## v3.0.8 Released December 20, 2015 - `Improved` Lychee update site now with SSL (#317) - `Improved` Set undefined vars, remove unused vars and code that cannot be reached (Thanks @mattsches, #435) ## v3.0.7 Released November 15, 2015 - Internal changes and updated dependencies - `New` PHP-version-check now requires PHP >= 5.5 - `New` Preloading of big photos (#185) ## v3.0.6 Released September 13, 2015 - `Improved` Share photo now shares view.php link (#392) - `Fixed` Incorrect error messages for failed uploads (#393) - `Fixed` XSS issues and escaping problems - `Fixed` Broken "Download album" when album has an ampersand in the password (#356) ## v3.0.5 Released August 9, 2015 - `Fixed` view.php not displaying photos ## v3.0.4 Released July 17, 2015 - `Improved` Removed bower and updated basicModal & basicContext - `Improved` Small interface performance improvements - `Improved` Updated all JS-files to take advantage of ES2015 - `Improved` Better error-handling for the Dropbox-, URL- and Server-Import - `Improved` Added skipDuplicates- and identifier-check to the diagnostics - `Fixed` error when using "Merge All" with one selected album - `Fixed` error when saving username and password after the initial setup - `Fixed` Clicks not recognized when using a mouse on a touchscreen-device (#345) ## v3.0.3 Released June 28, 2015 - `New` Skip duplicates on upload (#367, [How to activate](settings.md)) ## v3.0.2 Released June 13, 2015 - `Improved` Permission errors are now easier to understand (#351) - `Improved` Escape data from database before inserting into `view.php` - `Fixed` PHP-version-check now requires PHP >= 5.3 like written in the docs ## v3.0.1 Released May 24, 2015 - `New` Album Sorting (Thanks @ophian, #98) - `New` Identifier to prevent login of multiple Lychee-instances (#344) - `Improved` Albums and photos now can have a title with up to 50 chars (#332) - `Fixed` Removing last Tag from photo not possible in Firefox (#269) ## v3.0.0 Released May 6, 2015 **Warning**: You need to enter a new username and password when upgrading from a previous version. Your installation is accessible for everyone till you enter a new login by visiting your Lychee. Both fields are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed. **Warning**: Upgrading from a previous version will set *all* public albums to private. Passwords are now stored in a secure way. Legacy md5 code has been removed. **Warning**: We recommend to backup your database and photos before upgrading to the newest version. **Deprecated**: Photos uploaded with Lychee v1.1 or older aren't supported anymore. Thumbnails fail to load on high-res screens. - `New` Redesigned interface, icons and symbols - `New` Rewritten Front-End - `New` Dialog system now based on [basicModal](https://github.com/electerious/basicModal) - `New` Context-menus now based on [basicContext](https://github.com/electerious/basicContext) - `New` Edit the sharing options of a public album - `New` Quickly switch between albums and photos by clicking the title in the header - `New` Renamed API functions - `New` Merge albums (Thanks @rhurling, #340, #341, #166) - `New` iPhone 6 Homescreen icon - `Improved` Performance of animations - `Improved` Prevent download of deleted albums/photos - `Improved` Opening a private photo when logged out now shows an error - `Improved` Reduced attribute changes to improve performance - `Improved` Interact with the content while the sidebar stays open - `Improved` Username and password now stored in a safer way - `Improved` Album passwords now stored in a safer way - `Improved` Don't refresh albums when password-input canceled by user - `Improved` Additional Open Graph Metadata (#299) - `Improved` Check allow_url_fopen (#302) - `Fixed` Prevent ctrl+a from selecting the sidebar (#230) - `Fixed` Removed unused scrolling bars in FF (#316, #289) And much moreā¦ ## v2.7.2 Released April 13, 2015 - `Fixed` Prevented remote code execution of photos imported using "Import from URL" (Thanks Segment S.r.l) - `Fixed` Stopped view.php from returning data of private photos ## v2.7.1 Released January 26, 2015 - `Improved` auto-login after first installation - `Fixed` Disabled import of the medium-folder - `Fixed` error when using apostrophes in text #290 - `Fixed` $medium is now a tinyint like defined in the database structure - `Fixed` incorrect height calculation for photos - `Fixed` creation of test db #295 - `Fixed` a warning caused by set_charset #291 ## v2.7 Released December 6, 2014 - `New` Intermediate sized images for small screen devices #67 - `New` Added Docker help (@renfredxh, #252) - `New` Move-Photo context shows album previews - `Improved` Upload shows server-errors - `Improved` Improved thumb creation - `Improved` Docker (@renfredxh, #252) - `Improved` CSS has been rewritten partly - `Improved` Front-end has been rewritten partly #245 - `Improved` Folder- and code-structure has been updated - `Improved` Context-menu now based on [basicContext](https://github.com/electerious/basicContext) #245 - `Fixed` OpenGraph image too big for some sites #69 - `Fixed` Wrong sizes after EXIF rotation - `Fixed` Returning