#!/bin/bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2015, 2016 by Jacob Salmela # Network-wide ad blocking via your Raspberry Pi # http://pi-hole.net # Controller for all pihole scripts and functions. # # Pi-hole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR="/opt/pihole" # Must be root to use this tool if [[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]];then if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ];then exec sudo bash "$0" "$@" exit $? else echo "::: sudo is needed to run pihole commands. Please run this script as root or install sudo." exit 1 fi fi webpageFunc() { source /opt/pihole/webpage.sh main "$@" exit 0 } whitelistFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/list.sh "$@" exit 0 } blacklistFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/list.sh "$@" exit 0 } debugFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeDebug.sh exit 0 } flushFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/piholeLogFlush.sh exit 0 } updatePiholeFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/update.sh exit 0 } reconfigurePiholeFunc() { /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure exit 0; } updateGravityFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/gravity.sh "$@" exit 0 } setupLCDFunction() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/setupLCD.sh exit 0 } scanList(){ domain="${1}" list="${2}" method="${3}" if [[ ${method} == "-exact" ]] ; then grep -i -E "(^|\s)${domain}($|\s)" "${list}" else grep -i "${domain}" "${list}" fi } queryFunc() { domain="${2}" method="${3}" lists=( /etc/pihole/list.* /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt) for list in ${lists[@]}; do result=$(scanList ${domain} ${list} ${method}) # Remove empty lines before couting number of results count=$(sed '/^\s*$/d' <<< "$result" | wc -l) echo "::: ${list} (${count} results)" if [[ ${count} > 0 ]]; then echo "${result}" fi echo "" done exit 0 } chronometerFunc() { shift "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/chronometer.sh "$@" exit 0 } uninstallFunc() { "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/uninstall.sh exit 0 } versionFunc() { shift "${PI_HOLE_SCRIPT_DIR}"/version.sh "$@" exit 0 } restartDNS() { dnsmasqPid=$(pidof dnsmasq) if [[ ${dnsmasqPid} ]]; then # service already running - reload config if [ -x "$(command -v systemctl)" ]; then systemctl restart dnsmasq else service dnsmasq restart fi else # service not running, start it up if [ -x "$(command -v systemctl)" ]; then systemctl start dnsmasq else service dnsmasq start fi fi } piholeEnable() { if [[ "${1}" == "0" ]] ; then #Disable Pihole sed -i 's/^addn-hosts=\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/#addn-hosts=\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/' /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf echo "::: Blocking has been disabled!" if [[ $# > 1 ]] ; then if [[ ${2} == *"s"* ]] ; then tt=${2%"s"} echo "::: Blocking will be re-enabled in ${tt} seconds" nohup bash -c "sleep ${tt}; pihole enable" /dev/null & elif [[ ${2} == *"m"* ]] ; then tt=${2%"m"} echo "::: Blocking will be re-enabled in ${tt} minutes" tt=$((${tt}*60)) nohup bash -c "sleep ${tt}; pihole enable" /dev/null & else echo "::: Unknown format for delayed reactivation of the blocking!" echo "::: Example:" echo "::: pihole disable 5s - will disable blocking for 5 seconds" echo "::: pihole disable 7m - will disable blocking for 7 minutes" echo "::: Blocking will not automatically be re-enabled!" fi fi else #Enable pihole echo "::: Blocking has been enabled!" sed -i 's/^#addn-hosts/addn-hosts/' /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf fi restartDNS } piholeLogging() { shift if [[ "${1}" == "off" ]] ; then #Disable Logging sed -i 's/^log-queries/#log-queries/' /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf