@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ from .conftest import (
def test_supported_package_manager(Pihole):
def test_supported_package_manager(host):
confirm installer exits when no supported package manager found
# break supported package managers
Pihole.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/apt-get')
Pihole.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/rpm')
package_manager_detect = Pihole.run('''
host.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/apt-get')
host.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/rpm')
package_manager_detect = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def test_supported_package_manager(Pihole):
# assert package_manager_detect.rc == 1
def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole):
def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(host):
currently update_dialogs sources setupVars with a dot,
then various other functions use the variables.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole):
for k, v in SETUPVARS.items():
setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v)
setup_var_file += "EOF\n"
script = dedent('''\
set -e
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole):
output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout
output = run_script(host, script).stdout
for k, v in SETUPVARS.items():
assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output
def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole):
def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(host):
confirm saved settings are written to a file for future updates to re-use
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole):
set_setup_vars = '\n'
for k, v in SETUPVARS.items():
set_setup_vars += " {}={}\n".format(k, v)
script = dedent('''\
set -e
@ -87,17 +87,17 @@ def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole):
cat /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout
output = run_script(host, script).stdout
for k, v in SETUPVARS.items():
assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output
def test_selinux_not_detected(Pihole):
def test_selinux_not_detected(host):
confirms installer continues when SELinux configuration file does not exist
check_selinux = Pihole.run('''
check_selinux = host.run('''
rm -f /etc/selinux/config
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ def test_selinux_not_detected(Pihole):
assert check_selinux.rc == 0
def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(host):
confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed on a fresh build
installWeb = Pihole.run('''
installWeb = host.run('''
umask 0027
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Installing sudoer file'
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
web_directory = Pihole.run('ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout
web_directory = host.run('ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout
assert 'index.php' in web_directory
assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory
def get_directories_recursive(Pihole, directory):
def get_directories_recursive(host, directory):
if directory is None:
return directory
ls = Pihole.run('ls -d {}'.format(directory + '/*/'))
ls = host.run('ls -d {}'.format(directory + '/*/'))
directories = list(filter(bool, ls.stdout.splitlines()))
dirs = directories
for dirval in directories:
dir_rec = get_directories_recursive(Pihole, dirval)
dir_rec = get_directories_recursive(host, dirval)
if isinstance(dir_rec, str):
@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ def get_directories_recursive(Pihole, directory):
return dirs
def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(Pihole):
def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(host):
confirms all neccessary files are readable by pihole user
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
# mock git pull
mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, host)
# mock systemctl to not start lighttpd and FTL
@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(Pihole):
# try to install man
Pihole.run('command -v apt-get > /dev/null && apt-get install -qq man')
Pihole.run('command -v dnf > /dev/null && dnf install -y man')
Pihole.run('command -v yum > /dev/null && yum install -y man')
host.run('command -v apt-get > /dev/null && apt-get install -qq man')
host.run('command -v dnf > /dev/null && dnf install -y man')
host.run('command -v yum > /dev/null && yum install -y man')
# create configuration file
setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n'
for k, v in SETUPVARS.items():
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(Pihole):
setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=true\n"
setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true\n"
setup_var_file += "EOF\n"
install = Pihole.run('''
install = host.run('''
export TERM=xterm
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
umask 0027
@ -223,172 +223,172 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(Pihole):
test_cmd = 'su --shell /bin/bash --command "test -{0} {1}" -p {2}'
# check files in /etc/pihole for read, write and execute permission
check_etc = test_cmd.format('r', '/etc/pihole', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_etc).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_etc).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_etc = test_cmd.format('x', '/etc/pihole', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_etc).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_etc).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable and writable dhcp.leases
check_leases = test_cmd.format('r', '/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_leases).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_leases).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_leases = test_cmd.format('w', '/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_leases).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_leases).rc
# readable dns-servers.conf
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_servers = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/dns-servers.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_servers).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_servers).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable GitHubVersions
check_version = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/GitHubVersions', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_version).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_version).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable install.log
check_install = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/install.log', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_install).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_install).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable localbranches
check_localbranch = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/localbranches', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_localbranch).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_localbranch).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable localversions
check_localversion = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/localversions', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_localversion).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_localversion).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable logrotate
check_logrotate = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/logrotate', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_logrotate).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_logrotate).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable macvendor.db
check_macvendor = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/macvendor.db', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_macvendor).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_macvendor).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable and writeable pihole-FTL.conf
check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_FTLconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_FTLconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format(
'w', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_FTLconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_FTLconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable setupVars.conf
check_setup = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_setup).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_setup).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check dnsmasq files
# readable /etc/dnsmasq.conf
check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# readable /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.d', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/etc/dnsmasq.d', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_dnsmasqconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check readable and executable /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL
check_init = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/etc/init.d/pihole-FTL', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_init).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_init).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_init = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/init.d/pihole-FTL', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_init).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_init).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check readable /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
