#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Generates pihole_debug.log to be used for troubleshooting. # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. set -o pipefail ######## GLOBAL VARS ######## VARSFILE="/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf" DEBUG_LOG="/var/log/pihole_debug.log" DNSMASQFILE="/etc/dnsmasq.conf" DNSMASQCONFDIR="/etc/dnsmasq.d/*" LIGHTTPDFILE="/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" LIGHTTPDERRFILE="/var/log/lighttpd/error.log" GRAVITYFILE="/etc/pihole/gravity.list" WHITELISTFILE="/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt" BLACKLISTFILE="/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt" ADLISTFILE="/etc/pihole/adlists.list" PIHOLELOG="/var/log/pihole.log" WHITELISTMATCHES="/tmp/whitelistmatches.list" TIMEOUT=60 # Header info and introduction cat << EOM ::: Beginning Pi-hole debug at $(date)! ::: ::: This process collects information from your Pi-hole, and optionally uploads ::: it to a unique and random directory on tricorder.pi-hole.net. ::: ::: NOTE: All log files auto-delete after 48 hours and ONLY the Pi-hole developers ::: can access your data via the given token. We have taken these extra steps to ::: secure your data and will work to further reduce any personal information gathered. ::: ::: Please read and note any issues, and follow any directions advised during this process. EOM # Ensure the file exists, create if not, clear if exists. truncate --size=0 "${DEBUG_LOG}" chmod 644 ${DEBUG_LOG} chown "$USER":pihole ${DEBUG_LOG} source ${VARSFILE} ### Private functions exist here ### log_write() { echo "${1}" >> "${DEBUG_LOG}" } log_echo() { case ${1} in -n) echo -n "::: ${2}" log_write "${2}" ;; -r) echo "::: ${2}" log_write "${2}" ;; -l) echo "${2}" log_write "${2}" ;; *) echo "::: ${1}" log_write "${1}" esac } header_write() { log_echo "" log_echo "${1}" log_write "" } file_parse() { while read -r line; do if [ ! -z "${line}" ]; then [[ "${line}" =~ ^#.*$ || ! "${line}" ]] && continue log_write "${line}" fi done < "${1}" log_write "" } block_parse() { log_write "${1}" } lsof_parse() { local user local process user=$(echo ${1} | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | cut -c 2-) process=$(echo ${1} | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -c 2-) [[ ${2} -eq ${process} ]] \ && echo "::: Correctly configured." \ || log_echo "::: Failure: Incorrectly configured daemon." log_write "Found user ${user} with process ${process}" } version_check() { header_write "Detecting Installed Package Versions:" local error_found error_found=0 local pi_hole_ver="$(cd /etc/.pihole/ && git describe --tags --abbrev=0)" \ && log_echo -r "Pi-hole: $pi_hole_ver" || (log_echo "Pi-hole git repository not detected." && error_found=1) local admin_ver="$(cd /var/www/html/admin && git describe --tags --abbrev=0)" \ && log_echo -r "WebUI: $admin_ver" || (log_echo "Pi-hole Admin Pages git repository not detected." && error_found=1) local light_ver="$(lighttpd -v |& head -n1 | cut -d " " -f1)" \ && log_echo -r "${light_ver}" || (log_echo "lighttpd not installed." && error_found=1) local php_ver="$(php -v |& head -n1)" \ && log_echo -r "${php_ver}" || (log_echo "PHP not installed." && error_found=1) (local pi_hole_branch="$(cd /etc/.pihole/ && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" && log_echo -r "Pi-hole branch: ${pi_hole_branch}") || log_echo "Unable to obtain Pi-hole branch" (local pi_hole_rev="$(cd /etc/.pihole/ && git describe --long --dirty --tags)" && log_echo -r "Pi-hole rev: ${pi_hole_rev}") || log_echo "Unable to obtain Pi-hole revision" (local admin_branch="$(cd /var/www/html/admin && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" && log_echo -r "AdminLTE branch: ${admin_branch}") || log_echo "Unable to obtain AdminLTE branch" (local admin_rev="$(cd /var/www/html/admin && git describe --long --dirty --tags)" && log_echo -r "AdminLTE rev: ${admin_rev}") || log_echo "Unable to obtain AdminLTE revision" return "${error_found}" } dir_check() { header_write "Detecting contents of ${1}:" for file in $1*; do header_write "File ${file} found" echo -n "::: Parsing..." file_parse "${file}" echo "done" done echo ":::" } files_check() { #Check non-zero length existence of ${1} header_write "Detecting