sed -i 's/^QUERY_LOGGING=true/QUERY_LOGGING=false/' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf pihole -f echo "::: Logging has been disabled!" elif [[ "${1}" == "on" ]] ; then #Enable logging sed -i 's/^#log-queries/log-queries/' /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf sed -i 's/^QUERY_LOGGING=false/QUERY_LOGGING=true/' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf echo "::: Logging has been enabled!" else echo "::: Invalid option passed, please pass 'on' or 'off'" exit 1 fi restartDNS } piholeStatus() { if [[ $(netstat -plnt | grep -c ':53 ') > 0 ]]; then if [[ "${1}" != "web" ]] ; then echo "::: DNS service is running" fi else if [[ "${1}" == "web" ]] ; then echo "-1"; else echo "::: DNS service is NOT running" fi return fi if [[ $(grep -i "^#addn-hosts=/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf) ]] ; then #list is commented out if [[ "${1}" == "web" ]] ; then echo 0; else echo "::: Pi-hole blocking is Disabled"; fi elif [[ $(grep -i "^addn-hosts=/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf) ]] ; then #list set if [[ "${1}" == "web" ]] ; then echo 1; else echo "::: Pi-hole blocking is Enabled"; fi else #addn-host not found if [[ "${1}" == "web" ]] ; then echo 99 else echo "::: No hosts file linked to dnsmasq, adding it in enabled state" fi #add addn-host= to dnsmasq echo "addn-hosts=/etc/pihole/gravity.list" >> /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf restartDNS fi } tailFunc() { echo "Press Ctrl-C to exit" tail -F /var/log/pihole.log exit 0 } helpFunc() { cat << EOM ::: Control all PiHole specific functions! ::: ::: Usage: pihole [options] ::: Add -h after -w (whitelist), -b (blacklist), -c (chronometer), or -a (admin) for more information on usage ::: ::: Options: ::: -w, whitelist Whitelist domains ::: -b, blacklist Blacklist domains ::: -d, debug Start a debugging session if having trouble ::: -f, flush Flush the pihole.log file ::: -t, tail Output the last lines of the pihole.log file. Lines are appended as the file grows ::: -up, updatePihole Update Pi-hole ::: -r, reconfigure Reconfigure or Repair Pi-hole ::: -g, updateGravity Update the list of ad-serving domains ::: -s, setupLCD Automatically configures the Pi to use the 2.8 LCD screen to display stats on it ::: -c, chronometer Calculates stats and displays to an LCD ::: -h, help Show this help dialog ::: -v, version Show current versions ::: -q, query Query the adlists for a specific domain ::: Use pihole -q domain -exact if you want to see exact matches only ::: -l, logging Enable or Disable logging (pass 'on' or 'off') ::: -a, admin Admin webpage options ::: uninstall Uninstall Pi-Hole from your system :(! ::: status Is Pi-Hole Enabled or Disabled ::: enable Enable Pi-Hole DNS Blocking ::: disable Disable Pi-Hole DNS Blocking ::: Blocking can also be disabled only temporarily, e.g., ::: pihole disable 5m - will disable blocking for 5 minutes ::: restartdns Restart dnsmasq EOM exit 0 } if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then helpFunc fi # Handle redirecting to specific functions based on arguments case "${1}" in "-w" | "whitelist" ) whitelistFunc "$@";; "-b" | "blacklist" ) blacklistFunc "$@";; "-d" | "debug" ) debugFunc;; "-f" | "flush" ) flushFunc;; "-up" | "updatePihole" ) updatePiholeFunc;; "-r" | "reconfigure" ) reconfigurePiholeFunc;; "-g" | "updateGravity" ) updateGravityFunc "$@";; "-s" | "setupLCD" ) setupLCDFunction;; "-c" | "chronometer" ) chronometerFunc "$@";; "-h" | "help" ) helpFunc;; "-v" | "version" ) versionFunc "$@";; "-q" | "query" ) queryFunc "$@";; "-l" | "logging" ) piholeLogging "$@";; "uninstall" ) uninstallFunc;; "enable" ) piholeEnable 1;; "disable" ) piholeEnable 0 $2;; "status" ) piholeStatus "$2";; "restartdns" ) restartDNS;; "-a" | "admin" ) webpageFunc "$@";; "-t" | "tail" ) tailFunc;; * ) helpFunc;; esac