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* Update to version [jnsnkrllive]
use Lychee\Modules\Database;
use Lychee\Modules\Response;
// Add 'fullscreen' column to album table
$query1 = Database::prepare($connection, "ALTER TABLE `?` ADD `fullscreen` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'", array(LYCHEE_TABLE_ALBUMS));
$result1 = Database::execute($connection, $query1, 'update_jnsnkrllive', __LINE__);
if ($result1===false) Response::error('Could not add fullscreen column to album table!');
// Add 'shareable' column to album table
$query2 = Database::prepare($connection, "ALTER TABLE `?` ADD `shareable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'", array(LYCHEE_TABLE_ALBUMS));
$result2 = Database::execute($connection, $query2, 'update_jnsnkrllive', __LINE__);
if ($result2===false) Response::error('Could not add shareable column to album table!');
// Set version
if (Database::setVersion($connection, 'jnsnkrllive')===false) Response::error('Could not update version of database!');