/** * @description This module takes care of the sidebar. * @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich */ sidebar = { _dom: $('#sidebar'), types: { DEFAULT : 0, TAGS : 1 }, createStructure: {} } sidebar.dom = function(selector) { if (selector==null || selector==='') return sidebar._dom return sidebar._dom.find(selector) } sidebar.bind = function() { // This function should be called after building and appending // the sidebars content to the DOM. // This function can be called multiple times, therefore // event handlers should be removed before binding a new one. // Event Name let eventName = lychee.getEventName(); sidebar .dom('#edit_title') .off(eventName) .on(eventName, function() { if (visible.photo()) photo.setTitle([photo.getID()]) else if (visible.album()) album.setTitle([album.getID()]) }) sidebar .dom('#edit_description') .off(eventName) .on(eventName, function() { if (visible.photo()) photo.setDescription(photo.getID()) else if (visible.album()) album.setDescription(album.getID()) }) sidebar .dom('#edit_tags') .off(eventName) .on(eventName, function() { photo.editTags([photo.getID()]) }) sidebar .dom('#tags .tag span') .off(eventName) .on(eventName, function() { photo.deleteTag(photo.getID(), $(this).data('index')) }) return true } sidebar.toggle = function() { if (visible.sidebar() || visible.sidebarbutton()) { header.dom('.button--info').toggleClass('active') lychee.content.toggleClass('sidebar') sidebar.dom().toggleClass('active') return true } return false } sidebar.setSelectable = function(selectable = true) { // Attributes/Values inside the sidebar are selectable by default. // Selection needs to be deactivated to prevent an unwanted selection // while using multiselect. if (selectable===true) sidebar.dom().removeClass('notSelectable') else sidebar.dom().addClass('notSelectable') } sidebar.changeAttr = function(attr, value = '-', dangerouslySetInnerHTML = false) { if (attr==null || attr==='') return false // Set a default for the value if (value==null || value==='') value = '-' // Escape value if (dangerouslySetInnerHTML===false) value = lychee.escapeHTML(value) // Set new value sidebar.dom('.attr_' + attr).html(value) return true } sidebar.createStructure.photo = function(data) { if (data==null || data==='') return false let editable = false, exifHash = data.takestamp + data.make + data.model + data.shutter + data.aperture + data.focal + data.iso, structure = {}, _public = '' // Enable editable when user logged in if (lychee.publicMode===false) editable = true // Set value for public switch (data.public) { case '0' : _public = 'No' break case '1' : _public = 'Yes' break case '2' : _public = 'Yes (Album)' break default : _public = '-' break } structure.basics = { title : 'Basics', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Title', value: data.title, editable }, { title: 'Uploaded', value: data.sysdate }, { title: 'Description', value: data.description, editable } ] } structure.image = { title : 'Image', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Size', value: data.size }, { title: 'Format', value: data.type }, { title: 'Resolution', value: data.width + ' x ' + data.height } ] } // Only create tags section when user logged in if (lychee.publicMode===false) { structure.tags = { title : 'Tags', type : sidebar.types.TAGS, value : build.tags(data.tags), editable } } else { structure.tags = {} } // Only create EXIF section when EXIF data available if (exifHash!=='0') { structure.exif = { title : 'Camera', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Captured', value: data.takedate }, { title: 'Make', value: data.make }, { title: 'Type/Model', value: data.model }, { title: 'Shutter Speed', value: data.shutter }, { title: 'Aperture', value: data.aperture }, { title: 'Focal Length', value: data.focal }, { title: 'ISO', value: data.iso } ] } } else { structure.exif = {} } structure.sharing = { title : 'Sharing', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Public', value: _public } ] } // Construct all parts of the structure structure = [ structure.basics, structure.image, structure.tags, structure.exif, structure.sharing ] return structure } sidebar.createStructure.album = function(data) { if (data==null || data==='') return false let editable = false, structure = {}, _public = '', visible = '', downloadable = '', password = '' // Enable editable when user logged in if (lychee.publicMode===false) editable = true // Set value for public switch (data.public) { case '0' : _public = 'No' break case '1' : _public = 'Yes' break default : _public = '-' break } // Set value for visible switch (data.visible) { case '0' : visible = 'No' break case '1' : visible = 'Yes' break default : visible = '-' break } // Set value for downloadable switch (data.downloadable) { case '0' : downloadable = 'No' break case '1' : downloadable = 'Yes' break default : downloadable = '-' break } // Set value for password switch (data.password) { case '0' : password = 'No' break case '1' : password = 'Yes' break default : password = '-' break } structure.basics = { title : 'Basics', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Title', value: data.title, editable }, { title: 'Description', value: data.description, editable } ] } structure.album = { title : 'Album', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Created', value: data.sysdate }, { title: 'Images', value: data.num } ] } structure.share = { title : 'Share', type : sidebar.types.DEFAULT, rows : [ { title: 'Public', value: _public }, { title: 'Visible', value: visible }, { title: 'Downloadable', value: downloadable }, { title: 'Password', value: password } ] } // Construct all parts of the structure structure = [ structure.basics, structure.album, structure.share ] return structure } sidebar.render = function(structure) { if (structure==null || structure==='') return false let html = '' let renderDefault = function(section) { let _html = '' _html += `

${ section.title }

` section.rows.forEach(function(row) { let value = row.value // Set a default for the value if (value==='' || value==null) value = '-' // Wrap span-element around value for easier selecting on change value = lychee.html`$${ value }` // Add edit-icon to the value when editable if (row.editable===true) value += ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_' + row.title.toLowerCase()) _html += lychee.html` ` }) _html += `
$${ row.title } ${ value }
` return _html } let renderTags = function(section) { let _html = '', editable = '' // Add edit-icon to the value when editable if (section.editable===true) editable = build.editIcon('edit_tags') _html += lychee.html`

$${ section.title }

${ section.value }
${ editable }
` return _html } structure.forEach(function(section) { if (section.type===sidebar.types.DEFAULT) html += renderDefault(section) else if (section.type===sidebar.types.TAGS) html += renderTags(section) }) return html }