#!/usr/bin/env sh # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Ignore warning about `local` being undefinded in POSIX # shellcheck disable=SC3043 # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC3043#exceptions # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2023 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Search Adlists # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. # Globals PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/pihole" max_results="20" partial="false" domain="" # Source color table colfile="/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE" . "${colfile}" # Source api functions . "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}/api.sh" Help() { echo "Usage: pihole -q [option] Example: 'pihole -q --partial domain.com' Query the adlists for a specified domain Options: --partial Search the adlists for partially matching domains --all Return all query matches within the adlists -h, --help Show this help dialog" exit 0 } GenerateOutput() { local data gravity_data lists_data num_gravity num_lists search_type_str local gravity_data_csv lists_data_csv line current_domain url type color data="${1}" # construct a new json for the list results where each object contains the domain and the related type lists_data=$(printf %s "${data}" | jq '.search.domains | [.[] | {domain: .domain, type: .type}]') # construct a new json for the gravity results where each object contains the adlist URL and the related domains gravity_data=$(printf %s "${data}" | jq '.search.gravity | group_by(.address,.type) | map({ address: (.[0].address), type: (.[0].type), domains: [.[] | .domain] })') # number of objects in each json num_gravity=$(printf %s "${gravity_data}" | jq length) num_lists=$(printf %s "${lists_data}" | jq length) if [ "${partial}" = true ]; then search_type_str="partially" else search_type_str="exactly" fi # Results from allow/deny list printf "%s\n\n" "Found ${num_lists} domains ${search_type_str} matching '${COL_BLUE}${domain}${COL_NC}'." if [ "${num_lists}" -gt 0 ]; then # Convert the data to a csv, each line is a "domain,type" string # not using jq's @csv here as it quotes each value individually lists_data_csv=$(printf %s "${lists_data}" | jq --raw-output '.[] | [.domain, .type] | join(",")') # Generate output for each csv line, separating line in a domain and type substring at the ',' echo "${lists_data_csv}" | while read -r line; do printf "%s\n\n" " - ${COL_GREEN}${line%,*}${COL_NC} (type: exact ${line#*,} domain)" done fi # Results from gravity printf "%s\n\n" "Found ${num_gravity} adlists ${search_type_str} matching '${COL_BLUE}${domain}${COL_NC}'." if [ "${num_gravity}" -gt 0 ]; then # Convert the data to a csv, each line is a "URL,domain,domain,...." string # not using jq's @csv here as it quotes each value individually gravity_data_csv=$(printf %s "${gravity_data}" | jq --raw-output '.[] | [.address, .type, .domains[]] | join(",")') # Generate line-by-line output for each csv line echo "${gravity_data_csv}" | while read -r line; do # Get first part of the line, the URL url=${line%%,*} # cut off URL, leaving "type,domain,domain,...." line=${line#*,} type=${line%%,*} # type == "block" -> red, type == "allow" -> green if [ "${type}" = "block" ]; then color="${COL_RED}" else color="${COL_GREEN}" fi # print adlist URL printf "%s (%s)\n\n" " - ${COL_BLUE}${url}${COL_NC}" "${color}${type}${COL_NC}" # cut off type, leaving "domain,domain,...." line=${line#*,} # print each domain and remove it from the string until nothing is left while [ ${#line} -gt 0 ]; do current_domain=${line%%,*} printf ' - %s\n' "${COL_GREEN}${current_domain}${COL_NC}" # we need to remove the current_domain and the comma in two steps because # the last domain won't have a trailing comma and the while loop wouldn't exit line=${line#"${current_domain}"} line=${line#,} done printf "\n\n" done fi # If no exact results were found, suggest using partial matching if [ "${num_lists}" -eq 0 ] && [ "${num_gravity}" -eq 0 ] && [ "${partial}" = false ]; then printf "%s\n" "Hint: Try partial matching with" printf "%s\n\n" " ${COL_GREEN}pihole -q --partial ${domain}${COL_NC}" fi } Main() { local data if [ -z "${domain}" ]; then echo "No domain specified" exit 1 fi # domains are lowercased and converted to punycode by FTL since # https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL/pull/1715 # no need to do it here # Authenticate with FTL LoginAPI # send query again data=$(GetFTLData "search/${domain}?N=${max_results}&partial=${partial}") GenerateOutput "${data}" # Delete session LogoutAPI } # Process all options (if present) while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in "-h" | "--help") Help ;; "--partial") partial="true" ;; "--all") max_results=10000 ;; # hard-coded FTL limit *) domain=$1 ;; esac shift done Main "${domain}"