#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Web interface settings # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. readonly dnsmasqconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" readonly dhcpconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/02-pihole-dhcp.conf" readonly FTLconf="/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf" # 03 -> wildcards readonly dhcpstaticconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf" readonly dnscustomfile="/etc/pihole/custom.list" readonly dnscustomcnamefile="/etc/dnsmasq.d/05-pihole-custom-cname.conf" readonly gravityDBfile="/etc/pihole/gravity.db" # Source install script for ${setupVars}, ${PI_HOLE_BIN_DIR} and valid_ip() readonly PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR="/etc/.pihole" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # used in basic-install PH_TEST="true" source "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh" coltable="/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE" if [[ -f ${coltable} ]]; then source ${coltable} fi helpFunc() { echo "Usage: pihole -a [options] Example: pihole -a -p password Set options for the Admin Console Options: -p, password Set Admin Console password -c, celsius Set Celsius as preferred temperature unit -f, fahrenheit Set Fahrenheit as preferred temperature unit -k, kelvin Set Kelvin as preferred temperature unit -e, email Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page -h, --help Show this help dialog -i, interface Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior -l, privacylevel Set privacy level (0 = lowest, 3 = highest) -t, teleporter Backup configuration as an archive -t, teleporter myname.tar.gz Backup configuration to archive with name myname.tar.gz as specified" exit 0 } add_setting() { echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${setupVars}" } delete_setting() { sed -i "/^${1}/d" "${setupVars}" } change_setting() { delete_setting "${1}" add_setting "${1}" "${2}" } addFTLsetting() { echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${FTLconf}" } deleteFTLsetting() { sed -i "/^${1}/d" "${FTLconf}" } changeFTLsetting() { deleteFTLsetting "${1}" addFTLsetting "${1}" "${2}" } add_dnsmasq_setting() { if [[ "${2}" != "" ]]; then echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" else echo "${1}" >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" fi } delete_dnsmasq_setting() { sed -i "/^${1}/d" "${dnsmasqconfig}" } SetTemperatureUnit() { change_setting "TEMPERATUREUNIT" "${unit}" echo -e " ${TICK} Set temperature unit to ${unit}" } HashPassword() { # Compute password hash twice to avoid rainbow table vulnerability return=$(echo -n "${1}" | sha256sum | sed 's/\s.*$//') return=$(echo -n "${return}" | sha256sum | sed 's/\s.*$//') echo "${return}" } SetWebPassword() { if [ "${SUDO_USER}" == "www-data" ]; then echo "Security measure: user www-data is not allowed to change webUI password!" echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi if [ "${SUDO_USER}" == "lighttpd" ]; then echo "Security measure: user lighttpd is not allowed to change webUI password!" echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi if (( ${#args[2]} > 0 )) ; then readonly PASSWORD="${args[2]}" readonly CONFIRM="${PASSWORD}" else # Prevents a bug if the user presses Ctrl+C and it continues to hide the text typed. # So we reset the terminal via stty if the user does press Ctrl+C trap '{ echo -e "\nNo password will be set" ; stty sane ; exit 1; }' INT read -s -r -p "Enter New Password (Blank for no password): " PASSWORD echo "" if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "" ]; then change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" "" echo -e " ${TICK} Password Removed" exit 0 fi read -s -r -p "Confirm Password: " CONFIRM echo "" fi if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "${CONFIRM}" ] ; then # We do not wrap this in brackets, otherwise BASH will expand any appropriate syntax hash=$(HashPassword "$PASSWORD") # Save hash to file change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" "${hash}" echo -e " ${TICK} New password set" else echo -e " ${CROSS} Passwords don't match. Your password has not been changed" exit 1 fi } ProcessDNSSettings() { source "${setupVars}" delete_dnsmasq_setting "server" COUNTER=1 while true ; do var=PIHOLE_DNS_${COUNTER} if [ -z "${!var}" ]; then break; fi add_dnsmasq_setting "server" "${!var}" (( COUNTER++ )) done # The option LOCAL_DNS_PORT is deprecated # We apply it once more, and then convert it into the current format if [ -n "${LOCAL_DNS_PORT}" ]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "server" "${LOCAL_DNS_PORT}" add_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_${COUNTER}" "${LOCAL_DNS_PORT}" delete_setting "LOCAL_DNS_PORT" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed" delete_dnsmasq_setting "expand-hosts" if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" == true ]]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed" add_dnsmasq_setting "expand-hosts" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "bogus-priv" if [[ "${DNS_BOGUS_PRIV}" == true ]]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "bogus-priv" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "dnssec" delete_dnsmasq_setting "trust-anchor=" if [[ "${DNSSEC}" == true ]]; then echo "dnssec trust-anchor=.,20326,8,2,E06D44B80B8F1D39A95C0B0D7C65D08458E880409BBC683457104237C7F8EC8D " >> "${dnsmasqconfig}" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "host-record" if [ -n "${HOSTRECORD}" ]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "host-record" "${HOSTRECORD}" fi # Setup interface listening behavior of dnsmasq delete_dnsmasq_setting "interface" delete_dnsmasq_setting "local-service" delete_dnsmasq_setting "except-interface" delete_dnsmasq_setting "bind-interfaces" if [[ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" == "all" ]]; then # Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins add_dnsmasq_setting "except-interface" "nonexisting" elif [[ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" == "local" ]]; then # Listen only on all interfaces, but only local subnets add_dnsmasq_setting "local-service" else # Options "bind" and "single" # Listen only on one interface # Use eth0 as fallback interface if interface is missing in setupVars.conf if [ -z "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" ]; then PIHOLE_INTERFACE="eth0" fi add_dnsmasq_setting "interface" "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" if [[ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" == "bind" ]]; then # Really bind to interface add_dnsmasq_setting "bind-interfaces" fi fi if [[ "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING}" == true ]]; then # Convert legacy "conditional forwarding" to rev-server configuration # Remove any existing REV_SERVER settings delete_setting "REV_SERVER" delete_setting "REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" delete_setting "REV_SERVER_TARGET" delete_setting "REV_SERVER_CIDR" REV_SERVER=true add_setting "REV_SERVER" "true" REV_SERVER_DOMAIN="${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN}" add_setting "REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" "${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}" REV_SERVER_TARGET="${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP}" add_setting "REV_SERVER_TARGET" "${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" #Convert CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE if necessary e.g: # to # 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa to # 168.192.in-addr.arpa to # 192.in-addr.arpa to if [[ "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE}" == *"in-addr.arpa" ]];then arrRev=("${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE//./ }") case ${#arrRev[@]} in 6 ) REV_SERVER_CIDR="${arrRev[3]}.${arrRev[2]}.${arrRev[1]}.${arrRev[0]}/32";; 5 ) REV_SERVER_CIDR="${arrRev[2]}.${arrRev[1]}.${arrRev[0]}.0/24";; 4 ) REV_SERVER_CIDR="${arrRev[1]}.${arrRev[0]}.0.0/16";; 3 ) REV_SERVER_CIDR="${arrRev[0]}.0.0.0/8";; esac else # Set REV_SERVER_CIDR to whatever value it was set to REV_SERVER_CIDR="${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE}" fi # If REV_SERVER_CIDR is not converted by the above, then use the REV_SERVER_TARGET variable to derive it if [ -z "${REV_SERVER_CIDR}" ]; then # Convert existing input to /24 subnet (preserves legacy behavior) # This sed converts "" to "" # shellcheck disable=2001 REV_SERVER_CIDR="$(sed "s+\\.[0-9]*$+\\.0/24+" <<< "${REV_SERVER_TARGET}")" fi add_setting "REV_SERVER_CIDR" "${REV_SERVER_CIDR}" # Remove obsolete settings from setupVars.conf delete_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING" delete_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE" delete_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN" delete_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP" fi delete_dnsmasq_setting "rev-server" if [[ "${REV_SERVER}" == true ]]; then add_dnsmasq_setting "rev-server=${REV_SERVER_CIDR},${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" if [ -n "${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}" ]; then # Forward local domain names to the CF target, too add_dnsmasq_setting "server=/${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}/${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" fi if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" != true ]]; then # Forward unqualified names to the CF target only when the "never # forward non-FQDN" option is unticked add_dnsmasq_setting "server=//${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" fi fi # We need to process DHCP settings here as well to account for possible # changes in the non-FQDN forwarding. This cannot be done in 01-pihole.conf # as we don't want to delete all local=/.../ lines so it's much safer to # simply rewrite the entire corresponding config file (which is what the # DHCP settings subroutie is doing) ProcessDHCPSettings } SetDNSServers() { # Save setting to file delete_setting "PIHOLE_DNS" IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "${args[2]}" for index in "${!array[@]}" do # Replace possible "\#" by "#". This fixes AdminLTE#1427 local ip ip="${array[index]//\\#/#}" if valid_ip "${ip}" || valid_ip6 "${ip}" ; then add_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_$((index+1))" "${ip}" else echo -e " ${CROSS} Invalid IP has been passed" exit 1 fi done if [[ "${args[3]}" == "domain-needed" ]]; then change_setting "DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" "true" else change_setting "DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" "false" fi if [[ "${args[4]}" == "bogus-priv" ]]; then change_setting "DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" "true" else change_setting "DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" "false" fi if [[ "${args[5]}" == "dnssec" ]]; then change_setting "DNSSEC" "true" else change_setting "DNSSEC" "false" fi if [[ "${args[6]}" == "rev-server" ]]; then change_setting "REV_SERVER" "true" change_setting "REV_SERVER_CIDR" "${args[7]}" change_setting "REV_SERVER_TARGET" "${args[8]}" change_setting "REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" "${args[9]}" else change_setting "REV_SERVER" "false" fi ProcessDNSSettings # Restart dnsmasq to load new configuration RestartDNS } SetExcludeDomains() { change_setting "API_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS" "${args[2]}" } SetExcludeClients() { change_setting "API_EXCLUDE_CLIENTS" "${args[2]}" } Poweroff(){ nohup bash -c "sleep 5; poweroff" &> /dev/null /dev/null "${dhcpconfig}" chmod 644 "${dhcpconfig}" if [[ "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" != "none" ]]; then echo "domain=${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" >> "${dhcpconfig}" # When there is a Pi-hole domain set and "Never forward non-FQDNs" is # ticked, we add `local=/domain/` to tell FTL that this domain is purely # local and FTL may answer queries from /etc/hosts or DHCP but should # never forward queries on that domain to any upstream servers if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" == true ]]; then echo "local=/${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}/" >> "${dhcpconfig}" fi fi # Sourced from setupVars # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [[ "${DHCP_rapid_commit}" == "true" ]]; then echo "dhcp-rapid-commit" >> "${dhcpconfig}" fi if [[ "${DHCP_IPv6}" == "true" ]]; then echo "#quiet-dhcp6 #enable-ra dhcp-option=option6:dns-server,[::] dhcp-range=::100,::1ff,constructor:${interface},ra-names,slaac,64,3600 ra-param=*,0,0 " >> "${dhcpconfig}" fi else if [[ -f "${dhcpconfig}" ]]; then rm "${dhcpconfig}" &> /dev/null fi fi } EnableDHCP() { change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "true" change_setting "DHCP_START" "${args[2]}" change_setting "DHCP_END" "${args[3]}" change_setting "DHCP_ROUTER" "${args[4]}" change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${args[5]}" change_setting "PIHOLE_DOMAIN" "${args[6]}" change_setting "DHCP_IPv6" "${args[7]}" change_setting "DHCP_rapid_commit" "${args[8]}" # Remove possible old setting from file delete_dnsmasq_setting "dhcp-" delete_dnsmasq_setting "quiet-dhcp" # If a DHCP client claims that its name is "wpad", ignore that. # This fixes a security hole. see CERT Vulnerability VU#598349 # We also ignore "localhost" as Windows behaves strangely if a # device claims this host name add_dnsmasq_setting "dhcp-name-match=set:hostname-ignore,wpad dhcp-name-match=set:hostname-ignore,localhost dhcp-ignore-names=tag:hostname-ignore" ProcessDHCPSettings RestartDNS } DisableDHCP() { change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "false" # Remove possible old setting from file delete_dnsmasq_setting "dhcp-" delete_dnsmasq_setting "quiet-dhcp" ProcessDHCPSettings RestartDNS } SetWebUILayout() { change_setting "WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT" "${args[2]}" } SetWebUITheme() { change_setting "WEBTHEME" "${args[2]}" } CheckUrl(){ local regex check_url # Check for characters NOT allowed in URLs regex="[^a-zA-Z0-9:/?&%=~._()-;]" # this will remove first @ that is after schema and before domain # \1 is optional schema, \2 is userinfo check_url="$( sed -re 's#([^:/]*://)?([^/]+)@#\1\2#' <<< "$1" )" if [[ "${check_url}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } CustomizeAdLists() { local address address="${args[3]}" local comment comment="${args[4]}" if CheckUrl "${address}"; then if [[ "${args[2]}" == "enable" ]]; then pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "UPDATE adlist SET enabled = 1 WHERE address = '${address}'" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "disable" ]]; then pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "UPDATE adlist SET enabled = 0 WHERE address = '${address}'" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "add" ]]; then pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO adlist (address, comment) VALUES ('${address}', '${comment}')" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "del" ]]; then pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "DELETE FROM adlist WHERE address = '${address}'" else echo "Not permitted" return 1 fi else echo "Invalid Url" return 1 fi } AddDHCPStaticAddress() { mac="${args[2]}" ip="${args[3]}" host="${args[4]}" if [[ "${ip}" == "noip" ]]; then # Static host name echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${host}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" elif [[ "${host}" == "nohost" ]]; then # Static IP echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${ip}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" else # Full info given echo "dhcp-host=${mac},${ip},${host}" >> "${dhcpstaticconfig}" fi } RemoveDHCPStaticAddress() { mac="${args[2]}" if [[ "$mac" =~ ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ ]]; then sed -i "/dhcp-host=${mac}.*/d" "${dhcpstaticconfig}" else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Mac Passed!" exit 1 fi } SetAdminEmail() { if [[ "${1}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${1}" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: pihole -a email
Example: 'pihole -a email admin@address.com' Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page Options: \"\" Empty: Remove admin contact -h, --help Show this help dialog" exit 0 fi if [[ -n "${args[2]}" ]]; then # Sanitize email address in case of security issues # Regex from https://stackoverflow.com/a/2138832/4065967 local regex regex="^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}\$" if [[ ! "${args[2]}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Invalid email address" exit 0 fi change_setting "ADMIN_EMAIL" "${args[2]}" echo -e " ${TICK} Setting admin contact to ${args[2]}" else change_setting "ADMIN_EMAIL" "" echo -e " ${TICK} Removing admin contact" fi } SetListeningMode() { source "${setupVars}" if [[ "$3" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$3" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: pihole -a -i [interface] Example: 'pihole -a -i local' Specify dnsmasq's network interface listening behavior Interfaces: local Only respond to queries from devices that are at most one hop away (local devices) single Respond only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} bind Bind only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} all Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins" exit 0 fi if [[ "${args[2]}" == "all" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Listening on all interfaces, permitting all origins. Please use a firewall!" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "all" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "local" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Listening on all interfaces, permitting origins from one hop away (LAN)" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "local" elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "bind" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Binding on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "bind" else echo -e " ${INFO} Listening only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "single" fi # Don't restart DNS server yet because other settings # will be applied afterwards if "-web" is set if [[ "${args[3]}" != "-web" ]]; then ProcessDNSSettings # Restart dnsmasq to load new configuration RestartDNS fi } Teleporter() { local filename filename="${args[2]}" if [[ -z "${filename}" ]]; then local datetimestamp local host datetimestamp=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") host=$(hostname) host="${host//./_}" filename="pi-hole-${host:-noname}-teleporter_${datetimestamp}.tar.gz" fi php /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/teleporter.php > "${filename}" } checkDomain() { local domain validDomain # Convert to lowercase domain="${1,,}" validDomain=$(grep -P "^((-|_)*[a-z\\d]((-|_)*[a-z\\d])*(-|_)*)(\\.(-|_)*([a-z\\d]((-|_)*[a-z\\d])*))*$" <<< "${domain}") # Valid chars check validDomain=$(grep -P "^[^\\.]{1,63}(\\.[^\\.]{1,63})*$" <<< "${validDomain}") # Length of each label echo "${validDomain}" } addAudit() { shift # skip "-a" shift # skip "audit" local domains validDomain domains="" for domain in "$@" do # Check domain to be added. Only continue if it is valid validDomain="$(checkDomain "${domain}")" if [[ -n "${validDomain}" ]]; then # Put comma in between domains when there is # more than one domains to be added # SQL INSERT allows adding multiple rows at once using the format ## INSERT INTO table (domain) VALUES ('abc.de'),('fgh.ij'),('klm.no'),('pqr.st'); if [[ -n "${domains}" ]]; then domains="${domains}," fi domains="${domains}('${domain}')" fi done # Insert only the domain here. The date_added field will be # filled with its default value (date_added = current timestamp) pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "INSERT INTO domain_audit (domain) VALUES ${domains};" } clearAudit() { pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "DELETE FROM domain_audit;" } SetPrivacyLevel() { # Set privacy level. Minimum is 0, maximum is 3 if [ "${args[2]}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${args[2]}" -le 3 ]; then changeFTLsetting "PRIVACYLEVEL" "${args[2]}" pihole restartdns reload-lists fi } AddCustomDNSAddress() { echo -e " ${TICK} Adding custom DNS entry..." ip="${args[2]}" host="${args[3]}" reload="${args[4]}" validHost="$(checkDomain "${host}")" if [[ -n "${validHost}" ]]; then if valid_ip "${ip}" || valid_ip6 "${ip}" ; then echo "${ip} ${validHost}" >> "${dnscustomfile}" else echo -e " ${CROSS} Invalid IP has been passed" exit 1 fi else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Domain passed!" exit 1 fi # Restart dnsmasq to load new custom DNS entries only if $reload not false if [[ ! $reload == "false" ]]; then RestartDNS fi } RemoveCustomDNSAddress() { echo -e " ${TICK} Removing custom DNS entry..." ip="${args[2]}" host="${args[3]}" reload="${args[4]}" validHost="$(checkDomain "${host}")" if [[ -n "${validHost}" ]]; then if valid_ip "${ip}" || valid_ip6 "${ip}" ; then sed -i "/^${ip} ${validHost}$/Id" "${dnscustomfile}" else echo -e " ${CROSS} Invalid IP has been passed" exit 1 fi else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Domain passed!" exit 1 fi # Restart dnsmasq to load new custom DNS entries only if reload is not false if [[ ! $reload == "false" ]]; then RestartDNS fi } AddCustomCNAMERecord() { echo -e " ${TICK} Adding custom CNAME record..." domain="${args[2]}" target="${args[3]}" reload="${args[4]}" validDomain="$(checkDomain "${domain}")" if [[ -n "${validDomain}" ]]; then validTarget="$(checkDomain "${target}")" if [[ -n "${validTarget}" ]]; then echo "cname=${validDomain},${validTarget}" >> "${dnscustomcnamefile}" else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Target Passed!" exit 1 fi else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Domain passed!" exit 1 fi # Restart dnsmasq to load new custom CNAME records only if reload is not false if [[ ! $reload == "false" ]]; then RestartDNS fi } RemoveCustomCNAMERecord() { echo -e " ${TICK} Removing custom CNAME record..." domain="${args[2]}" target="${args[3]}" reload="${args[4]}" validDomain="$(checkDomain "${domain}")" if [[ -n "${validDomain}" ]]; then validTarget="$(checkDomain "${target}")" if [[ -n "${validTarget}" ]]; then sed -i "/cname=${validDomain},${validTarget}$/Id" "${dnscustomcnamefile}" else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Target Passed!" exit 1 fi else echo " ${CROSS} Invalid Domain passed!" exit 1 fi # Restart dnsmasq to update removed custom CNAME records only if $reload not false if [[ ! $reload == "false" ]]; then RestartDNS fi } main() { args=("$@") case "${args[1]}" in "-p" | "password" ) SetWebPassword;; "-c" | "celsius" ) unit="C"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "-f" | "fahrenheit" ) unit="F"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "-k" | "kelvin" ) unit="K"; SetTemperatureUnit;; "setdns" ) SetDNSServers;; "setexcludedomains" ) SetExcludeDomains;; "setexcludeclients" ) SetExcludeClients;; "poweroff" ) Poweroff;; "reboot" ) Reboot;; "restartdns" ) RestartDNS;; "setquerylog" ) SetQueryLogOptions;; "enabledhcp" ) EnableDHCP;; "disabledhcp" ) DisableDHCP;; "layout" ) SetWebUILayout;; "theme" ) SetWebUITheme;; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; "addstaticdhcp" ) AddDHCPStaticAddress;; "removestaticdhcp" ) RemoveDHCPStaticAddress;; "-e" | "email" ) SetAdminEmail "$3";; "-i" | "interface" ) SetListeningMode "$@";; "-t" | "teleporter" ) Teleporter;; "adlist" ) CustomizeAdLists;; "audit" ) addAudit "$@";; "clearaudit" ) clearAudit;; "-l" | "privacylevel" ) SetPrivacyLevel;; "addcustomdns" ) AddCustomDNSAddress;; "removecustomdns" ) RemoveCustomDNSAddress;; "addcustomcname" ) AddCustomCNAMERecord;; "removecustomcname" ) RemoveCustomCNAMERecord;; * ) helpFunc;; esac shift if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then helpFunc fi }