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/*! jQuery Retina Plugin */
(function(a) {
a.fn.retina = function(c) {
var d = {
"retina-background": false,
"retina-suffix": "@2x"
if (c) {
a.extend(d, c)
var b = function(f, g) {
var e = new Image();
e.onload = function() {
e.src = f
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
this.each(function() {
var e = a(this);
if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img" && e.attr("src")) {
var g = e.attr("src").replace(/\.(?!.*\.)/, d["retina-suffix"] + ".");
b(g, function(h) {
e.attr("src", h.src);
var i = a("<div>").append(e.clone()).remove().html();
if (!(/(width|height)=["']\d+["']/.test(i))) {
e.attr("width", h.width / 2)
if (d["retina-background"]) {
var f = e.css("background-image");
if (/^url\(.*\)$/.test(f)) {
var g = f.substring(4, f.length - 1).replace(/\.(?!.*\.)/, d["retina-suffix"] + ".");
b(g, function(h) {
e.css("background-image", "url(" + h.src + ")");
if (e.css("background-size") == "auto auto") {
e.css("background-size", (h.width / 2) + "px auto")