existence of ${1}:" local search_file="${1}" if [[ -s ${search_file} ]]; then echo -n "::: File exists, parsing..." file_parse "${search_file}" echo "done" return 0 else log_echo "${1} not found!" return 1 fi echo ":::" } source_file() { local file_found=$(files_check "${1}") \ && (source "${1}" &> /dev/null && echo "${file_found} and was successfully sourced") \ || log_echo -l "${file_found} and could not be sourced" } distro_check() { local soft_fail header_write "Detecting installed OS Distribution" soft_fail=0 local distro="$(cat /etc/*release)" && block_parse "${distro}" || (log_echo "Distribution details not found." && soft_fail=1) return "${soft_fail}" } processor_check() { header_write "Checking processor variety" log_write $(uname -m) && return 0 || return 1 } ipv6_check() { # Check if system is IPv6 enabled, for use in other functions if [[ $IPV6_ADDRESS ]]; then ls /proc/net/if_inet6 &>/dev/null return 0 else return 1 fi } ip_check() { local protocol=${1} local gravity=${2} local ip_addr_list="$(ip -${protocol} addr show dev ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} | awk -F ' ' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ '/^inet/') print $(i+1) }')" if [[ -n ${ip_addr_list} ]]; then log_write "IPv${protocol} on ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" log_write "Gravity configured for: ${2:-NOT CONFIGURED}" log_write "----" log_write "${ip_addr_list}" echo "::: IPv${protocol} addresses located on ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" ip_ping_check ${protocol} return $(( 0 + $? )) else log_echo "No IPv${protocol} found on ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" return 1 fi } ip_ping_check() { local protocol=${1} local cmd if [[ ${protocol} == "6" ]]; then cmd="ping6" g_addr="2001:4860:4860::8888" else cmd="ping" g_addr="" fi local ip_def_gateway=$(ip -${protocol} route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 3) if [[ -n ${ip_def_gateway} ]]; then echo -n "::: Pinging default IPv${protocol} gateway: " if ! ping_gateway="$(${cmd} -q -W 3 -c 3 -n ${ip_def_gateway} -I ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} | tail -n 3)"; then echo "Gateway did not respond." return 1 else echo "Gateway responded." log_write "${ping_gateway}" fi echo -n "::: Pinging Internet via IPv${protocol}: " if ! ping_inet="$(${cmd} -q -W 3 -c 3 -n ${g_addr} -I ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} | tail -n 3)"; then echo "Query did not respond." return 1 else echo "Query responded." log_write "${ping_inet}" fi else log_echo " No gateway detected." fi return 0 } port_check() { local lsof_value lsof_value=$(lsof -i ${1}:${2} -FcL | tr '\n' ' ') \ && lsof_parse "${lsof_value}" "${3}" \ || log_echo "Failure: IPv${1} Port not in use" } daemon_check() { # Check for daemon ${1} on port ${2} header_write "Daemon Process Information" echo "::: Checking ${2} port for ${1} listener." if [[ ${IPV6_READY} ]]; then port_check 6 "${2}" "${1}" fi lsof_value=$(lsof -i 4:${2} -FcL | tr '\n' ' ') \ port_check 4 "${2}" "${1}" } testResolver() { local protocol="${1}" header_write "Resolver Functions Check (IPv${protocol})" local IP="${2}" local g_addr local l_addr local url local testurl local localdig local piholedig local remotedig if [[ ${protocol} == "6" ]]; then g_addr="2001:4860:4860::8888" l_addr="::1" else g_addr="" l_addr="" fi # Find a blocked url that has not been whitelisted. url=$(shuf -n 1 "${GRAVITYFILE}" | awk -F ' ' '{ print $2 }') testurl="${url:-doubleclick.com}" log_write "Resolution of ${testurl} from Pi-hole (${l_addr}):" if localdig=$(dig -"${protocol}" "${testurl}" @${l_addr} +short); then log_write "${localdig}" else log_write "Failed to resolve ${testurl} on Pi-hole (${l_addr})" fi log_write "" log_write "Resolution of ${testurl} from Pi-hole (${IP}):" if piholedig=$(dig -"${protocol}" "${testurl}" @"${IP}" +short); then log_write "${piholedig}" else log_write "Failed to resolve ${testurl} on Pi-hole (${IP})" fi log_write "" log_write "Resolution of ${testurl} from ${g_addr}:" if remotedig=$(dig -"${protocol}" "${testurl}" @${g_addr} +short); then log_write "${remotedig:-NXDOMAIN}" else log_write "Failed to resolve ${testurl} on upstream server ${g_addr}" fi log_write "" log_write "Pi-hole dnsmasq specific records