Database::connect now takes care of the update-mechanism and uses the current database version instead of the version from the client.
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# @name Guest Access (Public Mode)
# @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich
if (!defined('LYCHEE')) exit('Error: Direct access is not allowed!');
if (!defined('LYCHEE_ACCESS_GUEST')) exit('Error: You are not allowed to access this area!');
class Guest extends Access {
public function check($fn) {
switch ($fn) {
# Album functions
case 'Album::getAll': $this->getAlbums(); break;
case 'Album::get': $this->getAlbum(); break;
case 'Album::getPublic': $this->checkAlbumAccess(); break;
# Photo functions
case 'Photo::get': $this->getPhoto(); break;
# Session functions
case 'Session::init': $this->init(); break;
case 'Session::login': $this->login(); break;
case 'Session::logout': $this->logout(); break;
# $_GET functions
case 'Album::getArchive': $this->getAlbumArchive(); break;
case 'Photo::getArchive': $this->getPhotoArchive(); break;
# Error
default: exit('Error: Function not found! Please check the spelling of the called function.');
return true;
# Album functions
private function getAlbums() {
$album = new Album($this->database, $this->plugins, $this->settings, null);
echo json_encode($album->getAll(true));
private function getAlbum() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password']));
$album = new Album($this->database, $this->plugins, $this->settings, $_POST['albumID']);
if ($album->getPublic()) {
# Album public
if ($album->checkPassword($_POST['password'])) echo json_encode($album->get());
else echo 'Warning: Wrong password!';
} else {
# Album private
echo 'Warning: Album private!';
private function checkAlbumAccess() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password']));
$album = new Album($this->database, $this->plugins, $this->settings, $_POST['albumID']);
if ($album->getPublic()) {
# Album public
if ($album->checkPassword($_POST['password'])) echo true;
else echo false;
} else {
# Album private
echo false;
# Photo functions
private function getPhoto() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_POST['photoID'], $_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password']));
$photo = new Photo($this->database, $this->plugins, null, $_POST['photoID']);
$pgP = $photo->getPublic($_POST['password']);
if ($pgP===2) echo json_encode($photo->get($_POST['albumID']));
else if ($pgP===1) echo 'Warning: Wrong password!';
else if ($pgP===0) echo 'Warning: Photo private!';
# Session functions
private function init() {
global $dbName;
$session = new Session($this->plugins, $this->settings);
echo json_encode($session->init($this->database, $dbName, true));
private function login() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_POST['user'], $_POST['password']));
$session = new Session($this->plugins, $this->settings);
echo $session->login($_POST['user'], $_POST['password']);
private function logout() {
$session = new Session($this->plugins, $this->settings);
echo $session->logout();
# $_GET functions
private function getAlbumArchive() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_GET['albumID'], $_GET['password']));
$album = new Album($this->database, $this->plugins, $this->settings, $_GET['albumID']);
if ($album->getPublic()&&$album->getDownloadable()) {
# Album Public
if ($album->checkPassword($_GET['password'])) $album->getArchive();
else exit('Warning: Wrong password!');
} else {
# Album Private
exit('Warning: Album private or not downloadable!');
private function getPhotoArchive() {
Module::dependencies(isset($_GET['photoID'], $_GET['password']));
$photo = new Photo($this->database, $this->plugins, null, $_GET['photoID']);
$pgP = $photo->getPublic($_GET['password']);
# Photo Download
if ($pgP===2) {
# Photo Public
} else {
# Photo Private
exit('Warning: Photo private or password incorrect!');