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* @name Swipe Module
* @description Swipes and moves an object.
* @author Tobias Reich
* @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
swipe = {
obj: null,
tolerance: 150,
offset: 0,
start: function(obj, tolerance) {
if (obj) swipe.obj = obj;
if (tolerance) swipe.tolerance = tolerance;
return true;
move: function(e) {
if (swipe.obj===null) return false;
swipe.offset = -1 * e.x;
WebkitTransform: 'translateX(' + swipe.offset + 'px)',
MozTransform: 'translateX(' + swipe.offset + 'px)',
transform: 'translateX(' + swipe.offset + 'px)'
stop: function(e, left, right) {
if (e.x<=-swipe.tolerance) left(true);
else if (e.x>=swipe.tolerance) right(true);
else if (swipe.obj!==null) {
WebkitTransform: 'translateX(0px)',
MozTransform: 'translateX(0px)',
transform: 'translateX(0px)'
swipe.obj = null;
swipe.offset = 0;