decode optimization using unbuffered dd instead of sed

redirecting the output of `sed` into the main loop of the decryption process lead to an unneccessary execution time and memory usage as the call had to end before the loop started it's work.
Robert Jäckel 8 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 2adaf0464f
commit 163fb8eab7

@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ function decryptFile() {
iv=$(echo -n "$iv" | od -An -tx1 | tr -dc '[:xdigit:]' )
# decode chunk
openssl enc -AES-256-CFB -d -nosalt -base64 -A -K $decFileKeyContentHEX -iv $iv -in <(echo "$payload")
done <<<`sed -r 's/^HBEGIN:.+:HEND-*//' <"${USER}/$encFilePath"` # pipe the encrypted file without head into the loop
#done <<<`sed -r 's/^HBEGIN:.+:HEND-*//' <"${USER}/$encFilePath"` # pipe the encrypted file without head into the loop
done < <(dd bs=$chunkSize skip=1 if="${USER}/$encFilePath")
# --- Decrypt the file ---
