New: - Protect public albums with passwords - Export to Dropbox - Sharing-Link is displayed directly inside the sharing-dropdown - Delete photos with cmd+backspace Improved: - Massive speed improvements - Changing the title, starring, description, etc. is now instant - Longer filenames for pictures (more security) ShortLinks are removed for more independency and privacy. There are a lot of changes under the hood, including a lot of bug fixes and improvements. Please report every bug you find! How to update: 1. Replace all files, excluding `uploads/` and `php/config.php` 2. Open `php/update.php` in your browser
17 lines
622 B
17 lines
622 B
define('LYCHEE', true);
// Include
if($error=='') {
if(!$database->query("SELECT `public` FROM `lychee_albums`;")) $database->query("ALTER TABLE `lychee_albums` ADD `public` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
if(!$database->query("SELECT `password` FROM `lychee_albums`;")) $database->query("ALTER TABLE `lychee_albums` ADD `password` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
$database->query("UPDATE `lychee_photos` SET url = replace(url, 'uploads/big/', ''), thumbUrl = replace(thumbUrl, 'uploads/thumb/', '')");
echo "\nUpdate complete!";
} else {
echo "\nCould not Update!";