get(); # Ensure that user is logged in session_start(); if ((isset($_SESSION['login'])&&$_SESSION['login']===true)&& (isset($_SESSION['identifier'])&&$_SESSION['identifier']===$settings['identifier'])) { # Result $query = Database::prepare($database, "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(time), type, function, line, text FROM ?", array(LYCHEE_TABLE_LOG)); $result = $database->query($query); # Output if ($result->num_rows===0) { echo('Everything looks fine, Lychee has not reported any problems!'); } else { while($row = $result->fetch_row()) { # Encode result before printing $row = array_map('htmlentities', $row); # Format: time TZ - type - function(line) - text printf ("%s - %s - %s (%s) \t- %s\n", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4]); } } } else { # Don't go further if the user is not logged in echo('You have to be logged in to see the log.'); exit(); } ?>