/** * @description Searches through your photos and albums. * @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich */ search = { hash: null } search.find = function(term) { clearTimeout($(window).data('timeout')) $(window).data('timeout', setTimeout(function() { if (header.dom('.header__search').val().length!==0) { api.post('search', { term }, function(data) { let html = '' let albumsData = '' let photosData = '' // Build albums if (data && data.albums) { albums.json = { albums: data.albums } $.each(albums.json.albums, function() { albums.parse(this) albumsData += build.album(this) }) } // Build photos if (data && data.photos) { album.json = { content: data.photos } $.each(album.json.content, function() { photosData += build.photo(this) }) } // 1. No albums and photos // 2. Only photos // 3. Only albums // 4. Albums and photos if (albumsData==='' && photosData==='') html = 'error' else if (albumsData==='') html = build.divider('Photos') + photosData else if (photosData==='') html = build.divider('Albums') + albumsData else html = build.divider('Photos') + photosData + build.divider('Albums') + albumsData // Only refresh view when search results are different if (search.hash!==data.hash) { $('.no_content').remove() lychee.animate('.content', 'contentZoomOut') search.hash = data.hash setTimeout(() => { if (html==='error') { lychee.content.html('') $('body').append(build.no_content('magnifying-glass')) } else { lychee.content.html(html) lychee.animate(lychee.content, 'contentZoomIn') } }, 300) } }) } else search.reset() }, 250)) } search.reset = function() { header.dom('.header__search').val('') $('.no_content').remove() if (search.hash!=null) { // Trash data albums.json = null album.json = null photo.json = null search.hash = null lychee.animate('.divider', 'fadeOut') lychee.goto() } }