/** * @description Takes care of every action albums can handle and execute. * @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich */ albums = { json: null } albums.load = function() { var startTime, durationTime, waitTime; lychee.animate('.album:nth-child(-n+50), .photo:nth-child(-n+50)', 'contentZoomOut'); lychee.animate('.divider', 'fadeOut'); startTime = new Date().getTime(); if (albums.json===null) { lychee.api('getAlbums', function(data) { /* Smart Albums */ data.unsortedAlbum = { id: 0, title: 'Unsorted', sysdate: data.unsortedNum + ' photos', unsorted: '1', thumb0: data.unsortedThumb0, thumb1: data.unsortedThumb1, thumb2: data.unsortedThumb2 }; data.starredAlbum = { id: 'f', title: 'Starred', sysdate: data.starredNum + ' photos', star: '1', thumb0: data.starredThumb0, thumb1: data.starredThumb1, thumb2: data.starredThumb2 }; data.publicAlbum = { id: 's', title: 'Public', sysdate: data.publicNum + ' photos', public: '1', thumb0: data.publicThumb0, thumb1: data.publicThumb1, thumb2: data.publicThumb2 }; data.recentAlbum = { id: 'r', title: 'Recent', sysdate: data.recentNum + ' photos', recent: '1', thumb0: data.recentThumb0, thumb1: data.recentThumb1, thumb2: data.recentThumb2 }; albums.json = data; // Calculate delay durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime); if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0; else waitTime = 300 - durationTime; // Skip delay when opening a blank Lychee if (!visible.albums()&&!visible.photo()&&!visible.album()) waitTime = 0; if (visible.album()&&lychee.content.html()==='') waitTime = 0; setTimeout(function() { view.header.mode('albums'); view.albums.init(); lychee.animate('.album:nth-child(-n+50), .photo:nth-child(-n+50)', 'contentZoomIn'); }, waitTime); }); } else { setTimeout(function() { view.header.mode('albums'); view.albums.init(); lychee.animate('.album:nth-child(-n+50), .photo:nth-child(-n+50)', 'contentZoomIn'); }, 300); } } albums.parse = function(album) { if (album.password&&lychee.publicMode) { album.thumb0 = 'src/images/password.svg'; album.thumb1 = 'src/images/password.svg'; album.thumb2 = 'src/images/password.svg'; } else { if (!album.thumb0) album.thumb0 = 'src/images/no_images.svg'; if (!album.thumb1) album.thumb1 = 'src/images/no_images.svg'; if (!album.thumb2) album.thumb2 = 'src/images/no_images.svg'; } } albums.refresh = function() { albums.json = null; }