to 'Albums' after searching failed - `Fixed` Move-Photo not scrollable #215 ## v2.6.3 Released October 10, 2014 - `New` Caching for albums (Thanks @r0x0r, #232) - `New` Save scroll position of albums (Thanks @r0x0r, #232) - `New` Added Dockerfile (@renfredxh, #236) - `Improved` Newest album on the top (Thanks @r0x0r, #232) - `Fixed` Login in private mode (Safari) - `Fixed` Drag & Drop with open photo - `Fixed` Wrong modified date of the photo files - `Fixed` Search function always returned all photos (Thanks @powentan, #234) ## v2.6.2 Released September 12, 2014 - `New` Select all albums/photos with `cmd+a` or `ctrl+a` - `New` Detect duplicates and only save one file (#48) - `New` Duplicate photos (#186) - `New` Added contributing guide - `New` Database table prefix for multiple Lychee installations (#196) - `Improved` Use IPTC Title when Headline not available (#216) - `Improved` Diagnostics are showing system information - `Improved` Harden against SQL injection attacks (#38) - `Fixed` a problem with htmlentities and older PHP versions (#212) ## v2.6.1 Released August 22, 2014 - `New` Support for IE >= 11 (#148) - `New` Choose if public album is downloadable or not (#191) - `Improved` Albums gradient overlay is less harsh (#200) ## v2.6 Released August 16, 2014 - `New` Rewritten and redesigned Uploader (#101) - `New` Custom server-import directory (#187) - `New` Plugin documentation - `Improved` Database and installation process (#202 #195) - `Improved` "No public albums" now easier to read (#205) - `Fixed` Don't show EXIF info when not available (#194) ## v2.5.6 Released July 25, 2014 - `New` Choose if album should be listed public (#177) - `New` Gulp instead of Grunt with autoprefixer - `Improved` Slightly better performance when opening big albums - `Improved` Checksum with sha1 instead of md5 (#179) - `Fixed` Missing public badge on public albums - `Fixed` Wrong path for public photos in view.php - `Fixed` Wrong link to thumbs when searching - `Fixed` Wrong date in album view when takestamp was null - `Fixed` It wasn't possible to rename albums while searching - `Fixed` It was possible to right-click on SmartAlbums after searching ## v2.5.5 Released July 5, 2014 - `New` Smart Album "Recent" - `New` Checksum of photo in database (#48) - `New` Show takedate in photo-overlay (when available) - `Improved` Permission check when running with the same UID (#174) ## v2.5 Released June 24, 2014 - `New` Swipe gestures on mobile devices - `New` Plugin-System - `New` Rewritten Back-End - `New` Support for ImageMagick (thanks @bb-Ricardo) - `New` Logging-System - `New` Blowfish hash instead of MD5 for all new passwords (thanks @bb-Ricardo) - `New` Compile Lychee using Grunt (with npm and bower) - `New` Open full photo without making the photo public - `Improved` Shortcuts - `Improved` Album share dialog - `Improved` Database update mechanism - `Improved` Download photos with correct title (thanks @bb-Ricardo) - `Improved` EXIF parsing - `Improved` URL and Server import (thanks @djdallmann) - `Improved` Check permissions on upload - `Fixed` Wrong capture date in Infobox - `Fixed` Sorting by takedate ## v2.1.1 Released March 20, 2014 - `New` Delete albums with cmd + backspace - `New` Using iOS 7.1 minimal-ui - `Improved` Faster loading of single photos - `Improved` Faster and snappier animations - `Improved` Better dialog when clearing Unsorted - `Fixed` Warning when uploading images without EXIF-Data - `Fixed` Close upload on error ## v2.1 Released March 4, 2014 Important: You need to reenter your database credentials and set the correct rights for `data/`, when updating from a previous version. - `New` Multi-select (#32) - `New` Multi-folder import from server (#47) - `New` Tagging (#5) - `New` Import of original image name (#39) - `New` Makefile - `Improved` Upload-process - `Improved` Documentation - `Improved` Overlay for photos - `Fixed` Dropbox import (#84) - `Fixed` Wrong login or password annotation (#71) - `Fixed` Escaping issue (#89) - `Moved` Config now located in `data/` ## v2.0.3 Released February 26, 2014 - Critical security fix - Notifications for Chrome ## v2.0.2 Released January 30, 2014 - Clear search button (#62) - Speed improvements (#57) - Show tooltip when album/photo title too long (#66) - Fixed php notices - Avoid empty downloads in empty albums (#56) - Correct position of upload modal on mobile devices - Improved security ## v2.0.1 Released January 24, 2014 - Share > Direct Link - Download individual images (Issue #43) - ContextMenu stays within the window (Issue #41) - Prevent default ContextMenu (Issue #45) - Small ContextMenu improvements - Small security improvements ## v2.0 Released January 22, 2014 - All new redefined interface - Faster animations and transitions - Import from Dropbox - Import from Server - Download public albums - Several sorting options - Installation assistant - Infobox and description for albums - Faster loading and improved performance - Better file handling and upload - Album covers are chosen intelligent - Prettier URLs - Massive changes under the hood - IPTC support (Headline and Caption) - EXIF Orientation support