import pytest from textwrap import dedent SETUPVARS = { 'PIHOLE_INTERFACE' : 'eth99', 'IPV4_ADDRESS' : '', 'IPV6_ADDRESS' : 'FE80::240:D0FF:FE48:4672', 'PIHOLE_DNS_1' : '', 'PIHOLE_DNS_2' : '' } def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole): ''' currently update_dialogs sources setupVars with a dot, then various other functions use the variables. This confirms the sourced variables are in scope between functions ''' setup_var_file = 'cat < /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n' for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems(): setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v) setup_var_file += "EOF\n" script = dedent('''\ set -e printSetupVars() { # Currently debug test function only echo "Outputting sourced variables" echo "PIHOLE_INTERFACE=${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" echo "IPV4_ADDRESS=${IPV4_ADDRESS}" echo "IPV6_ADDRESS=${IPV6_ADDRESS}" echo "PIHOLE_DNS_1=${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" echo "PIHOLE_DNS_2=${PIHOLE_DNS_2}" } update_dialogs() { . /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf } update_dialogs printSetupVars ''') output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems(): assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole): ''' confirm saved settings are written to a file for future updates to re-use ''' set_setup_vars = '\n' # dedent works better with this and padding matching script below for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems(): set_setup_vars += " {}={}\n".format(k, v) script = dedent('''\ set -e echo start TERM=xterm source /opt/pihole/ {} finalExports cat /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf '''.format(set_setup_vars)) output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems(): assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_running_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms firewalld rules are applied when firewallD is running ''' # firewallD returns 'running' as status mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('running', 0)}, Pihole) # Whiptail dialog returns Ok for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', 0)}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'Configuring FirewallD for httpd and dnsmasq.' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout firewall_calls ='cat /var/log/firewall-cmd').stdout assert 'firewall-cmd --state' in firewall_calls assert 'firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp --add-port=53/tcp --add-port=53/udp' in firewall_calls assert 'firewall-cmd --reload' in firewall_calls def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_disabled_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is not running ''' # firewallD returns non-running status mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('not running', '1')}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'No active firewall detected.. skipping firewall configuration.' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is running, user declines ruleset ''' # firewallD returns running status mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('running', 0)}, Pihole) # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', 1)}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'Not installing firewall rulesets.' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout def test_configureFirewall_no_firewall(Pihole): ''' confirms firewall skipped no daemon is running ''' configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'No active firewall detected' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running, user declines ruleset ''' # iptables command exists mock_command('iptables', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) # modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check) mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '1')}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'Not installing firewall rulesets.' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_rules_exist_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running and rules exist ''' # iptables command exists and returns 0 on calls (should return 0 on iptables -C) mock_command('iptables', {'-S':('-P INPUT DENY', '0')}, Pihole) # modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check) mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'Installing new IPTables firewall rulesets' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout firewall_calls ='cat /var/log/iptables').stdout assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_not_exist_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms IPTables rules are applied when IPTables is running and rules do not exist ''' # iptables command and returns 0 on calls (should return 1 on iptables -C) mock_command('iptables', {'-S':('-P INPUT DENY', '0'), '-C':('', 1), '-I':('', 0)}, Pihole) # modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check) mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) # Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole) configureFirewall =''' source /opt/pihole/ configureFirewall ''') expected_stdout = 'Installing new IPTables firewall rulesets' assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout firewall_calls ='cat /var/log/iptables').stdout assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed on a fresh build ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_installPiholeWeb_empty_directory_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed in an emtpy directory ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/www/html/pihole installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.php missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.js missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'blockingpage.css missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_installPiholeWeb_index_php_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed when necessary ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/www/html/pihole touch /var/www/html/pihole/index.php installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing index.php detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.js missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'blockingpage.css missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_installPiholeWeb_index_js_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed when necessary ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/www/html/pihole touch /var/www/html/pihole/index.js installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.php missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing index.js detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout assert 'blockingpage.css missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_installPiholeWeb_blockingpage_css_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed when necessary ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/www/html/pihole touch /var/www/html/pihole/blockingpage.css installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.php missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.js missing, replacing...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing blockingpage.css detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_installPiholeWeb_already_populated_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed when necessary ''' installWeb =''' source /opt/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/www/html/pihole touch /var/www/html/pihole/index.php touch /var/www/html/pihole/index.js touch /var/www/html/pihole/blockingpage.css installPiholeWeb ''') assert 'Installing pihole custom index page...' in installWeb.stdout assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing index.php detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.php missing, replacing...' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing index.js detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout assert 'index.js missing, replacing...' not in installWeb.stdout assert 'Existing blockingpage.css detected, not overwriting' in installWeb.stdout assert 'blockingpage.css missing, replacing... ' not in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'index.js' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms package cache was updated without any errors''' updateCache =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check update_package_cache ''') assert 'Updating local cache of available packages...' in updateCache.stdout assert 'done!' in updateCache.stdout def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(Pihole): ''' confirms package cache was updated without any errors''' mock_command('apt-get', {'*':('', '1')}, Pihole) updateCache =''' source /opt/pihole/ distro_check update_package_cache ''') assert 'Updating local cache of available packages...' in updateCache.stdout assert 'done!' not in updateCache.stdout # Helper functions def mock_command(script, args, container): ''' Allows for setup of commands we don't really want to have to run for real in unit tests ''' full_script_path = '/usr/local/bin/{}'.format(script) mock_script = dedent('''\ #!/bin/bash -e echo "\$0 \$@" >> /var/log/{script} case "\$1" in'''.format(script=script)) for k, v in args.iteritems(): case = dedent(''' {arg}) echo {res} exit {retcode} ;;'''.format(arg=k, res=v[0], retcode=v[1])) mock_script += case mock_script += dedent(''' esac''')''' cat < {script}\n{content}\nEOF chmod +x {script} rm -f /var/log/{scriptlog}'''.format(script=full_script_path, content=mock_script, scriptlog=script)) def run_script(Pihole, script): result = assert result.rc == 0 return result