/** * @name photo.js * @author Philipp Maurer * @author Tobias Reich * @copyright 2013 by Philipp Maurer, Tobias Reich * * Photo Module * Takes care of every action a photo can handle and execute. */ photo = { json: null, getID: function() { var id; if (photo.json) id = photo.json.id; else id = $(".photo:hover, .photo.active").attr("data-id"); if (id) return id; else return false; }, load: function(photoID, albumID) { var params, checkPasswd; params = "getPhoto&photoID=" + photoID + "&albumID=" + albumID + "&password=" + password.value; lychee.api(params, "json", function(data) { if (data=="HTTP/1.1 403 Wrong password!") { checkPasswd = function() { if (password.value!="") photo.load(photoID, albumID); else setTimeout(checkPasswd, 250); } checkPasswd(); return false; } photo.json = data; view.photo.init(); lychee.imageview.show(); setTimeout(function() { lychee.content.show() }, 300); }); }, parse: function() { if (!photo.json.title) photo.json.title = "Untitled"; photo.json.url = lychee.upload_path_big + photo.json.url; }, add: { files: function(files) { var pre_progress = 0, formData = new FormData(), xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), popup, progress; $(".upload_overlay").remove(); $("body").append(build.uploadModal()); window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Lychee is currently uploading!"; }; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) formData.append(i, files[i]); formData.append("function", "upload"); if (album.getID()=="") formData.append("albumID", 0); else formData.append("albumID", album.getID()); xhr.open('POST', lychee.api_path); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status===200) { $(".progressbar div").css("width", "100%"); $(".upload_overlay").removeClass("fadeIn").css("opacity", 0); setTimeout(function() { $(".upload_overlay").remove() }, 300); if (window.webkitNotifications&&BrowserDetect.browser=="Safari") { popup = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification("", "Upload complete", "You can now manage your new photo."); popup.show(); } window.onbeforeunload = null; if (album.getID()=="") lychee.goto("a0"); else album.load(album.getID()); } }; xhr.upload.onprogress = function(event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { progress = (event.loaded / event.total * 100 | 0); if (progress>pre_progress) { $(".progressbar div").css("width", progress + "%"); pre_progress = progress; } if (progress>=100) $(".progressbar div").css("opacity", 0.2); } }; $("#upload_files").val(""); xhr.send(formData); }, url: function(link) { var albumID = album.getID(); if (!link) link = prompt("Please enter the direct link to a photo to import it:", ""); if (album.getID()=="") albumID = 0; if (link&&link.length>3) { modal.close(); $(".upload_overlay").remove(); $("body").append(build.uploadModal()); $(".progressbar div").css({ "opacity": 0.2, "width": "100%" }); params = "importUrl&url=" + escape(link) + "&albumID=" + albumID; lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { $(".upload_overlay").removeClass("fadeIn").css("opacity", 0); setTimeout(function() { $(".upload_overlay").remove() }, 300); if (data) { if (album.getID()=="") lychee.goto("a0"); else album.load(album.getID()); } else loadingBar.show("error"); }); } else if (link.length>0) loadingBar.show("error", "Error", "Link to short or too long. Please try another one!"); }, dropbox: function() { lychee.loadDropbox(function() { Dropbox.choose({ linkType: "direct", multiselect: false, success: function(files) { photo.add.url(files[0].link) } }); }); } }, delete: function(photoID) { var params, buttons, photoTitle; if (!photoID) photoID = photo.getID(); if (visible.photo()) photoTitle = photo.json.title; else photoTitle = album.json.content[photoID].title; if (photoTitle=="") photoTitle = "Untitled"; buttons = [ ["Delete Photo", function() { album.json.content[photoID] = null; view.album.content.delete(photoID); // Only when search is not active if (!visible.albums()) lychee.goto("a" + album.getID()); params = "deletePhoto&photoID=" + photoID; lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); }], ["Keep Photo", function() {}] ]; modal.show("Delete Photo", "Are you sure you want to delete the photo '" + photoTitle + "'?
