#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2015 by Jacob Salmela # Network-wide ad blocking via your Raspberry Pi # http://pi-hole.net # Compiles a list of ad-serving domains by downloading them from multiple sources # # Pi-hole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # Run this script as root or under sudo echo ":::" if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]];then echo "::: You are root." else echo "::: sudo will be used." # Check if it is actually installed # If it isn't, exit because the install cannot complete if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ];then export SUDO="sudo" else echo "::: Please install sudo or run this script as root." exit 1 fi fi function helpFunc() { echo "::: Pull in domains from adlists" echo ":::" echo "::: Usage: pihole -g" echo ":::" echo "::: Options:" echo "::: -f, --force Force lists to be downloaded, even if they don't need updating." echo "::: -h, --help Show this help dialog" exit 1 } piholeIPfile=/etc/pihole/piholeIP piholeIPv6file=/etc/pihole/.useIPv6 adListFile=/etc/pihole/adlists.list adListDefault=/etc/pihole/adlists.default whitelistScript=/opt/pihole/whitelist.sh blacklistScript=/opt/pihole/blacklist.sh if [[ -f ${piholeIPfile} ]];then # If the file exists, it means it was exported from the installation script and we should use that value instead of detecting it in this script piholeIP=$(cat ${piholeIPfile}) #rm $piholeIPfile else # Otherwise, the IP address can be taken directly from the machine, which will happen when the script is run by the user and not the installation script IPv4dev=$(ip route get | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/dev/)print $(i+1)}') piholeIPCIDR=$(ip -o -f inet addr show dev "$IPv4dev" | awk '{print $4}' | awk 'END {print}') piholeIP=${piholeIPCIDR%/*} fi if [[ -f ${piholeIPv6file} ]];then # If the file exists, then the user previously chose to use IPv6 in the automated installer piholeIPv6=$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | awk -F " " '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "src") print $(i+1) }') fi # Variables for various stages of downloading and formatting the list ## Nate 3/26/2016 - Commented unused variables basename=pihole piholeDir=/etc/${basename} adList=${piholeDir}/gravity.list #blacklist=$piholeDir/blacklist.txt #whitelist=$piholeDir/whitelist.txt #latentWhitelist=$piholeDir/latentWhitelist.txt justDomainsExtension=domains matterandlight=${basename}.0.matterandlight.txt supernova=${basename}.1.supernova.txt eventHorizon=${basename}.2.eventHorizon.txt accretionDisc=${basename}.3.accretionDisc.txt #eyeOfTheNeedle=$basename.4.wormhole.txt # After setting defaults, check if there's local overrides if [[ -r ${piholeDir}/pihole.conf ]];then echo "::: Local calibration requested..." . ${piholeDir}/pihole.conf fi ########################### # collapse - begin formation of pihole function gravity_collapse() { echo "::: Neutrino emissions detected..." echo ":::" #Decide if we're using a custom ad block list, or defaults. if [ -f ${adListFile} ]; then #custom file found, use this instead of default echo -n "::: Custom adList file detected. Reading..." sources=() while read -r line; do #Do not read commented out or blank lines if [[ ${line} = \#* ]] || [[ ! ${line} ]]; then echo "" > /dev/null else sources+=(${line}) fi done < ${adListFile} echo " done!" else #no custom file found, use defaults! echo -n "::: No custom adlist file detected, reading from default file..." sources=() while read -r line; do #Do not read commented out or blank lines if [[ ${line} = \#* ]] || [[ ! ${line} ]]; then echo "" > /dev/null else sources+=(${line}) fi done < ${adListDefault} echo " done!" fi # Create the pihole resource directory if it doesn't exist. Future files will be stored here if [[ -d ${piholeDir} ]];then # Temporary hack to allow non-root access to pihole directory # Will update later, needed for existing installs, new installs should # create this directory as non-root ${SUDO} chmod 777 ${piholeDir} echo ":::" echo "::: Existing pihole directory found" else echo "::: Creating pihole directory..." mkdir ${piholeDir} ${SUDO} chmod 777 ${piholeDir} fi } # patternCheck - check to see if curl downloaded any new files. function gravity_patternCheck() { patternBuffer=$1 # check if the patternbuffer is a non-zero length file if [[ -s "$patternBuffer" ]];then # Some of the blocklists are copyright, they need to be downloaded # and stored as is. They can be processed for content after they # have been saved. cp "$patternBuffer" "$saveLocation" echo " List updated, transport successful!" else # curl didn't download any host files, probably because of the date check echo " No changes detected, transport skipped!" fi } # transport - curl the specified url with any needed command extentions function gravity_transport() { url=$1 cmd_ext=$2 agent=$3 # tmp file, so we don't have to store the (long!) lists in RAM patternBuffer=$(mktemp) heisenbergCompensator="" if [[ -r ${saveLocation} ]]; then # if domain has been saved, add file for date check to only download newer heisenbergCompensator="-z $saveLocation" fi # Silently curl url curl -s -L ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -A "$agent" ${url} > ${patternBuffer} # Check for list updates gravity_patternCheck "$patternBuffer" # Cleanup rm -f "$patternBuffer" } # spinup - main gravity function function gravity_spinup() { echo ":::" # Loop through domain list. Download each one and remove commented lines (lines beginning with '# 'or '/') and # blank lines for ((i = 0; i < "${#sources[@]}"; i++)) do url=${sources[$i]} # Get just the domain from the URL domain=$(echo "$url" | cut -d'/' -f3) # Save the file as list.#.domain saveLocation=${piholeDir}/list.${i}.${domain}.