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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script:
# Author: Andrey Arapov
# Email:
# Copyright (C) 2015 Andrey Arapov
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Version:
# 1.0.1 - little usage fix (22 Sep 2015)
# 1.0.0 - Initial release (22 Sep 2015)
# Tested with:
# - ownCloud 8.1.3
# Limitations:
# - it is really really slow (the largest bottleneck is in awk part of the script)
# === Usage notes
# Current directory should be the ownCloud data directory !
# You can find it this way:
# grep -i datadirectory /srv/pathto/owncloud/config/config.php
# 'datadirectory' => '/srv/ownclouddata/',
# Make sure you have exported env. variable, e.g.
# export userLoginPass='s3cr3tpass'
# === Usage Example - Decrypt just 1 file
# export userLoginPass='s3cr3tpass'
# cd /srv/ownclouddata
# /tmp/ testuser1/files/secretfile.txt
# === Usage Example 2 - Decrypt Everything!
# 1. Create directory structure for decrypted data
# export USER=testuser1
# export userLoginPass='s3cr3tpass'
# cd /srv/ownclouddata
# find ${USER}/files -type d -print0 |xargs -0 -I@ echo "@" |cut -sd / -f 2- |xargs -I@ mkdir -p "${USER}-DECRYPTED/@"
# 2. Decrypt the data
# cd /srv/ownclouddata
# find ${USER}/files -type f -print0 |xargs -0 -I@ sh -c '/tmp/ "@" > "${USER}-DECRYPTED/$(echo "@"|cut -sd / -f 2-)"'
# Now all your data is decrypted & available at the ${USER}-DECRYPTED/ path !
# Beginning of a script
# Get User Private Key
# arg1: username
# arg2: password
function decryptUserPrivateKey() {
if [ ! -r "$userPrivKeyPath" ]; then
echo "decryptUserPrivateKey():: File "$userPrivKeyPath" does not exist or not enough permissions! Aborting."
return 1
encPrivKeyContentsALL="$(cat "$userPrivKeyPath")"
# Some non-GNU versions of sed do not support pattern matches. In that case use: perl -pne 's/(00iv00.*)?00iv00.*/$1 /'
encPrivKeyContentsBASE64="$( sed -r 's/^HBEGIN:.+:HEND-*//;s/(00iv00.*)?00iv00.*{16}xx/\1/' <(echo "${encPrivKeyContentsALL}") )"
plainPrivKeyIV="$( sed -r 's/^HBEGIN.*00iv00//;s/xx$//' <(echo "${encPrivKeyContentsALL}") )"
userLoginPassHEX=$(echo -n $userLoginPass |od -An -tx1 |tr -dc '[:xdigit:]')
plainPrivKeyIVHEX=$(echo -n $plainPrivKeyIV |od -An -tx1 |tr -dc '[:xdigit:]')
echo "$( openssl enc -AES-256-CFB -d -nosalt -base64 -A -K $userLoginPassHEX -iv $plainPrivKeyIVHEX -in <(echo $encPrivKeyContentsBASE64) )"
# Decrypt the file
# arg1: username
# arg2: path to an encrypted file (e.g. 'files/secretfile.txt' or 'files/Photos/Squirrel.jpg')
# arg3: user Private Key in plaintext
function decryptFile() {
if [ ! -r "${USER}/$encFilePath" ]; then
echo "decryptFile():: File "${USER}/$encFilePath" does not exist or not enough permissions! Aborting."
return 1
if ! grep -q "^HBEGIN:" "${USER}/$encFilePath"; then
echo "decryptFile():: File "${USER}/$encFilePath" does not seem to be encrypted! Aborting."
return 1
# --- Get the FileKey ---
decUserFileShareKeyHEX="$( openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey <(echo "$plainUserPrivKey") -in "$userFileShareKeyPath" |od -An -tx1 |tr -dc '[:xdigit:]' )"
if [ -z "$decUserFileShareKeyHEX" ];then echo "decryptFile():: The User Private Key is not good. Are you sure your ownCloud User Login password is correct?"; return 1; fi
decFileKeyContent="$( openssl rc4 -d -in "$encFileKeyPath" -iv 0 -K $decUserFileShareKeyHEX )"
decFileKeyContentHEX="$( echo -n $decFileKeyContent |od -An -tx1 |tr -dc '[:xdigit:]' )"
# --- Get the FileKey ---
# --- Decrypt the file ---
encFileContentsALL="$(cat "${USER}/$encFilePath")"
encFileContentsNOHEAD=$(echo -n "$encFileContentsALL" | sed -r 's/^HBEGIN:.+:HEND-*//')
pos=0; posc=0; encStream="";
# bottleneck: bash read by character is super slow
while IFS= read -r -n1 char; do
(( posc++ ))
if $(echo ${encStream: -24} |grep -Eq "^00iv00.{16}xx$"); then
plainIV=$(echo ${encStream: -24} |sed -r 's/^00iv00//;s/xx$//')
encStreamReady=${encStream:((posc - pos - 1)):((pos - 24))}
(( pos=0 ))
#echo "[::] DEBUG: " $encStreamReady with $plainIV
# can decrypt now
plainFileIVHEX=$(echo -n "$plainIV" |od -An -tx1 |tr -dc '[:xdigit:]')
openssl enc -AES-256-CFB -d -nosalt -base64 -A -K $decFileKeyContentHEX -iv $plainFileIVHEX -in <(echo "$encStreamReady")
#php -r "echo openssl_decrypt('$encStreamReady', 'AES-256-CFB', '$decFileKeyContent', false, '$plainIV');"
(( pos++ ))
done <<< $encFileContentsNOHEAD
# --- Decrypt the file ---
# Get a username from the path (arg1)
USER="$(echo $1 |cut -sd / -f 1)"
# Strip off the username from the path (arg1)
FILETD="$(echo $1 |cut -sd / -f 2-)"
if [ ! -r "$USER" ]; then
echo "User directory cannot be found! Are you sure you are in ownCloud's data directory?"
exit 1
if [ -z "$userLoginPass" ]; then
echo "Please set userLoginPass environment variable!"
exit 1
if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
echo "File specified $1 does not exist or not enough permissions to access it!"
exit 1
# TODO: Add checks for available tools installed: openssl, sed, cat, od, tr, mawk
# 1) Locate and decrypt User Private Key
# TODO: to decrypt User Private Key only once when running this script in a loop (decrypting multiple files)
plainUserPrivKey="$(decryptUserPrivateKey $USER $userLoginPass)";
# 2) Decrypt the shareKey, then the fileKey, then the file and output the plaintext
decryptFile $USER "$FILETD" "$plainUserPrivKey"
# End of a script