/** * @description Responsible to reflect data changes to the UI. */ view = {} view.albums = { init: function() { view.albums.title() view.albums.content.init() }, title: function() { if (filter.isFilterActive()) { lychee.setTitle('Albums (filtered)', false) } else { lychee.setTitle('Albums', false) } }, content: { scrollPosition: 0, init: function() { let smartData = '' let albumsData = '' // Smart Albums if (lychee.publicMode===false) { albums.parse(albums.json.smartalbums.unsorted) albums.parse(albums.json.smartalbums.public) albums.parse(albums.json.smartalbums.starred) albums.parse(albums.json.smartalbums.recent) smartData = build.divider('Smart Albums') + build.album(albums.json.smartalbums.unsorted) + build.album(albums.json.smartalbums.public) + build.album(albums.json.smartalbums.starred) + build.album(albums.json.smartalbums.recent) } // Albums if (albums.json.albums && albums.json.num!==0) { $.each(albums.json.albums, function() { albums.parse(this) albumsData += build.album(this) }) // Add divider if (lychee.publicMode===false) albumsData = build.divider('Albums') + albumsData } if (smartData==='' && albumsData==='') { lychee.content.html('') $('body').append(build.no_content('eye')) } else { lychee.content.html(smartData + albumsData) } // Restore scroll position if (view.albums.content.scrollPosition!=null && view.albums.content.scrollPosition!==0) { $(document).scrollTop(view.albums.content.scrollPosition) } }, title: function(albumID) { let title = albums.getByID(albumID).title title = lychee.escapeHTML(title) $('.album[data-id="' + albumID + '"] .overlay h1') .html(title) .attr('title', title) }, delete: function(albumID) { $('.album[data-id="' + albumID + '"]').css('opacity', 0).animate({ width : 0, marginLeft : 0 }, 300, function() { $(this).remove() if (albums.json.num<=0) lychee.content.find('.divider:last-child').remove() }) } } } view.album = { init: function() { album.parse() view.album.sidebar() view.album.title() view.album.public() view.album.content.init() album.json.init = 1 }, title: function() { if ((visible.album() || !album.json.init) && !visible.photo()) { title = ''; editable = false; switch (album.getID()) { case 'f': title = 'Starred' break case 's': title = 'Public' break case 'r': title = 'Recent' break case '0': title = 'Unsorted' break default: title = album.json.title editable = true break } if (filter.isFilterActive()) { title += " (filtered)" } if (editable && album.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('title', title) lychee.setTitle(title, editable) } }, content: { init: function() { let photosData = '' if (album.json.content && album.json.content!==false) { // Build photos $.each(album.json.content, function() { if (filter.checkPhoto (this)) { photosData += build.photo(this) } }) } // Save and reset scroll position view.albums.content.scrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop() requestAnimationFrame(() => $(document).scrollTop(0)) // Add photos to view lychee.content.html(photosData) }, title: function(photoID) { let title = album.json.content[photoID].title title = lychee.escapeHTML(title) $('.photo[data-id="' + photoID + '"] .overlay h1') .html(title) .attr('title', title) }, star: function(photoID) { let $badge = $('.photo[data-id="' + photoID + '"] .icn-star') if (album.json.content[photoID].star==='1') $badge.addClass('badge--visible') else $badge.removeClass('badge--visible') }, public: function(photoID) { let $badge = $('.photo[data-id="' + photoID + '"] .icn-share') if (album.json.content[photoID].public==='1') $badge.addClass('badge--visible') else $badge.removeClass('badge--visible') }, delete: function(photoID) { $('.photo[data-id="' + photoID + '"]').css('opacity', 0).animate({ width : 0, marginLeft : 0 }, 300, function() { $(this).remove() // Only when search is not active if (!visible.albums()) { album.json.num-- view.album.num() } }) } }, description: function() { sidebar.changeAttr('description', album.json.description) }, num: function() { sidebar.changeAttr('images', album.json.num) }, public: function() { if (album.json.public==='1') { $('#button_share_album') .addClass('active') .attr('title', 'Share Album') $('.photo .iconic-share').remove() if (album.