You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

486 lines
13 KiB

* @name Build Module
* @description This module is used to generate HTML-Code.
* @author Tobias Reich
* @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
build = {
divider: function(title) {
return "<div class='divider fadeIn'><h1>" + title + "</h1></div>";
editIcon: function(id) {
return "<div id='" + id + "' class='edit'><a class='icon-pencil'></a></div>";
multiselect: function(top, left) {
return "<div id='multiselect' style='top: " + top + "px; left: " + left + "px;'></div>";
album: function(albumJSON) {
if (!albumJSON) return "";
var album = "",
longTitle = "",
title = albumJSON.title,
typeThumb = "";
if (title != null && title.length>18) {
title = albumJSON.title.substr(0, 18) + "...";
longTitle = albumJSON.title;
if (albumJSON.thumb0.split('.').pop()==="svg") typeThumb = "nonretina";
album += "<div class='album' data-id='" + + "' data-password='" + albumJSON.password + "'>";
album += "<img src='" + albumJSON.thumb2 + "' width='200' height='200' alt='thumb' data-type='nonretina'>";
album += "<img src='" + albumJSON.thumb1 + "' width='200' height='200' alt='thumb' data-type='nonretina'>";
album += "<img src='" + albumJSON.thumb0 + "' width='200' height='200' alt='thumb' data-type='" + typeThumb + "'>";
album += "<div class='overlay'>";
if (albumJSON.password&&!lychee.publicMode) album += "<h1><span class='icon-lock'></span> " + title + "</h1>";
else album += "<h1 title='" + longTitle + "'>" + title + "</h1>";
album += "<a>" + albumJSON.sysdate + "</a>";
album += "</div>";
if (!lychee.publicMode) {
if( album += "<a class='badge red icon-star'></a>";
if(albumJSON.public==1) album += "<a class='badge red icon-share'></a>";
if(albumJSON.unsorted==1) album += "<a class='badge red icon-reorder'></a>";
if(albumJSON.recent==1) album += "<a class='badge red icon-time'></a>";
album += "</div>";
return album;
photo: function(photoJSON) {
if (!photoJSON) return "";
var photo = "",
longTitle = "",
title = photoJSON.title;
if (title != null && title.length>18) {
title = photoJSON.title.substr(0, 18) + "...";
longTitle = photoJSON.title;
photo += "<div class='photo' data-album-id='" + photoJSON.album + "' data-id='" + + "'>";
photo += "<img src='" + photoJSON.thumbUrl + "' width='200' height='200' alt='thumb'>";
photo += "<div class='overlay'>";
photo += "<h1 title='" + longTitle + "'>" + title + "</h1>";
if (photoJSON.cameraDate==1) {
photo += "<a><span class='icon-camera' title='Photo Date'></span>" + photoJSON.sysdate + "</a>";
} else {
photo += "<a>" + photoJSON.sysdate + "</a>";
photo += "</div>";
if ( photo += "<a class='badge red icon-star'></a>";
if (!lychee.publicMode&&photoJSON.public==1&&album.json.public!=1) photo += "<a class='badge red icon-share'></a>";
photo += "</div>";
return photo;
imageview: function(photoJSON, isSmall, visibleControls) {
if (!photoJSON) return "";
var view = "";
view += "<div class='arrow_wrapper previous'><a id='previous' class='icon-caret-left'></a></div>";
view += "<div class='arrow_wrapper next'><a id='next' class='icon-caret-right'></a></div>";
if (isSmall) {
if (visibleControls)
view += "<div id='image' class='small' style='background-image: url(" + photoJSON.url + "); width: " + photoJSON.width + "px; height: " + photoJSON.height + "px; margin-top: -" + parseInt(photoJSON.height/2-20) + "px; margin-left: -" + photoJSON.width/2 + "px;'></div>";
view += "<div id='image' class='small' style='background-image: url(" + photoJSON.url + "); width: " + photoJSON.width + "px; height: " + photoJSON.height + "px; margin-top: -" + parseInt(photoJSON.height/2) + "px; margin-left: -" + photoJSON.width/2 + "px;'></div>";
} else {
if (visibleControls)
view += "<div id='image' style='background-image: url(" + photoJSON.url + ")'></div>";
