mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole synced 2025-02-22 13:02:02 +00:00

Changes as in #253, but with less commits to keep the repo tidy

This commit is contained in:
Promofaux 2016-01-27 22:32:08 +00:00
parent 80bec9c5cf
commit 3d78b44a8e

View File

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
# curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash
######## VARIABLES #########
@ -34,7 +36,9 @@ columns=$(tput cols)
r=$(( rows / 2 ))
c=$(( columns / 2 ))
# Find IP used to route to outside world
IPv4dev=$(ip route get | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/dev/)print $(i+1)}')
IPv4addr=$(ip -o -f inet addr show dev $IPv4dev | awk '{print $4}' | awk 'END {print}')
IPv4gw=$(ip route get | awk '{print $3}')
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ else
if [ -f "/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" ]; then
if [ -d "/etc/pihole" ]; then
#Likely an existing install
@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ use4andor6(){
piholeIPv6=$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | awk -F " " '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "src") print $(i+1) }')
whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "IPv6..." --title "IPv6 Supported" "$piholeIPv6 will be used to block ads." $r $c
$SUDO mkdir -p /etc/pihole/
$SUDO touch /etc/pihole/.useIPv6
@ -256,7 +260,9 @@ setStaticIPv4(){
$SUDO ip addr replace dev $piholeInterface $IPv4addr
echo "Setting IP to $IPv4addr. You may need to restart after the install is complete."
echo ":::"
echo "::: Setting IP to $IPv4addr. You may need to restart after the install is complete."
echo ":::"
@ -269,7 +275,7 @@ installScripts(){
$SUDO cp /etc/.pihole/advanced/Scripts/blacklist.sh /usr/local/bin/blacklist.sh
$SUDO cp /etc/.pihole/advanced/Scripts/piholeLogFlush.sh /usr/local/bin/piholeLogFlush.sh
$SUDO cp /etc/.pihole/advanced/Scripts/updateDashboard.sh /usr/local/bin/updateDashboard.sh
$SUDO chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/{gravity,chronometer,whitelist,blacklist,piholeLogFlush,updateDashboard}.sh
$SUDO chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/{gravity,chronometer,whitelist,blacklist,piholeLogFlush,updateDashboard}.sh
$SUDO echo " done."
@ -299,30 +305,47 @@ checkForDependencies(){
#We'll change the logic up here, to check to see if there are any updates availible and
# if so, advise the user to run apt-get update/upgrade at their own discretion
#Check to see if apt-get update has already been run today
# it needs to have been run at least once on new installs!
timestamp=$(stat -c %Y /var/cache/apt/)
timestampAsDate=$(date -d @$timestamp "+%b %e")
today=$(date "+%b %e")
echo ":::"
if [ ! "$today" == "$timestampAsDate" ]; then
#update package lists
echo ":::"
echo -n "::: apt-get update has not been run today. Running now..."
$SUDO apt-get -qq update & spinner $!
echo " done!"
echo ":::"
echo -n "::: Checking apt-get for upgraded packages...."
updatesToInstall=$(sudo apt-get -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst) & spinner $!
updatesToInstall=$(sudo apt-get -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst)
echo " done!"
echo ":::"
if [ $updatesToInstall > 0 ]; then
if [[ $updatesToInstall -eq "0" ]]; then
echo "::: Your pi is up to date! Continuing with pi-hole installation..."
echo "::: There are $updatesToInstall updates availible for your pi!"
echo "::: Please consider running 'sudo apt-get update', followed by 'sudo apt-get upgrade'"
echo "::: after pi-hole has finished installing."
echo "::: Please run 'sudo apt-get upgrade' before continuing with installation"
echo ":::"
echo "::: Quitting install, please run 'curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash' after updating packages!"
echo ":::"
exit 1
#add in a prompt to give users the option to quit installation or continue
echo -n "::: Would you like to continue with the pi-hole installation? (Y/n):"
read answer
#echo -n "::: Would you like to continue with the pi-hole installation? (Y/n):"
#read answer
case "$answer" in
[yY][eE][sS]|[yY] ) echo "::: Continuing!";;
* ) echo "::: Quitting install, please run 'curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash' after updating packages!"
exit 0;;
echo "::: Your pi is up to date! Continuing with pi-hole installation..."
#case "$answer" in
# [yY][eE][sS]|[yY] ) echo "::: Continuing!";;
# * ) echo "::: Quitting install, please run 'curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash' after updating packages!"
echo ":::"
@ -477,6 +500,7 @@ The install log is in /etc/pihole." $r $c
######## SCRIPT ############
# Start the installer
$SUDO mkdir -p /etc/pihole/
# Just back up the original Pi-hole right away since it won't take long and it gets it out of the way
@ -486,8 +510,6 @@ chooseInterface
# Let the user decide if they want to block ads over IPv4 and/or IPv6
# Install and log everything to a file
installPihole | tee $tmpLog
@ -495,6 +517,5 @@ installPihole | tee $tmpLog
$SUDO mv $tmpLog $instalLogLoc
$SUDO service dnsmasq start
$SUDO service lighttpd start