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# Automated Install
Designed For Raspberry Pi A+, B, B+, 2, 3B, and Zero (with an Ethernet/Wi-Fi adapter)
Works on most Debian and CentOS/RHEL based distributions!
1. Install Raspbian
2. Run the command below (downloads [this script]( in case you want to read over it first!)
## `curl -L | bash`
### Alternative Semi-Automated install
wget -O
chmod +x
8 years ago
If you wish to read over the script before running it, then after the `wget` command, do `nano` to open a text viewer
Once installed, [configure your router to have **DHCP clients use the Pi as their DNS server**]( and then any device that connects to your network will have ads blocked without any further configuration. Alternatively, you can manually set each device to [use the Raspberry Pi as its DNS server](
## How To Install Pi-hole
[![60-second install tutorial](](
## How It Works
**Watch the 60-second video below to get a quick overview**
[![Pi-hole exlplained](](
## Pi-hole Is Free, But Powered By Your Donations
Send a one-time donation or sign up for's service using our link below to provide us with a small portion of the monthly fee.
- ![Paypal]( : [Donate](
- ![Flattr]( : [Donate](
- ![Bitcoin]( : 1GKnevUnVaQM2pQieMyeHkpr8DXfkpfAtL
## Get Help Or Connect With Us On The Web
- [@The_Pi_Hole](
- [/r/pihole](
- [Pi-hole YouTube channel](
- [Wiki](
- [FAQs](
- [![Join the chat at](](
## Technical Details
9 years ago
The Pi-hole is an **advertising-aware DNS/Web server**. If an ad domain is queried, a small Web page or GIF is delivered in place of the advertisement. You can also [replace ads with any image you want]( since it is just a simple Webpage taking place of the ads.
### Gravity
The []( does most of the magic. The script pulls in ad domains from many sources and compiles them into a single list of [over 1.6 million entries]( (if you decide to use the [mahakala list](
## Web Interface
The [Web interface]( will be installed automatically so you can view stats and change settings. You can find it at:
`http://192.168.1.x/admin/index.php` or `http://pi.hole/admin`
![Pi-hole Advanced Stats Dashboard](
10 years ago
### Whitelist and blacklist
Domains can be whitelisted and blacklisted using two pre-installed scripts. See [the wiki page]( for more details ![Whitelist editor in the Web interface](
## API
A basic read-only API can be accessed at `/admin/api.php`. It returns the following JSON:
"domains_being_blocked": "136708",
"dns_queries_today": "18108",
"ads_blocked_today": "14648",
"ads_percentage_today": "80.89"
The same output can be achieved on the CLI by running ` -j`
## Real-time Statistics
You can view [real-time stats]( via `ssh` or on an [2.8" LCD screen]( This is accomplished via [``]( ![Pi-hole LCD](
## Pi-hole Projects
- [Pi-hole stats in your Mac's menu bar](
- [Get LED alerts for each blocked ad](
- [Pi-hole on Ubuntu 14.04 on VirtualBox](
- [x86 Docker container that runs Pi-hole](
- [Splunk: Pi-hole Visualizser](
- [Pi-hole Chrome extension]( ([open source](
- [Go Bananas for CHiP-hole ad blocking](
- [Sky-Hole](
- [Pi-hole in the Cloud!](
- [unRaid-hole]([Repo and more info](
- [Pi-hole on/off button](
- [Minibian Pi-hole](
- [Windows Tray Stat Application](
## Coverage
- [Adafruit livestream install](
- [TekThing: 5 fun, easy projects for a Raspberry Pi](
- [Pi-hole on Adafruit's blog](
- [The Defrag Show - MSDN/Channel 9](
- [MacObserver Podcast 585](
- [Medium: Block All Ads For $53](
- [MakeUseOf: Adblock Everywhere, The Pi-hole Way](
- [Lifehacker: Turn Your Pi Into An Ad Blocker With A Single Command](!
- [Pi-hole on TekThing](
- [Pi-hole on Security Now! Podcast](
- [Foolish Tech Show](
- [Pi-hole on Ubuntu](
- [Catchpoint: iOS 9 Ad Blocking](
## Other Operating Systems
This script will work for other UNIX-like systems with some slight **modifications**. As long as you can install `dnsmasq` and a Webserver, it should work OK. The automated install is only for a clean install of a Debian based system, such as the Raspberry Pi.