/** * @description Takes care of every action albums can handle and execute. */ albums = { json: null } albums.load = function() { let startTime = new Date().getTime() lychee.animate('.content', 'contentZoomOut') if (albums.json===null) { let params = { parent: 0 } api.post('Albums::get', params, function(data) { let waitTime = 0 // Smart Albums if (lychee.publicMode===false) albums._createSmartAlbums(data.smartalbums) albums.json = data // Calculate delay let durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime) if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0 else waitTime = 300 - durationTime // Skip delay when opening a blank Lychee if (!visible.albums() && !visible.photo() && !visible.album()) waitTime = 0 if (visible.album() && lychee.content.html()==='') waitTime = 0 setTimeout(() => { header.setMode('albums') view.albums.init() lychee.animate(lychee.content, 'contentZoomIn') }, waitTime) }) } else { setTimeout(() => { header.setMode('albums') view.albums.init() lychee.animate(lychee.content, 'contentZoomIn') }, 300) } } albums.parse = function(album) { if (album.password==='1' && lychee.publicMode===true) { album.thumbs[0] = 'src/images/password.svg' album.thumbs[1] = 'src/images/password.svg' album.thumbs[2] = 'src/images/password.svg' } else { if (!album.thumbs[0]) album.thumbs[0] = 'src/images/no_images.svg' if (!album.thumbs[1]) album.thumbs[1] = 'src/images/no_images.svg' if (!album.thumbs[2]) album.thumbs[2] = 'src/images/no_images.svg' } } albums._createSmartAlbums = function(data) { data.unsorted = { id : 0, title : 'Unsorted', sysdate : data.unsorted.num + ' photos', unsorted : '1', thumbs : data.unsorted.thumbs } data.starred = { id : 'f', title : 'Starred', sysdate : data.starred.num + ' photos', star : '1', thumbs : data.starred.thumbs } data.public = { id : 's', title : 'Public', sysdate : data.public.num + ' photos', public : '1', thumbs : data.public.thumbs } data.recent = { id : 'r', title : 'Recent', sysdate : data.recent.num + ' photos', recent : '1', thumbs : data.recent.thumbs } } albums.getByID = function(albumID) { // Function returns the JSON of an album if (albumID==null) return undefined if (albumID instanceof Array) albumID = albumID[0] let json = undefined let func = function() { if (this.id==albumID) json = this } if (albums.json && albums.json.albums) { $.each(albums.json.albums, func) } else if (album.subjson && album.subjson.albums) { $.each(album.subjson.albums, func) } return json } albums.deleteByID = function(albumID) { // Function returns the JSON of an album if (albumID==null) return false if (!albums.json) return false if (!albums.json.albums) return false let deleted = false $.each(albums.json.albums, function(i) { if (albums.json.albums[i].id==albumID) { albums.json.albums.splice(i, 1) deleted = true return false } }) return deleted } albums.refresh = function() { albums.json = null }