${justDomainsExtension} activeDomains[$i]=${saveLocation} agent="Mozilla/10.0" echo -n "::: Getting $domain list..." # Use a case statement to download lists that need special cURL commands # to complete properly and reset the user agent when required case "$domain" in "adblock.mahakala.is") agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36' cmd_ext="-e http://forum.xda-developers.com/" ;; "pgl.yoyo.org") cmd_ext="-d mimetype=plaintext -d hostformat=hosts" ;; # Default is a simple request *) cmd_ext="" esac gravity_transport "$url" "$cmd_ext" "$agent" done } # Schwarzchild - aggregate domains to one list and add blacklisted domains function gravity_Schwarzchild() { echo "::: " # Find all active domains and compile them into one file and remove CRs echo -n "::: Aggregating list of domains..." truncate -s 0 ${piholeDir}/${matterandlight} for i in "${activeDomains[@]}" do cat "$i" | tr -d '\r' >> ${piholeDir}/${matterandlight} done echo " done!" } function gravity_Blacklist(){ # Append blacklist entries if they exist echo -n "::: Running blacklist script to update HOSTS file...." ${blacklistScript} -f -nr -q > /dev/null numBlacklisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt") plural=; [[ "$numBlacklisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo " $numBlacklisted domain${plural} blacklisted!" } function gravity_Whitelist() { echo ":::" # Prevent our sources from being pulled into the hole plural=; [[ "${sources[@]}" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo -n "::: Adding ${#sources[@]} adlist source${plural} to the whitelist..." urls=() for url in "${sources[@]}" do tmp=$(echo "$url" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') urls=("${urls[@]}" ${tmp}) done echo " done!" echo -n "::: Running whitelist script to update HOSTS file...." ${whitelistScript} -f -nr -q "${urls[@]}" > /dev/null numWhitelisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt") plural=; [[ "$numWhitelisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo " $numWhitelisted domain${plural} whitelisted!" } function gravity_unique() { # Sort and remove duplicates echo -n "::: Removing duplicate domains...." sort -u ${piholeDir}/${supernova} > ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} echo " done!" numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon}) echo "::: $numberOf unique domains trapped in the event horizon." } function gravity_hostFormat() { # Format domain list as "192.168.x.x domain.com" echo "::: Formatting domains into a HOSTS file..." hostname=$( ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} cat ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} | awk -v ipv4addr="$piholeIP" -v ipv6addr="$piholeIPv6" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0"\n"ipv6addr" "$0}' >> ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} else # Otherwise, just create gravity.list as normal using IPv4 # Add hostname and dummy domain to the top of gravity.list to make ping result return a friendlier looking domain! Also allows for an easy way to access the Pi-hole admin console (pi.hole/admin) echo -e "$piholeIP $hostname\n$piholeIP pi.hole" > ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} cat ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} | awk -v ipv4addr="$piholeIP" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0}' >> ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} fi # Copy the file over as /etc/pihole/gravity.list so dnsmasq can use it cp ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} ${adList} } # blackbody - remove any remnant files from script processes function gravity_blackbody() { # Loop through list files for file in ${piholeDir}/*.${justDomainsExtension} do # If list is in active array then leave it (noop) else rm the list if [[ " ${activeDomains[@]} " =~ ${file} ]]; then : else rm -f "$file" fi done } function gravity_advanced() { # Remove comments and print only the domain name # Most of the lists downloaded are already in hosts file format but the spacing/formating is not contigious # This helps with that and makes it easier to read # It also helps with debugging so each stage of the script can be researched more in depth echo -n "::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments...." awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' ${piholeDir}/${matterandlight} | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > ${piholeDir}/${supernova} echo " done!" numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${supernova}) echo "::: $numberOf domains being pulled in by gravity..." gravity_unique } function gravity_reload() { #Clear no longer needed files... echo ":::" echo -n "::: Cleaning up un-needed files..." ${SUDO} rm ${piholeDir}/pihole.*.txt echo " done!" # Reload hosts file echo ":::" echo -n "::: Refresh lists in dnsmasq..." #ensure /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf is pointing at the correct list! #First escape forward slashes in the path: adList=${adList//\//\\\/} #Now replace the line in dnsmasq file ${SUDO} sed -i "s/^addn-hosts.*/addn-hosts=$adList/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf dnsmasqPid=$(pidof dnsmasq) find "$piholeDir" -type f -exec ${SUDO} chmod 666 {} \; if [[ ${dnsmasqPid} ]]; then # service already running - reload config ${SUDO} killall -s HUP dnsmasq else # service not running, start it up ${SUDO} service dnsmasq start fi echo " done!" } for var in "$@" do case "$var" in "-f" | "--force" ) force=true;; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; esac done #Overwrite adlists.default from /etc/.pihole in case any changes have been made. Changes should be saved in /etc/adlists.list if [[ ${force} == true ]]; then echo -n "::: Deleting exising list cache..." ${SUDO} rm /etc/pihole/list.* echo " done!" fi ${SUDO} cp /etc/.pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.default gravity_collapse gravity_spinup gravity_Schwarzchild gravity_advanced gravity_hostFormat gravity_blackbody gravity_Whitelist gravity_Blacklist gravity_reload