view += "<div id='image' style='background-image: url(" + photoJSON.url + ");' class='full'></div>";
return view;
no_content: function(typ) {
var no_content = "";
no_content += "<div class='no_content fadeIn'>";
no_content += "<a class='icon icon-" + typ + "'></a>";
if (typ==="search") no_content += "<p>No results</p>";
else if (typ==="share") no_content += "<p>No public albums</p>";
else if (typ==="cog") no_content += "<p>No configuration</p>";
no_content += "</div>";
return no_content;
modal: function(title, text, button, marginTop, closeButton) {
var modal = "",
custom_style = "";
if (marginTop) custom_style = "style='margin-top: " + marginTop + "px;'";
modal += "<div class='message_overlay fadeIn'>";
modal += "<div class='message center'" + custom_style + ">";
modal += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>";
if (closeButton!==false) {
modal += "<a class='close icon-remove-sign'></a>";
modal += "<p>" + text + "</p>";
$.each(button, function(index) {
if (this[0]!=="") {
if (index===0) modal += "<a class='button active'>" + this[0] + "</a>";
else modal += "<a class='button'>" + this[0] + "</a>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "</div>";
return modal;
signInModal: function() {
var modal = "";
modal += "<div class='message_overlay'>";
modal += "<div class='message center'>";
modal += "<h1><a class='icon-lock'></a> Sign In</h1>";
modal += "<a class='close icon-remove-sign'></a>";
modal += "<div class='sign_in'>";
modal += "<input id='username' type='text' name='username' value='' placeholder='username'>";
modal += "<input id='password' type='password' name='password' value='' placeholder='password'>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "<div id='version'>Version " + lychee.version + "<span> &#8211; <a target='_blank' href='" + lychee.updateURL + "'>Update available!</a><span></div>";
modal += "<a onclick='lychee.login()' class='button active'>Sign in</a>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "</div>";
return modal;
uploadModal: function(title, files) {
var modal = "";
modal += "<div class='upload_overlay fadeIn'>";
modal += "<div class='upload_message center'>";
modal += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>";
modal += "<a class='close icon-remove-sign'></a>";
modal += "<div class='rows'>";
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].name.length>40) files[i].name = files[i].name.substr(0, 17) + "..." + files[i].name.substr(files[i].name.length-20, 20);
modal += "<div class='row'>";
modal += "<a class='name'>" + lychee.escapeHTML(files[i].name) + "</a>";
if (files[i].supported===true) modal += "<a class='status'></a>";
else modal += "<a class='status error'>Not supported</a>";
modal += "<p class='notice'></p>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "</div>";
modal += "</div>";
return modal;
contextMenu: function(items) {
var menu = "";
menu += "<div class='contextmenu_bg'></div>";
menu += "<div class='contextmenu'>";
menu += "<table>";
menu += "<tbody>";
$.each(items, function(index) {
if (items[index][0]==="separator"&&items[index][1]===-1) menu += "<tr class='separator'></tr>";
else if (items[index][1]===-1) menu += "<tr class='no_hover'><td>" + items[index][0] + "</td></tr>";
else if (items[index][2]!=undefined) menu += "<tr><td onclick='" + items[index][2] + "; window.contextMenu.close();'>" + items[index][0] + "</td></tr>";
else menu += "<tr><td onclick='window.contextMenu.fns[" + items[index][1] + "](); window.contextMenu.close();'>" + items[index][0] + "</td></tr>";
menu += "</tbody>";
menu += "</table>";
menu += "</div>";
return menu;
tags: function(tags, forView) {
var html = "",
editTagsHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_tags");
if (tags!=="") {
tags = tags.split(",");
tags.forEach(function(tag, index, array) {
html += "<a class='tag'>" + tag + "<span class='icon-remove' data-index='" + index + "'></span></a>";