check_lighttpd = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_lighttpd).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_lighttpd).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check readable and executable manpages
if maninstalled is True:
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/usr/local/share/man', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/usr/local/share/man/man8', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/usr/local/share/man/man5', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man5', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8/pihole.8', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8/pihole-FTL.8', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_man = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man5/pihole-FTL.conf.5', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_man).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_man).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check not readable sudoers file
check_sudo = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/sudoers.d/pihole', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_sudo).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_sudo).rc
assert exit_status_success != actual_rc
# check not readable cron file
check_sudo = test_cmd.format(
'x', '/etc/cron.d/', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_sudo).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_sudo).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_sudo = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/cron.d/', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_sudo).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_sudo).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_sudo = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/cron.d/pihole', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_sudo).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_sudo).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
directories = get_directories_recursive(Pihole, '/etc/.pihole/')
directories = get_directories_recursive(host, '/etc/.pihole/')
for directory in directories:
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', directory, piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', directory, piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
findfiles = 'find "{}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {{}} \\;;'
filelist = Pihole.run(findfiles.format(directory))
filelist = host.run(findfiles.format(directory))
files = list(filter(bool, filelist.stdout.splitlines()))
for file in files:
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', file, piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_webpage", [True])
def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(host, test_webpage):
confirms all web page assets from Core repo are readable
by $LIGHTTPD_USER on a fresh build
@ -398,9 +398,10 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
# "pi.hole"
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
# mock git pull
mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, host)
# mock systemctl to start lighttpd and FTL
ligthttpdcommand = dedent(r'''\"\"
echo 'starting lighttpd with {}'
@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
# create configuration file
setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n'
@ -488,8 +489,8 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true\n"
setup_var_file += "IPV4_ADDRESS=\n"
setup_var_file += "EOF\n"
installWeb = Pihole.run('''
installWeb = host.run('''
export TERM=xterm
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
umask 0027
@ -542,55 +543,55 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
# readable and writeable pihole-FTL.db
check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format(
'r', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_FTLconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_FTLconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format(
'w', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db', piholeuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_FTLconf).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_FTLconf).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check directories above $webroot for read and execute permission
check_var = test_cmd.format('r', '/var', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_var).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_var).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_var = test_cmd.format('x', '/var', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_var).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_var).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_www = test_cmd.format('r', '/var/www', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_www).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_www).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_www = test_cmd.format('x', '/var/www', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_www).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_www).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_html = test_cmd.format('r', '/var/www/html', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_html).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_html).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_html = test_cmd.format('x', '/var/www/html', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_html).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_html).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check directories below $webroot for read and execute permission
check_admin = test_cmd.format('r', webroot + '/admin', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_admin).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_admin).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_admin = test_cmd.format('x', webroot + '/admin', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_admin).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_admin).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
directories = get_directories_recursive(Pihole, webroot + '/admin/*/')
directories = get_directories_recursive(host, webroot + '/admin/*/')
for directory in directories:
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', directory, webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', directory, webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
findfiles = 'find "{}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {{}} \\;;'
filelist = Pihole.run(findfiles.format(directory))
filelist = host.run(findfiles.format(directory))
files = list(filter(bool, filelist.stdout.splitlines()))
for file in files:
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', file, webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
# check web interface files
# change nameserver to pi-hole
# setting nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to pi-hole does
# not work here because of the way docker uses this file
ns = Pihole.run(
ns = host.run(
r"sed -i 's/nameserver.*/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf")
pihole_is_ns = ns.rc == 0
@ -599,19 +600,19 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
return bool(m)
if installWebInterface is True:
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', webroot + '/pihole', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', webroot + '/pihole', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_pihole).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_pihole).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
# check most important files in $webroot for read permission
check_index = test_cmd.format(
'r', webroot + '/pihole/index.php', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_index).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_index).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
check_blockpage = test_cmd.format(
'r', webroot + '/pihole/blockingpage.css', webuser)
actual_rc = Pihole.run(check_blockpage).rc
actual_rc = host.run(check_blockpage).rc
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc
if test_webpage is True:
# check webpage for unreadable files
@ -631,23 +632,23 @@ def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(Pihole, test_webpage):
testpage = "http://" + page + "/admin/"
resolvesuccess = True
if is_ip(page) is False:
dig = Pihole.run(digcommand.format(page))
dig = host.run(digcommand.format(page))
testpage = "http://" + dig.stdout.strip() + "/admin/"
resolvesuccess = dig.rc == 0
if resolvesuccess or pihole_is_ns:
# check HTTP status of blockpage
actual_rc = Pihole.run(status.format(testpage))
actual_rc = host.run(status.format(testpage))
assert exit_status_success == actual_rc.rc
# check for PHP error
actual_output = Pihole.run(pagecontent.format(testpage))
actual_output = host.run(pagecontent.format(testpage))
assert noPHPfopen.match(actual_output.stdout) is None
def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(host):
confirms package cache was updated without any errors
updateCache = Pihole.run('''
updateCache = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -657,12 +658,12 @@ def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(Pihole):
assert 'error' not in updateCache.stdout.lower()
