#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Whitelist and blacklist domains # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. # Globals basename=pihole piholeDir=/etc/"${basename}" gravityDBfile="${piholeDir}/gravity.db" reload=false addmode=true verbose=true wildcard=false web=false domList=() typeId="" colfile="/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE" source ${colfile} # IDs are hard-wired to domain interpretation in the gravity database scheme # Clients (including FTL) will read them through the corresponding views readonly whitelist="0" readonly blacklist="1" readonly regex_whitelist="2" readonly regex_blacklist="3" GetListnameFromTypeId() { if [[ "$1" == "${whitelist}" ]]; then echo "whitelist" elif [[ "$1" == "${blacklist}" ]]; then echo "blacklist" elif [[ "$1" == "${regex_whitelist}" ]]; then echo "regex whitelist" elif [[ "$1" == "${regex_blacklist}" ]]; then echo "regex blacklist" fi } GetListParamFromTypeId() { if [[ "${typeId}" == "${whitelist}" ]]; then echo "w" elif [[ "${typeId}" == "${blacklist}" ]]; then echo "b" elif [[ "${typeId}" == "${regex_whitelist}" && "${wildcard}" == true ]]; then echo "-white-wild" elif [[ "${typeId}" == "${regex_whitelist}" ]]; then echo "-white-regex" elif [[ "${typeId}" == "${regex_blacklist}" && "${wildcard}" == true ]]; then echo "-wild" elif [[ "${typeId}" == "${regex_blacklist}" ]]; then echo "-regex" fi } helpFunc() { local listname param listname="$(GetListnameFromTypeId "${typeId}")" param="$(GetListParamFromTypeId)" echo "Usage: pihole -${param} [options] Example: 'pihole -${param} site.com', or 'pihole -${param} site1.com site2.com' ${listname^} one or more domains Options: -d, --delmode Remove domain(s) from the ${listname} -nr, --noreload Update ${listname} without reloading the DNS server -q, --quiet Make output less verbose -h, --help Show this help dialog -l, --list Display all your ${listname}listed domains --nuke Removes all entries in a list" exit 0 } ValidateDomain() { # Convert to lowercase domain="${1,,}" # Check validity of domain (don't check for regex entries) if [[ "${#domain}" -le 253 ]]; then if [[ ( "${typeId}" == "${regex_blacklist}" || "${typeId}" == "${regex_whitelist}" ) && "${wildcard}" == false ]]; then validDomain="${domain}" else validDomain=$(grep -P "^((-|_)*[a-z\\d]((-|_)*[a-z\\d])*(-|_)*)(\\.(-|_)*([a-z\\d]((-|_)*[a-z\\d])*))*$" <<< "${domain}") # Valid chars check validDomain=$(grep -P "^[^\\.]{1,63}(\\.[^\\.]{1,63})*$" <<< "${validDomain}") # Length of each label fi fi if [[ -n "${validDomain}" ]]; then domList=("${domList[@]}" ${validDomain}) else echo -e " ${CROSS} ${domain} is not a valid argument or domain name!" fi } ProcessDomainList() { for dom in "${domList[@]}"; do # Format domain into regex filter if requested if [[ "${wildcard}" == true ]]; then dom="(^|\\.)${dom//\./\\.}$" fi # Logic: If addmode then add to desired list and remove from the other; # if delmode then remove from desired list but do not add to the other if ${addmode}; then AddDomain "${dom}" else RemoveDomain "${dom}" fi done } AddDomain() { local domain num requestedListname existingTypeId existingListname domain="$1" # Is the domain in the list we want to add it to? num="$(sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domainlist WHERE domain = '${domain}';")" requestedListname="$(GetListnameFromTypeId "${typeId}")" if [[ "${num}" -ne 0 ]]; then existingTypeId="$(sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT type FROM domainlist WHERE domain = '${domain}';")" if [[ "${existingTypeId}" == "${typeId}" ]]; then if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} already exists in ${requestedListname}, no need to add!" fi else existingListname="$(GetListnameFromTypeId "${existingTypeId}")" sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "UPDATE domainlist SET type = ${typeId} WHERE domain='${domain}';" if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} already exists in ${existingListname}, it has been moved to ${requestedListname}!" fi fi return fi # Domain not found in the table, add it! if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Adding ${domain} to the ${requestedListname}..." fi reload=true # Insert only the domain here. The enabled and date_added fields will be filled # with their default values (enabled = true, date_added = current timestamp) sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "INSERT INTO domainlist (domain,type) VALUES ('${domain}',${typeId});" } RemoveDomain() { local domain num requestedListname domain="$1" # Is the domain in the list we want to remove it from? num="$(sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domainlist WHERE domain = '${domain}' AND type = ${typeId};")" requestedListname="$(GetListnameFromTypeId "${typeId}")" if [[ "${num}" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} ${domain} does not exist in ${requestedListname}, no need to remove!" fi return fi # Domain found in the table, remove it! if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Removing ${domain} from the ${requestedListname}..." fi reload=true # Remove it from the current list sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "DELETE FROM domainlist WHERE domain = '${domain}' AND type = ${typeId};" } Displaylist() { local count num_pipes domain enabled status nicedate requestedListname requestedListname="$(GetListnameFromTypeId "${typeId}")" data="$(sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT domain,enabled,date_modified FROM domainlist WHERE type = ${typeId};" 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z $data ]]; then echo -e "Not showing empty list" else echo -e "Displaying ${requestedListname}:" count=1 while IFS= read -r line do # Count number of pipes seen in this line # This is necessary because we can only detect the pipe separating the fields # from the end backwards as the domain (which is the first field) may contain # pipe symbols as they are perfectly valid regex filter control characters num_pipes="$(grep -c "^" <<< "$(grep -o "|" <<< "${line}")")" # Extract domain and enabled status based on the obtained number of pipe characters domain="$(cut -d'|' -f"-$((num_pipes-1))" <<< "${line}")" enabled="$(cut -d'|' -f"$((num_pipes))" <<< "${line}")" datemod="$(cut -d'|' -f"$((num_pipes+1))" <<< "${line}")" # Translate boolean status into human readable string if [[ "${enabled}" -eq 1 ]]; then status="enabled" else status="disabled" fi # Get nice representation of numerical date stored in database nicedate=$(date --rfc-2822 -d "@${datemod}") echo " ${count}: ${domain} (${status}, last modified ${nicedate})" count=$((count+1)) done <<< "${data}" fi exit 0; } NukeList() { sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "DELETE FROM domainlist WHERE type = ${typeId};" } for var in "$@"; do case "${var}" in "-w" | "whitelist" ) typeId=0;; "-b" | "blacklist" ) typeId=1;; "--white-regex" | "white-regex" ) typeId=2;; "--white-wild" | "white-wild" ) typeId=2; wildcard=true;; "--wild" | "wildcard" ) typeId=3; wildcard=true;; "--regex" | "regex" ) typeId=3;; "-nr"| "--noreload" ) reload=false;; "-d" | "--delmode" ) addmode=false;; "-q" | "--quiet" ) verbose=false;; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; "-l" | "--list" ) Displaylist;; "--nuke" ) NukeList;; "--web" ) web=true;; * ) ValidateDomain "${var}";; esac done shift if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then helpFunc fi ProcessDomainList # Used on web interface if $web; then echo "DONE" fi if [[ "${reload}" != false ]]; then pihole restartdns reload-lists fi