html += editTagsHTML;
} else {
html = "<div class='empty'>No Tags" + editTagsHTML + "</div>";
return html;
infoboxPhoto: function(photoJSON, forView) {
if (!photoJSON) return "";
var infobox = "",
infobox += "<div class='header'><h1>About</h1><a class='icon-remove-sign'></a></div>";
infobox += "<div class='wrapper'>";
switch (photoJSON.public) {
case "0":
public = "No";
case "1":
public = "Yes";
case "2":
public = "Yes (Album)";
public = "-";
editTitleHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_title");
editDescriptionHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_description");
infos = [
["", "Basics"],
["Title", photoJSON.title + editTitleHTML],
["Uploaded", photoJSON.sysdate],
["Description", photoJSON.description + editDescriptionHTML],
["", "Image"],
["Size", photoJSON.size],
["Format", photoJSON.type],
["Resolution", photoJSON.width + " x " + photoJSON.height],
["Tags", build.tags(photoJSON.tags, forView)]
if ((photoJSON.takestamp+photoJSON.make+photoJSON.model+photoJSON.shutter+photoJSON.aperture+photoJSON.focal+photoJSON.iso)!="0") {
infos = infos.concat([
["", "Camera"],
["Captured", photoJSON.takedate],
["Make", photoJSON.make],
["Type/Model", photoJSON.model],
["Shutter Speed", photoJSON.shutter],
["Aperture", photoJSON.aperture],
["Focal Length", photoJSON.focal],
["ISO", photoJSON.iso]
infos = infos.concat([
["", "Share"],
["Public", public]
$.each(infos, function(index) {
if (infos[index][1]===""||infos[index][1]===undefined||infos[index][1]===null) infos[index][1] = "-";
switch (infos[index][0]) {
case "": // Separator
infobox += "</table>";
infobox += "<div class='separator'><h1>" + infos[index][1] + "</h1></div>";
infobox += "<table>";
case "Tags": // Tags
if (forView!==true&&!lychee.publicMode) {
infobox += "</table>";
infobox += "<div class='separator'><h1>" + infos[index][0] + "</h1></div>";
infobox += "<div id='tags'>" + infos[index][1] + "</div>";
default: // Item
infobox += "<tr>";
infobox += "<td>" + infos[index][0] + "</td>";
infobox += "<td class='attr_" + infos[index][0].toLowerCase() + "'>" + infos[index][1] + "</td>";
infobox += "</tr>";
infobox += "</table>";
infobox += "<div class='bumper'></div>";
infobox += "</div>";
return infobox;
infoboxAlbum: function(albumJSON, forView) {
if (!albumJSON) return "";
var infobox = "",
public = "-",
password = "-",
downloadable = "-",
infobox += "<div class='header'><h1>About</h1><a class='icon-remove-sign'></a></div>";
infobox += "<div class='wrapper'>";
switch (albumJSON.public) {
case "0":
public = "No";
case "1":
public = "Yes";
switch (albumJSON.password) {
case false:
password = "No";
case true:
password = "Yes";
switch (albumJSON.downloadable) {
case "0":
downloadable = "No";
case "1":
downloadable = "Yes";
editTitleHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_title_album");
editDescriptionHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_description_album");
infos = [
["", "Basics"],
["Title", albumJSON.title + editTitleHTML],
["Description", albumJSON.description + editDescriptionHTML],
["", "Album"],
["Created", albumJSON.sysdate],
["Images", albumJSON.num],
["", "Share"],
["Public", public],
["Downloadable", downloadable],
["Password", password]
$.each(infos, function(index) {
if (infos[index][1]===""||infos[index][1]===undefined||infos[index][1]===null) infos[index][1] = "-";
if (infos[index][0]==="") {
infobox += "</table>";
infobox += "<div class='separator'><h1>" + infos[index][1] + "</h1></div>";
infobox += "<table id='infos'>";
} else {
infobox += "<tr>";
infobox += "<td>" + infos[index][0] + "</td>";
infobox += "<td class='attr_" + infos[index][0].toLowerCase() + "'>" + infos[index][1] + "</td>";
infobox += "</tr>";
infobox += "</table>";
infobox += "<div class='bumper'></div>";
infobox += "</div>";
return infobox;