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('public', 'Yes') } else { $('#button_share_album') .removeClass('active') .attr('title', 'Make Public') if (album.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('public', 'No') } }, hidden: function() { if (album.json.visible==='1') sidebar.changeAttr('hidden', 'No') else sidebar.changeAttr('hidden', 'Yes') }, downloadable: function() { if (album.json.downloadable==='1') sidebar.changeAttr('downloadable', 'Yes') else sidebar.changeAttr('downloadable', 'No') }, password: function() { if (album.json.password==='1') sidebar.changeAttr('password', 'Yes') else sidebar.changeAttr('password', 'No') }, sidebar: function() { if ((visible.album() || !album.json.init) && !visible.photo()) { let structure = sidebar.createStructure.album(album.json) let html = sidebar.render(structure) sidebar.dom('.sidebar__wrapper').html(html) sidebar.bind() } } } view.photo = { init: function() { photo.parse() view.photo.sidebar() view.photo.title() view.photo.star() view.photo.public() view.photo.photo() photo.json.init = 1 }, show: function() { // Change header lychee.content.addClass('view') header.setMode('photo') // Make body not scrollable $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden') // Fullscreen let timeout = null $(document).bind('mousemove', function() { clearTimeout(timeout) header.show() timeout = setTimeout(header.hide, 2500) }) lychee.animate(lychee.imageview, 'fadeIn') }, hide: function() { header.show() lychee.content.removeClass('view') header.setMode('album') // Make body scrollable $('body').css('overflow', 'auto') // Disable Fullscreen $(document).unbind('mousemove') // Hide Photo lychee.animate(lychee.imageview, 'fadeOut') setTimeout(() => { lychee.imageview.hide() view.album.sidebar() }, 300) }, title: function() { if (photo.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('title', photo.json.title) lychee.setTitle(photo.json.title, true) }, description: function() { if (photo.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('description', photo.json.description) }, star: function() { if (photo.json.star==='1') { // Starred $('#button_star') .addClass('active') .attr('title', 'Unstar Photo') } else { // Unstarred $('#button_star').removeClass('active') $('#button_star').attr('title', 'Star Photo') } }, public: function() { if (photo.json.public==='1' || photo.json.public==='2') { // Photo public $('#button_share') .addClass('active') .attr('title', 'Share Photo') if (photo.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('public', 'Yes') } else { // Photo private $('#button_share') .removeClass('active') .attr('title', 'Make Public') if (photo.json.init) sidebar.changeAttr('public', 'No') } }, tags: function() { sidebar.changeAttr('tags', build.tags(photo.json.tags), true) sidebar.bind() }, photo: function() { lychee.imageview.html(build.imageview(photo.json, visible.header())) let $nextArrow = lychee.imageview.find('a#next') let $previousArrow = lychee.imageview.find('a#previous') let photoID = photo.getID() let hasNext = album.json && album.json.content && album.json.content[photoID] && album.json.content[photoID].nextPhoto!=null && album.json.content[photoID].nextPhoto!=='' let hasPrevious = album.json && album.json.content && album.json.content[photoID] && album.json.content[photoID].previousPhoto!=null && album.json.content[photoID].previousPhoto!=='' if (hasNext===false || lychee.viewMode===true) { $nextArrow.hide() } else { let nextPhotoID = album.json.content[photoID].nextPhoto let nextPhoto = album.json.content[nextPhotoID] $nextArrow.css('background-image', lychee.html`linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, .4), rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)), url("$${ nextPhoto.thumbUrl }")`) } if (hasPrevious===false || lychee.viewMode===true) { $previousArrow.hide() } else { let previousPhotoID = album.json.content[photoID].previousPhoto let previousPhoto = album.json.content[previousPhotoID] $previousArrow.css('background-image', lychee.html`linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, .4), rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)), url("$${ previousPhoto.thumbUrl }")`) } }, sidebar: function() { let structure = sidebar.createStructure.photo(photo.json) let html = sidebar.render(structure) sidebar.dom('.sidebar__wrapper').html(html) sidebar.bind() } }