updatePihole" ) ;; "-r" | "reconfigure" ) ;; "-l" | "logging" ) ;; "uninstall" ) ;; "enable" ) need_root=0;; "disable" ) need_root=0;; "-d" | "debug" ) ;; "-g" | "updateGravity" ) ;; "reloaddns" ) ;; "reloadlists" ) ;; "setpassword" ) ;; "checkout" ) ;; "updatechecker" ) ;; "arpflush" ) ;; "-t" | "tail" ) ;; "api" ) need_root=0;; * ) helpFunc;; esac # In the case of alpine running in a container, the USER variable appears to be blank # which prevents the next trap from working correctly. Set it by running whoami if [[ -z ${USER} ]]; then USER=$(whoami) fi # Check if the current user is neither root nor pihole and if the command # requires root. If so, exit with an error message. if [[ $EUID -ne 0 && ${USER} != "pihole" && need_root -eq 1 ]];then echo -e " ${CROSS} The Pi-hole command requires root privileges, try:" echo -e " ${COL_GREEN}sudo pihole $*${COL_NC}" exit 1 fi # Handle redirecting to specific functions based on arguments case "${1}" in "allow" | "allowlist" ) listFunc "$@";; "deny" | "denylist" ) listFunc "$@";; "--wild" | "wildcard" ) listFunc "$@";; "--regex" | "regex" ) listFunc "$@";; "--allow-regex" | "allow-regex" ) listFunc "$@";; "--allow-wild" | "allow-wild" ) listFunc "$@";; "-d" | "debug" ) debugFunc "$@";; "-f" | "flush" ) flushFunc "$@";; "-up" | "updatePihole" ) updatePiholeFunc "$@";; "-r" | "reconfigure" ) reconfigurePiholeFunc;; "-g" | "updateGravity" ) updateGravityFunc "$@";; "-l" | "logging" ) piholeLogging "$@";; "uninstall" ) uninstallFunc;; "enable" ) piholeEnable true "$2";; "disable" ) piholeEnable false "$2";; "reloaddns" ) reloadDNS "reload";; "reloadlists" ) reloadDNS "reload-lists";; "setpassword" ) SetWebPassword "$@";; "checkout" ) piholeCheckoutFunc "$@";; "updatechecker" ) shift; updateCheckFunc "$@";; "arpflush" ) arpFunc "$@";; "-t" | "tail" ) tailFunc "$2";; "api" ) apiFunc "$2";; * ) helpFunc;; esac