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_This template was created based on the work of [`udemy-dl`](
**In raising this issue, I confirm the following (please check boxes, eg [X]):**
- [ ] I have read and understood the [contributors guide](
- [ ] I have verified that the issue I am reporting can be replicated, or that the [feature]( I am suggesting [isn't already acknowledged](
- [ ] I have checked that the issue I'm reporting isn't already solved and no duplicates exist in [closed issues]( and in [opened issues](
- [ ] I have checked the [pull requests tab]( for existing solutions/implementations to my issue/suggestion.
- [ ] I have prefixed my issue title with one of the following: _[BUG], [ISSUE], [FEATURE REQUEST], [QUESTION], [OTHER]_.
**My familiarity with the project is as follows (check one, eg [X]):**
- [ ] I have never used the project.
- [ ] I have used the project briefly.
- [ ] I have used the project extensively, but have not contributed previously.
- [ ] I am an active contributor to the project.
**(Optional) Debug Log generated by `pihole -d`:**
**[BUG | ISSUE] Expected Behaviour:**
_{replace this section with your content or delete if not a BUG/ISSUE}_
**[BUG | ISSUE] Actual Behaviour:**
_{replace this section with your content or delete if not a BUG/ISSUE}_
**[BUG | ISSUE] Steps to reproduce:**
_{replace this section with your content or delete if not a BUG/ISSUE}_
_{replace this line with your content or delete if not a FEATURE REQUEST/QUESTION/OTHER}_