def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(host):
confirms package cache was not updated
mock_command('apt-get', {'update': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
updateCache = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('apt-get', {'update': ('', '1')}, host)
updateCache = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -672,12 +673,12 @@ def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(Pihole):
assert 'Error: Unable to update package cache.' in updateCache.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(host):
confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return aarch64 platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('aarch64', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('aarch64', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with aarch64 shared library
@ -687,9 +688,9 @@ def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -705,15 +706,15 @@ def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv4t_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_armv4t_no_errors(host):
confirms only armv4t package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv4t platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv4t', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv4t', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with ld-linux shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux.so.3', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -729,15 +730,15 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv4t_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv5te_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_armv5te_no_errors(host):
confirms only armv5te package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv5te platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv5te', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv5te', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with ld-linux shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux.so.3', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -753,15 +754,15 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv5te_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv6l_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_armv6l_no_errors(host):
confirms only armv6l package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv6l platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv6l', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv6l', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -778,15 +779,15 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv6l_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(host):
confirms only armv7l package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv7l platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv7l', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv7l', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -803,15 +804,15 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv8a_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_armv8a_no_errors(host):
confirms only armv8a package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv8a platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv8a', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv8a', '0')}, host)
# mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -827,11 +828,11 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv8a_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(host):
confirms only x86_64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -847,11 +848,11 @@ def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(host):
''' confirms only generic package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
# mock uname to return generic platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('mips', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('mips', '0')}, host)
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -863,18 +864,18 @@ def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(host):
confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock whiptail answers and ensure installer dependencies
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]}
download_binary = Pihole.run('''
download_binary = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
FTLinstall "pihole-FTL-aarch64-linux-gnu"
@ -884,11 +885,11 @@ def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
assert 'error' not in download_binary.stdout.lower()
def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(host):
confirms FTL binary is copied and functional in installed location
installed_binary = Pihole.run('''
installed_binary = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -901,11 +902,11 @@ def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in installed_binary.stdout
# def test_FTL_support_files_installed(Pihole):
# def test_FTL_support_files_installed(host):
# '''
# confirms FTL support files are installed
# '''
# support_files = Pihole.run('''
# support_files = host.run('''
# source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
# FTLdetect
# stat -c '%a %n' /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
@ -918,7 +919,7 @@ def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
# assert '644 /var/log/pihole-FTL.log' in support_files.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_link_local(Pihole):
def test_IPv6_only_link_local(host):
confirms IPv6 blocking is disabled for Link-local address
@ -931,9 +932,9 @@ def test_IPv6_only_link_local(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -941,7 +942,7 @@ def test_IPv6_only_link_local(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_ULA(Pihole):
def test_IPv6_only_ULA(host):
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for ULA addresses
@ -954,9 +955,9 @@ def test_IPv6_only_ULA(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -964,7 +965,7 @@ def test_IPv6_only_ULA(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_GUA(Pihole):
def test_IPv6_only_GUA(host):
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA addresses
@ -977,9 +978,9 @@ def test_IPv6_only_GUA(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -987,7 +988,7 @@ def test_IPv6_only_GUA(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(Pihole):
def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(host):
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses
@ -1001,9 +1002,9 @@ def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -1011,7 +1012,7 @@ def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(Pihole):
def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(host):
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses
@ -1025,9 +1026,9 @@ def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(Pihole):
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
detectPlatform = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -1035,13 +1036,13 @@ def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_validate_ip(Pihole):
def test_validate_ip(host):
Tests valid_ip for various IP addresses
def test_address(addr, success=True):
output = Pihole.run('''
output = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
valid_ip "{addr}"
@ -1076,9 +1077,9 @@ def test_validate_ip(Pihole):
test_address('', False)
def test_os_check_fails(Pihole):
def test_os_check_fails(host):
''' Confirms install fails on unsupported OS '''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
install_dependent_packages ${OS_CHECK_DEPS[@]}
@ -1088,7 +1089,7 @@ def test_os_check_fails(Pihole):
detectOS = Pihole.run('''t
detectOS = host.run('''t
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -1096,15 +1097,15 @@ def test_os_check_fails(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectOS.stdout
def test_os_check_passes(Pihole):
def test_os_check_passes(host):
''' Confirms OS meets the requirements '''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
install_dependent_packages ${OS_CHECK_DEPS[@]}
install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]}
detectOS = Pihole.run('''
detectOS = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -1112,10 +1113,10 @@ def test_os_check_passes(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in detectOS.stdout
def test_package_manager_has_installer_deps(Pihole):
def test_package_manager_has_installer_deps(host):
''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for the installer'''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
output = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
output = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]}
@ -1125,10 +1126,10 @@ def test_package_manager_has_installer_deps(Pihole):
assert output.rc == 0
def test_package_manager_has_pihole_deps(Pihole):
def test_package_manager_has_pihole_deps(host):
''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for Pi-hole '''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
output = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
output = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -1139,10 +1140,10 @@ def test_package_manager_has_pihole_deps(Pihole):
assert output.rc == 0
def test_package_manager_has_web_deps(Pihole):
def test_package_manager_has_web_deps(host):
''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for web '''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
output = Pihole.run('''
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)
output = host.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh