You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# @name Upload Module
# @author Tobias Reich
# @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
if (!defined('LYCHEE')) exit('Error: Direct access is not allowed!');
class Import extends Module {
static function photo($database, $plugins, $settings, $path, $albumID = 0, $description = '', $tags = '') {
$info = getimagesize($path);
$size = filesize($path);
$photo = new Photo($database, $plugins, $settings, null);
$nameFile = array(array());
$nameFile[0]['name'] = $path;
$nameFile[0]['type'] = $info['mime'];
$nameFile[0]['tmp_name'] = $path;
$nameFile[0]['error'] = 0;
$nameFile[0]['size'] = $size;
if (!$photo->add($nameFile, $albumID, $description, $tags)) return false;
return true;
static function url($urls, $albumID = 0) {
$error = false;
# Parse
$urls = str_replace(' ', '%20', $urls);
$urls = explode(',', $urls);
foreach ($urls as &$url) {
if (@exif_imagetype($url)===false) {
$error = true;
$pathinfo = pathinfo($url);
$filename = $pathinfo['filename'] . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
$tmp_name = LYCHEE_DATA . $filename;
if (@copy($url, $tmp_name)===false) $error = true;
$import = Import::server($albumID, LYCHEE_DATA);
if ($error===false&&$import===true) return true;
else return false;
/*static function move($database, $path) {
# Determine OS type and set move cmd (Windows untested!)
$myos = substr(PHP_OS,0,3);
$myos = strtoupper($myos);
if ($myos==='WIN') $osmv = 'MOVE';
else $osmv = 'mv';
# Generate tmp dir name by hashing epoch time & random number
$tmpdirname = md5(time() . rand());
# Make temporary directory
if (@mkdir(LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname)===false) {
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Failed to create temporary directory');
return false;
# Get list of files and move them to tmpdir
$files = glob($path . '*');
if (isset($files)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
# Prevent unsupported files from being moved
if (is_dir($file)===false&&@exif_imagetype($file)===false) continue;
$out = '';
$ret = '';
$file = escapeshellarg($file);
$cmd = $osmv . " $file " . LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname;
@exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
if (isset($ret)&&($ret>0)) Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, "Failed to move directory or file ($ret):" . $file);
# If no files could be copied to the temp dir, remove
$files = glob(LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname . '/*');
if (count($files)===0) {
rmdir(LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname);
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Import failed, because files could not be temporary moved to ' . LYCHEE_DATA);
return false;
# Set new path
$path = LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname;
return $path;
static function server($albumID = 0, $path, $useTemp = false) {
global $database, $plugins, $settings;
# Parse path
if (!isset($path)) $path = LYCHEE_UPLOADS_IMPORT;
if (substr($path, -1)==='/') $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
if (is_dir($path)===false) {
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Given path is not a directory (' . $path . ')');
return 'Error: Given path is not a directory!';
# Skip folders of Lychee
if ($path===LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG||($path . '/')===LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG||$path===LYCHEE_UPLOADS_THUMB||($path . '/')===LYCHEE_UPLOADS_THUMB) {
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Given path is a reserved path of Lychee (' . $path . ')');
return 'Error: Given path is a reserved path of Lychee!';
/*if ($useTemp===true) {
$path = Import::move($database, $path);
if ($path===false) {
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Failed to move import to temporary directory');
return false;
$error = false;
$contains['photos'] = false;
$contains['albums'] = false;
# Get all files
$files = glob($path . '/*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
# It is possible to move a file because of directory permissions but
# the file may still be unreadable by the user
if (!is_readable($file)) {
$error = true;
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not read file or directory: ' . $file);
if (@exif_imagetype($file)!==false) {
# Photo
if (!Import::photo($database, $plugins, $settings, $file, $albumID)) {
$error = true;
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not import file: ' . $file);
$contains['photos'] = true;
} else if (is_dir($file)) {
# Folder
$name = mysqli_real_escape_string($database, basename($file));
$album = new Album($database, null, null, null);
$newAlbumID = $album->add('[Import] ' . $name);
$contains['albums'] = true;
if ($newAlbumID===false) {
$error = true;
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not create album in Lychee (' . $newAlbumID . ')');
$import = Import::server($newAlbumID, $file . '/', false);
if ($import!==true&&$import!=='Notice: Import only contains albums!') {
$error = true;
Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not import folder. Function returned warning');
# Delete tmpdir if import was successful
/*if ($error===false&&$useTemp===true&&file_exists(LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname)) {
if (@rmdir(LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname)===false) Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not delete temp-folder (' . LYCHEE_DATA . $tmpdirname . ') after successful import');
if ($contains['photos']===false&&$contains['albums']===false) return 'Warning: Folder empty or no readable files to process!';
if ($contains['photos']===false&&$contains['albums']===true) return 'Notice: Import only contains albums!';
return true;