diff --git a/automated install/basic-install.sh b/automated install/basic-install.sh index 17462c73..96ca8c92 100755 --- a/automated install/basic-install.sh +++ b/automated install/basic-install.sh @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ if is_command apt-get ; then PIHOLE_DEPS=(cron curl iputils-ping lsof netcat psmisc sudo unzip idn2 sqlite3 libcap2-bin dns-root-data libcap2) # Packages required for the Web admin interface (stored as an array) # It's useful to separate this from Pi-hole, since the two repos are also setup separately - PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS=(lighttpd lighttpd-mod-deflate "${phpVer}-common" "${phpVer}-cgi" "${phpVer}-${phpSqlite}" "${phpVer}-xml" "${phpVer}-intl") + PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS=(lighttpd "${phpVer}-common" "${phpVer}-cgi" "${phpVer}-${phpSqlite}" "${phpVer}-xml" "${phpVer}-intl") # Prior to PHP8.0, JSON functionality is provided as dedicated module, required by Pi-hole AdminLTE: https://www.php.net/manual/json.installation.php if [[ "${phpInsNewer}" != true || "${phpInsMajor}" -lt 8 ]]; then PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS+=("${phpVer}-json")