#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Compiles a list of ad-serving domains by downloading them from multiple sources # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. # Run this script as root or under sudo echo ":::" helpFunc() { cat << EOM ::: Pull in domains from adlists ::: ::: Usage: pihole -g ::: ::: Options: ::: -f, --force Force lists to be downloaded, even if they don't need updating. ::: -h, --help Show this help dialog EOM exit 0 } PIHOLE_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/pihole" adListFile=/etc/pihole/adlists.list adListDefault=/etc/pihole/adlists.default #being deprecated adListRepoDefault=/etc/.pihole/adlists.default whitelistScript="${PIHOLE_COMMAND} -w" whitelistFile=/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt blacklistFile=/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt readonly wildcardlist="/etc/dnsmasq.d/03-pihole-wildcard.conf" #Source the setupVars from install script for the IP setupVars=/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf if [[ -f ${setupVars} ]];then . /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf else echo "::: WARNING: /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf missing. Possible installation failure." echo "::: Please run 'pihole -r', and choose the 'reconfigure' option to reconfigure." exit 1 fi #Remove the /* from the end of the IPv4addr. IPV4_ADDRESS=${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*} IPV6_ADDRESS=${IPV6_ADDRESS} # Variables for various stages of downloading and formatting the list basename=pihole piholeDir=/etc/${basename} adList=${piholeDir}/gravity.list blackList=${piholeDir}/black.list localList=${piholeDir}/local.list justDomainsExtension=domains matterAndLight=${basename}.0.matterandlight.txt supernova=${basename}.1.supernova.txt preEventHorizon=list.preEventHorizon eventHorizon=${basename}.2.supernova.txt accretionDisc=${basename}.3.accretionDisc.txt skipDownload=false # Warn users still using pihole.conf that it no longer has any effect (I imagine about 2 people use it) if [[ -r ${piholeDir}/pihole.conf ]]; then echo "::: pihole.conf file no longer supported. Over-rides in this file are ignored." fi ########################### # collapse - begin formation of pihole gravity_collapse() { #New Logic: # Does /etc/pihole/adlists.list exist? If so leave it alone # If not, cp /etc/.pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.list # Read from adlists.list #The following two blocks will sort out any missing adlists in the /etc/pihole directory, and remove legacy adlists.default if [ -f ${adListDefault} ] && [ -f ${adListFile} ]; then rm ${adListDefault} fi if [ ! -f ${adListFile} ]; then cp ${adListRepoDefault} ${adListFile} fi echo "::: Neutrino emissions detected..." echo ":::" echo -n "::: Pulling source lists into range..." sources=() while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do #Do not read commented out or blank lines if [[ ${line} = \#* ]] || [[ ! ${line} ]]; then echo "" > /dev/null else sources+=(${line}) fi done < ${adListFile} echo " done!" } # patternCheck - check to see if curl downloaded any new files. gravity_patternCheck() { patternBuffer=$1 success=$2 error=$3 if [ $success = true ]; then # check if download was successful but list has not been modified if [ "${error}" == "304" ]; then echo "::: No changes detected, transport skipped!" # check if the patternbuffer is a non-zero length file elif [[ -s "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then # Some of the blocklists are copyright, they need to be downloaded # and stored as is. They can be processed for content after they # have been saved. mv "${patternBuffer}" "${saveLocation}" echo "::: List updated, transport successful!" else # Empty file -> use previously downloaded list echo "::: Received empty file, using cached one (list not updated!)" fi else # check if cached list exists if [[ -r "${saveLocation}" ]]; then echo "::: List download failed, using cached list (list not updated!)" else echo "::: Download failed and no cached list available (list will not be considered)" fi fi } # transport - curl the specified url with any needed command extentions gravity_transport() { url=$1 cmd_ext=$2 agent=$3 # tmp file, so we don't have to store the (long!) lists in RAM patternBuffer=$(mktemp) heisenbergCompensator="" if [[ -r ${saveLocation} ]]; then # if domain has been saved, add file for date check to only download newer heisenbergCompensator="-z ${saveLocation}" fi # Silently curl url err=$(curl -s -L ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -w %{http_code} -A "${agent}" ${url} -o ${patternBuffer}) echo " done" # Analyze http response echo -n "::: Status: " case "$err" in "200" ) echo "Success (OK)"; success=true;; "304" ) echo "Not modified"; success=true;; "403" ) echo "Forbidden"; success=false;; "404" ) echo "Not