#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2018 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Query Domain Lists # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. # Globals piholeDir="/etc/pihole" GRAVITYDB="${piholeDir}/gravity.db" options="$*" all="" exact="" matchType="match" # Source pihole-FTL from install script pihole_FTL="${piholeDir}/pihole-FTL.conf" if [[ -f "${pihole_FTL}" ]]; then source "${pihole_FTL}" fi # Set this only after sourcing pihole-FTL.conf as the gravity database path may # have changed gravityDBfile="${GRAVITYDB}" colfile="/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE" source "${colfile}" if [[ "${options}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${options}" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: pihole -q [option] Example: 'pihole -q -exact domain.com' Query the adlists for a specified domain Options: -exact Search the adlists for exact domain matches -all Return all query matches within the adlists -h, --help Show this help dialog" exit 0 fi # Handle valid options [[ "${options}" == *"-all"* ]] && all=true if [[ "${options}" == *"-exact"* ]]; then exact="exact"; matchType="exact ${matchType}" fi # Strip valid options, leaving only the domain and invalid options # This allows users to place the options before or after the domain options=$(sed -E 's/ +-(all|exact) ?//g' <<< "${options}") # Handle remaining options # If $options contain non ASCII characters, convert to punycode case "${options}" in "" ) str="No domain specified";; *" "* ) str="Unknown query option specified";; *[![:ascii:]]* ) rawDomainQuery=$(idn2 "${options}");; * ) rawDomainQuery="${options}";; esac # convert the domain to lowercase domainQuery=$(echo "${rawDomainQuery}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ -n "${str:-}" ]]; then echo -e "${str}${COL_NC}\\nTry 'pihole -q --help' for more information." exit 1 fi # Scan a domain again a list of RegEX scanRegExList(){ local domain="${1}" list="${2}" for entry in ${list}; do if [[ "${domain}" =~ ${entry} ]]; then printf "%b\n" "${entry}"; fi done } scanDatabaseTable() { local domain table list_type querystr result extra abpquerystr abpfound abpentry searchstr domain="$(printf "%q" "${1}")" table="${2}" list_type="${3:-}" # As underscores are legitimate parts of domains, we escape them when using the LIKE operator. # Underscores are SQLite wildcards matching exactly one character. We obviously want to suppress this # behavior. The "ESCAPE '\'" clause specifies that an underscore preceded by an '\' should be matched # as a literal underscore character. We pretreat the $domain variable accordingly to escape underscores. if [[ "${table}" == "gravity" ]]; then # Are there ABP entries on gravity? # Return 1 if abp_domain=1 or Zero if abp_domain=0 or not set abpquerystr="SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM info WHERE property='abp_domains' and value='1')" abpfound="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "${abpquerystr}")" 2> /dev/null # Create search string for ABP entries only if needed if [ "${abpfound}" -eq 1 ]; then abpentry="${domain}" searchstr="'||${abpentry}^'" # While a dot is found ... while [ "${abpentry}" != "${abpentry/./}" ] do # ... remove text before the dot (including the dot) and append the result to $searchstr abpentry=$(echo "${abpentry}" | cut -f 2- -d '.') searchstr="$searchstr, '||${abpentry}^'" done # The final search string will look like: # "domain IN ('||sub2.sub1.domain.com^', '||sub1.domain.com^', '||domain.com^', '||com^') OR" searchstr="domain IN (${searchstr}) OR " fi case "${exact}" in "exact" ) querystr="SELECT gravity.domain,adlist.address,adlist.enabled FROM gravity LEFT JOIN adlist ON adlist.id = gravity.adlist_id WHERE domain = '${domain}'";; * ) querystr="SELECT gravity.domain,adlist.address,adlist.enabled FROM gravity LEFT JOIN adlist ON adlist.id = gravity.adlist_id WHERE ${searchstr} domain LIKE '%${domain//_/\\_}%' ESCAPE '\\'";; esac else case "${exact}" in "exact" ) querystr="SELECT domain,enabled FROM domainlist WHERE type = '${list_type}' AND domain = '${domain}'";; * ) querystr="SELECT domain,enabled FROM domainlist WHERE type = '${list_type}' AND domain LIKE '%${domain//_/\\_}%' ESCAPE '\\'";; esac fi # Send prepared query to gravity database result="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 -separator ',' "${gravityDBfile}" "${querystr}")" 2> /dev/null if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then # Return early when there are no matches in this table return fi if [[ "${table}" == "gravity" ]]; then echo "${result}" return fi # Mark domain as having been white-/blacklist matched (global variable) wbMatch=true # Print table name echo " ${matchType^} found in ${COL_BOLD}exact ${table}${COL_NC}" # Loop over results and print them mapfile -t results <<< "${result}" for result in "${results[@]}"; do domain="${result/,*}" if [[ "${result#*,}" == "0" ]]; then extra=" (disabled)" else extra="" fi echo " ${domain}${extra}" done } scanRegexDatabaseTable() { local domain list list_type domain="${1}" list="${2}" list_type="${3:-}" # Query all regex from the corresponding database tables mapfile -t regexList < <(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT domain FROM domainlist WHERE type = ${list_type}" 2> /dev/null) # If we have regexps to process if [[ "${#regexList[@]}" -ne 0 ]]; then # Split regexps over a new line str_regexList=$(printf '%s\n' "${regexList[@]}") # Check domain against regexps mapfile -t regexMatches < <(scanRegExList "${domain}" "${str_regexList}") # If there were regex matches if [[ "${#regexMatches[@]}" -ne 0 ]]; then # Split matching regexps over a new line str_regexMatches=$(printf '%s\n' "${regexMatches[@]}") # Form a "matched" message str_message="${matchType^} found in ${COL_BOLD}regex ${list}${COL_NC}" # Form a "results" message str_result="${COL_BOLD}${str_regexMatches}${COL_NC}" # If we are displaying more than just the source of the block # Set the wildcard match flag wcMatch=true # Echo the "matched" message, indented by one space echo " ${str_message}" # Echo the "results" message, each line indented by three spaces # shellcheck disable=SC2001 echo "${str_result}" | sed 's/^/ /' fi fi } # Scan Whitelist and Blacklist scanDatabaseTable "${domainQuery}" "whitelist" "0" scanDatabaseTable "${domainQuery}" "blacklist" "1" # Scan Regex table scanRegexDatabaseTable "${domainQuery}" "whitelist" "2" scanRegexDatabaseTable "${domainQuery}" "blacklist" "3" # Query block lists mapfile -t results <<< "$(scanDatabaseTable "${domainQuery}" "gravity")" # Handle notices if [[ -z "${wbMatch:-}" ]] && [[ -z "${wcMatch:-}" ]] && [[ -z "${results[*]}" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} No ${exact/t/t }results found for ${COL_BOLD}${domainQuery}${COL_NC} within the adlists" exit 0 elif [[ -z "${results[*]}" ]]; then # Result found in WL/BL/Wildcards exit 0 elif [[ -z "${all}" ]] && [[ "${#results[*]}" -ge 100 ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Over 100 ${exact/t/t }results found for ${COL_BOLD}${domainQuery}${COL_NC} This can be overridden using the -all option" exit 0 fi # Print "Exact matches for" title if [[ -n "${exact}" ]]; then plural=""; [[ "${#results[*]}" -gt 1 ]] && plural="es" echo " ${matchType^}${plural} for ${COL_BOLD}${domainQuery}${COL_NC} found in:" fi for result in "${results[@]}"; do match="${result/,*/}" extra="${result#*,}" adlistAddress="${extra/,*/}" extra="${extra#*,}" if [[ "${extra}" == "0" ]]; then extra=" (disabled)" else extra="" fi if [[ -n "${exact}" ]]; then echo " - ${adlistAddress}${extra}" else if [[ ! "${adlistAddress}" == "${adlistAddress_prev:-}" ]]; then count="" echo " ${matchType^} found in ${COL_BOLD}${adlistAddress}${COL_NC}:" adlistAddress_prev="${adlistAddress}" fi : $((count++)) # Print matching domain if $max_count has not been reached [[ -z "${all}" ]] && max_count="50" if [[ -z "${all}" ]] && [[ "${count}" -ge "${max_count}" ]]; then [[ "${count}" -gt "${max_count}" ]] && continue echo " ${COL_GRAY}Over ${count} results found, skipping rest of file${COL_NC}" else echo " ${match}${extra}" fi fi done exit 0