## Pi-hole ad-list default sources. Updated 21/02/2016 ######################### # # # To make changes to this file: # # 1. run `cp /etc/pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.list` # # 2. run `nano /etc/pihole/adlists.list` # # 3. Uncomment or comment any of the below lists # # # # Know of any other lists? Feel free to let us know about them, or add them # # to this file! # ################################################################################ # The below list amalgamates several lists we used previously. # See `https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts` for details https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts # Other lists we consider safe: http://adblock.gjtech.net/?format=unix-hosts http://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains http://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt # hosts-file.net list. Updated frequently, but has been known to block legitimate sites. http://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt # Mahakala list. Has been known to block legitimage domains including the entire .com range. # Warning: Due to the sheer size of this list, the web admin console will be unresponsive. #http://adblock.mahakala.is/ # ADZHOSTS list. Has been known to block legitimate domains #http://optimate.dl.sourceforge.net/project/adzhosts/HOSTS.txt # Windows 10 telemetry list - warning this one may block windows update #https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crazy-max/HostsWindowsBlocker/master/hosts.txt # Securemecca.com list - Also blocks "adult" sites (pornography/gambling etc) #http://securemecca.com/Downloads/hosts.txt # Quidsup's tracker list https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quidsup/notrack/master/trackers.txt # Untested Lists: #https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer-filters.txt #http://spam404bl.com/spam404scamlist.txt #http://malwaredomains.lehigh.edu/files/domains.txt