found"; success=false;; "408" ) echo "Time-out"; success=false;; "451" ) echo "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"; success=false;; "521" ) echo "Web Server Is Down (Cloudflare)"; success=false;; "522" ) echo "Connection Timed Out (Cloudflare)"; success=false;; "500" ) echo "Internal Server Error"; success=false;; * ) echo "Status $err"; success=false;; esac # Process result gravity_patternCheck "${patternBuffer}" ${success} "${err}" # Delete temp file if it hasn't been moved if [[ -f "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then rm "${patternBuffer}" fi } # spinup - main gravity function gravity_spinup() { echo ":::" # Loop through domain list. Download each one and remove commented lines (lines beginning with '# 'or '/') and # blank lines for ((i = 0; i < "${#sources[@]}"; i++)); do url=${sources[$i]} # Get just the domain from the URL domain=$(echo "${url}" | cut -d'/' -f3) # Save the file as list.#.domain saveLocation=${piholeDir}/list.${i}.${domain}.${justDomainsExtension} activeDomains[$i]=${saveLocation} agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2227.0 Safari/537.36" # Use a case statement to download lists that need special cURL commands # to complete properly and reset the user agent when required case "${domain}" in "adblock.mahakala.is") agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36' cmd_ext="-e http://forum.xda-developers.com/" ;; "adaway.org") agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36' ;; "pgl.yoyo.org") cmd_ext="-d mimetype=plaintext -d hostformat=hosts" ;; # Default is a simple request *) cmd_ext="" esac if [[ "${skipDownload}" == false ]]; then echo -n "::: Getting $domain list..." gravity_transport "$url" "$cmd_ext" "$agent" fi done } # Schwarzchild - aggregate domains to one list and add blacklisted domains gravity_Schwarzchild() { echo "::: " # Find all active domains and compile them into one file and remove CRs echo -n "::: Aggregating list of domains..." truncate -s 0 ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} for i in "${activeDomains[@]}"; do # Only assimilate list if it is available (download might have faild permanently) if [[ -r "${i}" ]]; then cat "${i}" | tr -d '\r' >> ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} fi done echo " done!" } gravity_Blacklist() { # Append blacklist entries to eventHorizon if they exist if [[ -f "${blacklistFile}" ]]; then numBlacklisted=$(wc -l < "${blacklistFile}") plural=; [[ "$numBlacklisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo -n "::: Blacklisting $numBlacklisted domain${plural}..." cat "${blacklistFile}" > "${blackList}.tmp" echo " done!" else echo "::: Nothing to blacklist!" fi } gravity_Wildcard() { # Return number of wildcards in output - don't actually handle wildcards if [[ -f "${wildcardlist}" ]]; then numWildcards=$(grep -c ^ "${wildcardlist}") if [[ -n "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" && -n "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]];then let numWildcards/=2 fi plural=; [[ "$numWildcards" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo "::: Wildcard blocked domain${plural}: $numWildcards" else echo "::: No wildcards used!" fi } gravity_Whitelist() { #${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon}) echo ":::" # Prevent our sources from being pulled into the hole plural=; [[ "${sources[@]}" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo -n "::: Adding adlist source${plural} to the whitelist..." urls=() for url in "${sources[@]}"; do tmp=$(echo "${url}" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') urls=("${urls[@]}" ${tmp}) done echo " done!" # Ensure adlist domains are in whitelist.txt ${whitelistScript} -nr -q "${urls[@]}" > /dev/null # Check whitelist.txt exists. if [[ -f "${whitelistFile}" ]]; then # Remove anything in whitelist.txt from the Event Horizon numWhitelisted=$(wc -l < "${whitelistFile}") plural=; [[ "$numWhitelisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s echo -n "::: Whitelisting $numWhitelisted domain${plural}..." #print everything from preEventHorizon into eventHorizon EXCEPT domains in whitelist.txt grep -F -x -v -f ${whitelistFile} ${piholeDir}/${preEventHorizon} > ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} echo " done!" else echo "::: Nothing to whitelist!" fi } gravity_unique() { # Sort and remove duplicates echo -n "::: Removing duplicate domains...." sort -u ${piholeDir}/${supernova} > ${piholeDir}/${preEventHorizon} echo " done!" numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${preEventHorizon}) echo "::: $numberOf unique domains trapped in the event horizon." } gravity_doHostFormat() { # Check vars from setupVars.conf to see if we're using IPv4, IPv6, Or both. if [[ -n "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" && -n "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]];then # Both IPv4 and