lookups" log_write "Cache Size:" dig +short chaos txt cachesize.bind >> ${DEBUG_LOG} log_write "Upstream Servers:" dig +short chaos txt servers.bind >> ${DEBUG_LOG} log_write "" } checkProcesses() { header_write "Processes Check" echo "::: Logging status of lighttpd, dnsmasq and pihole-FTL..." PROCESSES=( lighttpd dnsmasq pihole-FTL ) for i in "${PROCESSES[@]}"; do log_write "" log_write "${i}" log_write " processes status:" systemctl -l status "${i}" >> "${DEBUG_LOG}" done log_write "" } debugLighttpd() { echo "::: Checking for necessary lighttpd files." files_check "${LIGHTTPDFILE}" files_check "${LIGHTTPDERRFILE}" echo ":::" } countdown() { local tuvix tuvix=${TIMEOUT} printf "::: Logging will automatically teminate in %s seconds\n" "${TIMEOUT}" while [ $tuvix -ge 1 ] do printf ":::\t%s seconds left. " "${tuvix}" if [[ -z "${WEBCALL}" ]]; then printf "\r" else printf "\n" fi sleep 5 tuvix=$(( tuvix - 5 )) done } # Continuously append the pihole.log file to the pihole_debug.log file dumpPiHoleLog() { trap '{ echo -e "\n::: Finishing debug write from interrupt... Quitting!" ; exit 1; }' INT echo "::: " echo "::: --= User Action Required =--" echo -e "::: Try loading a site that you are having trouble with now from a client web browser.. \n:::\t(Press CTRL+C to finish logging.)" header_write "pihole.log" if [ -e "${PIHOLELOG}" ]; then # Dummy process to use for flagging down tail to terminate countdown & tail -n0 -f --pid=$! "${PIHOLELOG}" >> ${DEBUG_LOG} else log_write "No pihole.log file found!" printf ":::\tNo pihole.log file found!\n" fi } # Anything to be done after capturing of pihole.log terminates finalWork() { local tricorder echo "::: Finshed debugging!" echo "::: The debug log can be uploaded to tricorder.pi-hole.net for sharing with developers only." if [[ "${AUTOMATED}" ]]; then echo "::: Debug script running in automated mode, uploading log to tricorder..." tricorder=$(cat /var/log/pihole_debug.log | nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999) else read -r -p "::: Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] " response case ${response} in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) tricorder=$(cat /var/log/pihole_debug.log | nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999) ;; *) echo "::: Log will NOT be uploaded to tricorder." ;; esac fi # Check if tricorder.pi-hole.net is reachable and provide token. if [ -n "${tricorder}" ]; then echo "::: ---=== Your debug token is : ${tricorder} Please make a note of it. ===---" echo "::: Contact the Pi-hole team with your token for assistance." echo "::: Thank you." else echo "::: There was an error uploading your debug log." echo "::: Please try again or contact the Pi-hole team for assistance." fi echo "::: A local copy of the Debug log can be found at : /var/log/pihole_debug.log" } ### END FUNCTIONS ### # Gather version of required packages / repositories version_check || echo "REQUIRED FILES MISSING" # Check for newer setupVars storage file source_file "/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf" # Gather information about the running distribution distro_check || echo "Distro Check soft fail" # Gather processor type processor_check || echo "Processor Check soft fail" ip_check 6 ${IPV6_ADDRESS} ip_check 4 ${IPV4_ADDRESS} daemon_check lighttpd http daemon_check dnsmasq domain daemon_check pihole-FTL 4711 checkProcesses testResolver 4 "${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*}" testResolver 6 "${IPV6_ADDRESS%/*}" debugLighttpd files_check "${DNSMASQFILE}" dir_check "${DNSMASQCONFDIR}" files_check "${WHITELISTFILE}" files_check "${BLACKLISTFILE}" files_check "${ADLISTFILE}" header_write "Analyzing gravity.list" gravity_length=$(grep -c ^ "${GRAVITYFILE}") \ && log_write "${GRAVITYFILE} is ${gravity_length} lines long." \ || log_echo "Warning: No gravity.list file found!" header_write "Analyzing pihole.log" pihole_length=$(grep -c ^ "${PIHOLELOG}") \ && log_write "${PIHOLELOG} is ${pihole_length} lines long." \ || log_echo "Warning: No pihole.log file found!" pihole_size=$(du -h "${PIHOLELOG}" | awk '{ print $1 }') \ && log_write "${PIHOLELOG} is ${pihole_size}." \ || log_echo "Warning: No pihole.log file found!" trap finalWork EXIT ### Method calls for additional logging ### dumpPiHoleLog