This action can't be undone!", buttons); }, setTitle: function(photoID) { var oldTitle = "", newTitle, params; if (!photoID) photoID = photo.getID(); if (photo.json) oldTitle = photo.json.title; else if (album.json) oldTitle = album.json.content[photoID].title; newTitle = prompt("Please enter a new title for this photo:", oldTitle); if (photoID!=null&&photoID&&newTitle.length<31) { if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.title = (newTitle=="") ? "Untitled" : newTitle; view.photo.title(oldTitle); } album.json.content[photoID].title = newTitle; view.album.content.title(photoID); params = "setPhotoTitle&photoID=" + photoID + "&title=" + escape(encodeURI(newTitle)); lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); } else if (newTitle.length>0) loadingBar.show("error", "Error", "New title to short or too long. Please try another one!"); }, setAlbum: function(albumID, photoID) { var params; if (albumID>=0) { if (visible.photo) lychee.goto("a" + album.getID()); album.json.content[photoID] = null; view.album.content.delete(photoID); params = "setAlbum&photoID=" + photoID + "&albumID=" + albumID; lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); } }, setStar: function(photoID) { var params; if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.star = (photo.json.star==0) ? 1 : 0; view.photo.star(); } album.json.content[photoID].star = (album.json.content[photoID].star==0) ? 1 : 0; view.album.content.star(photoID); params = "setPhotoStar&photoID=" + photoID; lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); }, setPublic: function(photoID, e) { var params; if (photo.json.public==2) { modal.show("Public Album", "This photo is located in a public album. To make this photo private or public, edit the visibility of the associated album.", [["Show Album", function() { lychee.goto("a" + photo.json.original_album) }], ["Close", function() {}]]); return false; } if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.public = (photo.json.public==0) ? 1 : 0; view.photo.public(); if (photo.json.public==1) contextMenu.sharePhoto(photoID, e); } album.json.content[photoID].public = (album.json.content[photoID].public==0) ? 1 : 0; view.album.content.public(photoID); params = "setPhotoPublic&photoID=" + photoID + "&url=" + photo.getViewLink(photoID); lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); }, setDescription: function(photoID) { var oldDescription = photo.json.description, description = prompt("Please enter a description for this photo:", oldDescription), params; if (description.length>0&&description.length<160) { if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.description = description; view.photo.description(oldDescription); } params = "setPhotoDescription&photoID=" + photoID + "&description=" + escape(description); lychee.api(params, "text", function(data) { if (!data) loadingBar.show("error"); }); } else if (description.length>0) loadingBar.show("error", "Error", "Description to short or too long. Please try another one!"); }, share: function(photoID, service) { var link = "", url = photo.getViewLink(photoID), params, filename = "unknown"; switch (service) { case 0: link = "https://twitter.com/share?url=" + encodeURI(url); break; case 1: link = "http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=" + encodeURI(url) + "&t=" + encodeURI(photo.json.title); break; case 2: link = "mailto:?subject=" + encodeURI(photo.json.title) + "&body=" + encodeURI(url); break; case 3: lychee.loadDropbox(function() { filename = photo.json.title + "." + photo.getDirectLink().split('.').pop(); Dropbox.save(photo.getDirectLink(), filename); }); break; default: link = ""; break; } if (link.length>5) location.href = link; }, isSmall: function() { var size = [ ["width", false], ["height", false] ]; if (photo.json.width<$(window).width()-60) size["width"] = true; if (photo.json.height<$(window).height()-100) size["height"] = true; if (size["width"]&&size["height"]) return true; else return false; }, getDirectLink: function() { return $("#imageview #image").css("background-image").replace(/"/g,"").replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, ""); }, getViewLink: function(photoID) { if (location.href.indexOf("index.html")>0) return location.href.replace("index.html" + location.hash, "view.php?p=" + photoID); else return location.href.replace(location.hash, "view.php?p=" + photoID); } }