IPv6 cat "${1}" | awk -v ipv4addr="$IPV4_ADDRESS" -v ipv6addr="$IPV6_ADDRESS" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0"\n"ipv6addr" "$0}' >> "${2}" elif [[ -n "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" && -z "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]];then # Only IPv4 cat "${1}" | awk -v ipv4addr="$IPV4_ADDRESS" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0}' >> "${2}" elif [[ -z "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" && -n "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]];then # Only IPv6 cat "${1}" | awk -v ipv6addr="$IPV6_ADDRESS" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv6addr" "$0}' >> "${2}" elif [[ -z "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" && -z "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]];then echo "::: No IP Values found! Please run 'pihole -r' and choose reconfigure to restore values" exit 1 fi } gravity_hostFormat() { # Format domain list as "192.168.x.x domain.com" echo -n "::: Formatting domains into a HOSTS file..." if [[ -f /etc/hostname ]]; then hostname=$( "${localList}.tmp" # Copy the file over as /etc/pihole/local.list so dnsmasq can use it gravity_doHostFormat "${localList}.tmp" "${localList}" rm "${localList}.tmp" echo "" > "${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}" gravity_doHostFormat "${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon}" "${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}" # Copy the file over as /etc/pihole/gravity.list so dnsmasq can use it cp "${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}" "${adList}" rm "${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}" echo -e "" > "${blackList}.tmp" gravity_doHostFormat "${blackList}.tmp" "${blackList}" # Copy the file over as /etc/pihole/black.list so dnsmasq can use it cp "${blackList}.tmp" "${blackList}" rm "${blackList}.tmp" echo " done!" } # blackbody - remove any remnant files from script processes gravity_blackbody() { # Loop through list files for file in ${piholeDir}/*.${justDomainsExtension}; do # If list is in active array then leave it (noop) else rm the list if [[ " ${activeDomains[@]} " =~ ${file} ]]; then : else rm -f "${file}" fi done } gravity_advanced() { # Remove comments and print only the domain name # Most of the lists downloaded are already in hosts file format but the spacing/formating is not contigious # This helps with that and makes it easier to read # It also helps with debugging so each stage of the script can be researched more in depth echo -n "::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments...." #awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > ${piholeDir}/${supernova} #Above line does not correctly grab domains where comment is on the same line (e.g 'addomain.com #comment') #Awk -F splits on given IFS, we grab the right hand side (chops trailing #coments and /'s to grab the domain only. #Last awk command takes non-commented lines and if they have 2 fields, take the left field (the domain) and leave #+ the right (IP address), otherwise grab the single field. cat ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} | \ awk -F '#' '{print $1}' | \ awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | \ awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' | \ sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > ${piholeDir}/${supernova} echo " done!" numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${supernova}) echo "::: ${numberOf} domains being pulled in by gravity..." gravity_unique } gravity_reload() { #Clear no longer needed files... echo ":::" echo -n "::: Cleaning up un-needed files..." rm ${piholeDir}/pihole.*.txt echo " done!" # Reload hosts file echo ":::" echo -n "::: Refresh lists in dnsmasq..." #ensure /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf is pointing at the correct list! #First escape forward slashes in the path: adList=${adList//\//\\\/} #Now replace the line in dnsmasq file # sed -i "s/^addn-hosts.*/addn-hosts=$adList/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" restartdns echo " done!" } for var in "$@"; do case "${var}" in "-f" | "--force" ) forceGrav=true;; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; "-sd" | "--skip-download" ) skipDownload=true;; esac done if [[ "${forceGrav}" == true ]]; then echo -n "::: Deleting exising list cache..." rm /etc/pihole/list.* echo " done!" fi gravity_collapse gravity_spinup if [[ "${skipDownload}" == false ]]; then gravity_Schwarzchild gravity_advanced else echo "::: Using cached Event Horizon list..." numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${preEventHorizon}) echo "::: $numberOf unique domains trapped in the event horizon." fi gravity_Whitelist gravity_Blacklist gravity_Wildcard gravity_hostFormat gravity_blackbody gravity_reload "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" status