mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole synced 2024-12-22 14:58:08 +00:00

Begin to bring code up to Pi-hole conventions. Block installScripts and begin factoring out redundant code.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Schaper 2016-11-02 00:14:25 -07:00
parent db0f3307e0
commit 12f5f8ba00

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ setupVars=/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
PI_HOLE_FILES=(chronometer list piholeDebug piholeLogFlush setupLCD update version)
@ -144,6 +144,42 @@ spinner() {
printf " \b\b\b\b"
is_repo() {
# Use git to check if directory is currently under VCS
echo -n "::: Checking $1 is a repo..."
cd "${1}" &> /dev/null || return 1
git status &> /dev/null && echo " OK!"; return 0 || echo " not found!"; return 1
make_repo() {
# Remove the non-repod interface and clone the interface
echo -n "::: Cloning $2 into $1..."
rm -rf "${1}"
git clone -q --depth 1 "${2}" "${1}" > /dev/null & spinner $!
echo " done!"
update_repo() {
# Pull the latest commits
echo -n "::: Updating repo in $1..."
cd "${1}" || exit 1
git stash -q > /dev/null & spinner $!
git pull -q > /dev/null & spinner $!
echo " done!"
getGitFiles() {
# Setup git repos for directory and repository passed
# as arguments 1 and 2
echo ":::"
echo "::: Checking for existing repository..."
if is_repo "${1}"; then
update_repo "${1}"
make_repo "${1}" "${2}"
find_IPv4_information() {
# Find IP used to route to outside world
IPv4dev=$(ip route get | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/dev/)print $(i+1)}')
@ -169,7 +205,6 @@ welcomeDialogs() {
In the next section, you can choose to use your current network settings (DHCP) or to manually edit them." ${r} ${c}
verifyFreeDiskSpace() {
# 50MB is the minimum space needed (45MB install (includes web admin bootstrap/jquery libraries etc) + 5MB one day of logs.)
@ -588,22 +623,41 @@ remove_legacy_scripts() {
clean_existing() {
# Clean an exiting installation to prepare for upgrade/reinstall
# ${1} Directory to clean; ${2} Array of files to remove
local clean_directory="${1}"
local old_files=${2}
for script in "${old_files[@]}"; do
rm -f "${clean_directory}${script}.sh"
installScripts() {
# Install the scripts from /etc/.pihole to their various locations
# Install the scripts from repository to their various locations
readonly install_dir="/opt/pihole/"
echo ":::"
echo -n "::: Installing scripts to /opt/pihole..."
#clear out /opt/pihole and recreate it. This allows us to remove scripts from future installs
rm -f /opt/pihole/*.sh
echo -n "::: Installing scripts to ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}..."
cd /etc/.pihole/
# Clear out script files from Pi-hole scripts directory.
clean_existing "${install_dir}" "${PI_HOLE_FILES}"
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ gravity.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ ./advanced/Scripts/*.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ ./automated\ install/uninstall.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /usr/local/bin/ pihole
install -Dm644 ./advanced/bash-completion/pihole /etc/bash_completion.d/pihole
echo " done."
# Install files from local core repository
if [[ $(is_repo "${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}") ]]; then
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ gravity.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ ./advanced/Scripts/*.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /opt/pihole/ ./automated\ install/uninstall.sh
install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /usr/local/bin/ pihole
install -Dm644 ./advanced/bash-completion/pihole /etc/bash_completion.d/pihole
echo " done."
echo " *** ERROR: Local repo ${core_repo} not found, exiting."
exit 1
installConfigs() {
@ -711,42 +765,6 @@ install_dependent_packages() {
make_repo() {
# Remove the non-repod interface and clone the interface
echo -n "::: Cloning $2 into $1..."
rm -rf "${1}"
git clone -q --depth 1 "${2}" "${1}" > /dev/null & spinner $!
echo " done!"
update_repo() {
# Pull the latest commits
echo -n "::: Updating repo in $1..."
cd "${1}" || exit 1
git stash -q > /dev/null & spinner $!
git pull -q > /dev/null & spinner $!
echo " done!"
getGitFiles() {
# Setup git repos for directory and repository passed
# as arguments 1 and 2
echo ":::"
echo "::: Checking for existing repository..."
if is_repo "${1}"; then
update_repo "${1}"
make_repo "${1}" "${2}"
is_repo() {
# Use git to check if directory is currently under VCS
echo -n "::: Checking $1 is a repo..."
cd "${1}" &> /dev/null || return 1
git status &> /dev/null && echo " OK!"; return 0 || echo " not found!"; return 1
CreateLogFile() {
# Create logfiles if necessary
echo ":::"
@ -994,7 +1012,7 @@ main() {
echo "::: --reconfigure passed to install script. Not downloading/updating local repos"
# Get Git files for Core and Admin
getGitFiles ${piholeFilesDir} ${piholeGitUrl}
getGitFiles ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO} ${piholeGitUrl}
getGitFiles ${webInterfaceDir} ${webInterfaceGitUrl}