- Share > Direct Link - Download individual images (Issue #43) - ContextMenu stays within the window (Issue #41) - Prevent default ContextMenu (Issue #45) - Small ContextMenu improvements - Small security improvements
268 lines
6.3 KiB
268 lines
6.3 KiB
* @name ContextMenu Module
* @description This module is used for the context menu.
* @author Tobias Reich
* @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
contextMenu = {
fns: null,
show: function(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, orientation) {
if (visible.contextMenu()) contextMenu.close();
.css("overflow", "hidden")
if ((mouse_x+$(".contextmenu").outerWidth(true))>$("html").width()) orientation = "left";
if ((mouse_y+$(".contextmenu").outerHeight(true))>$("html").height()) mouse_y -= (mouse_y+$(".contextmenu").outerHeight(true)-$("html").height())
if (orientation==="left") mouse_x -= $(".contextmenu").outerWidth(true);
if (!mouse_x||!mouse_y) {
mouse_x = "10px";
mouse_y = "10px";
"top": mouse_y,
"left": mouse_x,
"opacity": .98
add: function(e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { $("#upload_files").click() },
function() { upload.start.url() },
function() { upload.start.dropbox() },
function() { upload.start.server() },
function() { album.add() }
items = [
["<a class='icon-picture'></a> Upload Photo", 0],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-link'></a> Import from Link", 1],
["<a class='icon-folder-open'></a> Import from Dropbox", 2],
["<a class='icon-hdd'></a> Import from Server", 3],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-folder-close'></a> New Album", 4]
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "left");
settings: function(e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { settings.setLogin() },
function() { settings.setSorting() },
function() { window.open(lychee.website,"_newtab"); },
function() { lychee.logout() }
items = [
["<a class='icon-user'></a> Change Login", 0],
["<a class='icon-sort'></a> Change Sorting", 1],
["<a class='icon-info-sign'></a> About Lychee", 2],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-signout'></a> Sign Out", 3]
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "right");
album: function(albumID, e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
if (albumID==="0"||albumID==="f"||albumID==="s") return false;
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { album.setTitle(albumID) },
function() { album.delete(albumID) }
items = [
["<a class='icon-edit'></a> Rename", 0],
["<a class='icon-trash'></a> Delete", 1]
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "right");
$(".album[data-id='" + albumID + "']").addClass("active");
photo: function(photoID, e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { photo.setStar(photoID) },
function() { photo.setTitle(photoID) },
function() { contextMenu.move(photoID, e, "right") },
function() { photo.delete(photoID) }
items = [
["<a class='icon-star'></a> Star", 0],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-edit'></a> Rename", 1],
["<a class='icon-folder-open'></a> Move", 2],
["<a class='icon-trash'></a> Delete", 3]
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "right");
$(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").addClass("active");
move: function(photoID, e, orientation) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
items = [];
contextMenu.fns = [];
if (album.getID()!=="0") {
items = [
["Unsorted", 0, "photo.setAlbum(0, " + photoID + ")"],
["separator", -1]
lychee.api("getAlbums", function(data) {
if (!data.albums) {
items = [["New Album", 0, "album.add()"]];
} else {
$.each(data.content, function(index) {
if (this.id!=album.getID()) items.push([this.title, 0, "photo.setAlbum(" + this.id + ", " + photoID + ")"]);
$(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").addClass("active");
if (!visible.photo()) contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "right");
else contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "left");
sharePhoto: function(photoID, e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { photo.setPublic(photoID) },
function() { photo.share(photoID, 0) },
function() { photo.share(photoID, 1) },
function() { photo.share(photoID, 2) },
function() { photo.share(photoID, 3) },
function() { window.open(photo.getDirectLink(),"_newtab") }
link = photo.getViewLink(photoID);
if (photo.json.public==="2") link = location.href;
items = [
["<input readonly id='link' value='" + link + "'>", -1],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-eye-close'></a> Make Private", 0],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-twitter'></a> Twitter", 1],
["<a class='icon-facebook'></a> Facebook", 2],
["<a class='icon-envelope'></a> Mail", 3],
["<a class='icon-hdd'></a> Dropbox", 4],
["<a class='icon-link'></a> Direct Link", 5]
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "left");
$(".contextmenu input").focus();
shareAlbum: function(albumID, e) {
var mouse_x = e.pageX,
mouse_y = e.pageY,
mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop();
contextMenu.fns = [
function() { album.setPublic(albumID) },
function() { password.set(albumID) },
function() { album.share(0) },
function() { album.share(1) },
function() { album.share(2) },
function() { password.remove(albumID) }
items = [
["<input readonly id='link' value='" + location.href + "'>", -1],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-eye-close'></a> Make Private", 0],
["<a class='icon-lock'></a> Set Password", 1],
["separator", -1],
["<a class='icon-twitter'></a> Twitter", 2],
["<a class='icon-facebook'></a> Facebook", 3],
["<a class='icon-envelope'></a> Mail", 4],
if (album.json.password==true) items[3] = ["<a class='icon-unlock'></a> Remove Password", 5];
contextMenu.show(items, mouse_x, mouse_y, "left");
$(".contextmenu input").focus();
close: function() {
contextMenu.js = null;
$(".contextmenu_bg, .contextmenu").remove();
$(".photo.active, .album.active").removeClass("active");
$("body").css("overflow", "scroll");
} |