mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole synced 2025-03-25 13:45:41 +00:00

Tweak/debug improvements (#1585)

* check for CIDR notation when comparing IPv6 address to that found in setupVars.conf

* highlight bad address entries in pihole.log and reference a corresponding FAQ

* show header output if Pi-holes x-header does not match

* fix automated mode when running from the dashboard.  It would previously not automatically upload and generate a token.

* show disclaimer message

* undocumented feature for now: obfuscate domains in pihole.log so they are not visible when sent to the Pi-hole developers.  We need to make an additonal flag for this in the pihole command.  if the variable OBFUSCATE has a value, it will replace the domain in the log with a placeholder value

* fix small typo in the disclaimer
This commit is contained in:
Jacob Salmela 2017-07-14 10:53:45 -05:00 committed by Adam Warner
parent 8c2b8f7241
commit e1f818ffb7

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ else
# FAQ URLs for use in showing the debug log
@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_PORTS="${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/hard
# Other URLs we may use
@ -159,6 +162,17 @@ ${PIHOLE_FTL_LOG}
DISCLAIMER="This process collects information from your Pi-hole, and optionally uploads it to a unique and random directory on tricorder.pi-hole.net.
The intent of this script is to allow users to self-diagnose their installations. This is accomplished by running tests against our software and providing the user with links to FAQ articles when a problem is detected. Since we are a small team and Pi-hole has been growing steadily, it is our hope that this will help us spend more time on development.
NOTE: All log files auto-delete after 48 hours and ONLY the Pi-hole developers can access your data via the given token. We have taken these extra steps to secure your data and will work to further reduce any personal information gathered.
log_write "${DISCLAIMER}"
source_setup_variables() {
# Display the current test that is running
log_write "\n${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}*** [ INITIALIZING ]${COL_NC} Sourcing setup variables"
@ -203,6 +217,7 @@ copy_to_debug_log() {
initiate_debug() {
# Clear the screen so the debug log is readable
# Display that the debug process is beginning
# Timestamp the start of the log
@ -457,7 +472,7 @@ does_ip_match_setup_vars() {
# If it's an IPv6 address
if [[ "${protocol}" == "6" ]]; then
# Strip off the / (CIDR notation)
if [[ "${ip_address%/*}" == "${setup_vars_ip}" ]]; then
if [[ "${ip_address%/*}" == "${setup_vars_ip%/*}" ]]; then
# if it matches, show it in green
log_write " ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${ip_address%/*}${COL_NC} matches the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}"
@ -659,6 +674,10 @@ check_x_headers() {
block_page_working="X-Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements."
local dashboard_working
dashboard_working="X-Pi-hole: The Pi-hole Web interface is working!"
local full_curl_output_block_page
full_curl_output_block_page="$(curl -Is localhost)"
local full_curl_output_dashboard
full_curl_output_dashboard="$(curl -Is localhost/admin/)"
# If the X-header found by curl matches what is should be,
if [[ $block_page == "$block_page_working" ]]; then
# display a success message
@ -666,6 +685,7 @@ check_x_headers() {
# Otherwise, show an error
log_write "$CROSS ${COL_LIGHT_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_RED}${full_curl_output_block_page}${COL_NC}"
# Same logic applies to the dashbord as above, if the X-Header matches what a working system shoud have,
@ -675,6 +695,7 @@ check_x_headers() {
# Othewise, it's a failure since the X-Headers either don't exist or have been modified in some way
log_write "$CROSS ${COL_LIGHT_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_RED}${full_curl_output_dashboard}${COL_NC}"
@ -972,8 +993,39 @@ analyze_pihole_log() {
local pihole_log_head=()
pihole_log_head=( $(head -n 20 ${PIHOLE_LOG}) )
log_write " ${COL_CYAN}-----head of $(basename ${PIHOLE_LOG})------${COL_NC}"
local error_to_check_for
local line_to_obfuscate
local obfuscated_line
for head_line in "${pihole_log_head[@]}"; do
log_write " ${head_line}"
# A common error in the pihole.log is when there is a non-hosts formatted file
# that the DNS server is attempting to read. Since it's not formatted
# correctly, there will be an entry for "bad address at line n"
# So we can check for that here and highlight it in red so the user can see it easily
error_to_check_for=$(echo ${head_line} | grep 'bad address at')
# Some users may not want to have the domains they visit sent to us
# To that end, we check for lines in the log that would contain a domain name
line_to_obfuscate=$(echo ${head_line} | grep ': query\|: forwarded\|: reply')
# If the variable contains a value, it found an error in the log
if [[ -n ${error_to_check_for} ]]; then
# So we can print it in red to make it visible to the user
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${head_line}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_BAD_ADDRESS})"
# If the variable does not a value (the current default behavior), so do not obfuscate anything
if [[ -z ${OBFUSCATE} ]]; then
log_write " ${head_line}"
# Othwerise, a flag was passed to this command to obfuscate domains in the log
# So first check if there are domains in the log that should be obfuscated
if [[ -n ${line_to_obfuscate} ]]; then
# If there are, we need to use awk to replace only the domain name (the 6th field in the log)
# so we substitue the domain for the placeholder value
obfuscated_line=$(echo ${line_to_obfuscate} | awk -v placeholder="${OBFUSCATED_PLACEHOLDER}" '{sub($6,placeholder); print $0}')
log_write " ${obfuscated_line}"
log_write " ${head_line}"
log_write ""
# Set the IFS back to what it was
@ -1019,17 +1071,7 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
# let the user know
log_write "${INFO} Debug script running in automated mode"
# and then decide again which tool to use to submit it
if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then
# If openssl is available, use it
log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}openssl${COL_NC} for transmission."
# Save the token returned by our server in a variable
tricorder_token=$(openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:${TRICORDER_SSL_PORT_NUMBER} 2> /dev/null < /dev/stdin)
# Otherwise, fallback to netcat
log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
# Save the token returned by our server in a variable
tricorder_token=$(nc tricorder.pi-hole.net ${TRICORDER_NC_PORT_NUMBER} < /dev/stdin)
# If we're not running in automated mode,
echo ""