- FTP Sharing - New Upload & New Search - Performance and stuff under the hood - Desktop Notifications - Right-Click on photos and albums - Retina Thumbs - Improved Interface
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* @name photos.js
* @author Philipp Maurer
* @author Tobias Reich
* @copyright 2013 by Philipp Maurer, Tobias Reich
* Search Module
* Searches through your photos and albums.
search = {
find: function(term) {
$(window).data("timeout", setTimeout(function() {
if ($("#search").val().length!=0) {
params = "search&term=" + term;
lychee.api(params, "json", function(data) {
albumsData = "";
if (data&&data.albums) $.each(data.albums, function() { albumsData += build.album(this); });
photosData = "";
if (data&&data.photos) $.each(data.photos, function() { photosData += build.photo(this); });
if (albumsData==""&&photosData=="") code = "";
else if (albumsData=="") code = build.divider("Photos")+photosData;
else if (photosData=="") code = build.divider("Albums")+albumsData;
else code = build.divider("Photos")+photosData+build.divider("Albums")+albumsData;
if (lychee.content.attr("data-search")!=code) {
lychee.animate(".album, .photo", "contentZoomOut");
lychee.animate(".divider", "fadeOut");
lychee.content.attr("data-search", code);
lychee.animate(".album, .photo", "contentZoomIn");
} else search.reset();
}, 250));
reset: function() {
if (lychee.content.attr("data-search")!="") {
lychee.content.attr("data-search", "");
lychee.animate(".divider", "fadeOut");
} |