<?php /** * @author Tobias Reich * @copyright 2016 by Tobias Reich */ namespace Lychee; use Lychee\Modules\Config; use Lychee\Modules\Response; use Lychee\Modules\Settings; use Lychee\Modules\Validator; use Lychee\Access\Installation; use Lychee\Access\Admin; use Lychee\Access\Guest; require(__DIR__ . '/define.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/autoload.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/fastImageCopyResampled.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/generateID.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getExtension.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getGraphHeader.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getHashedString.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/hasPermissions.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/search.php'); // Define the called function if (isset($_POST['function'])) $fn = $_POST['function']; else if (isset($_GET['function'])) $fn = $_GET['function']; else $fn = null; // Check if a function has been specified if (!empty($fn)) { // Start the session and set the default timezone session_start(); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // Validate parameters if (isset($_POST['albumIDs'])&&Validator::isAlbumIDs($_POST['albumIDs'])===false) Response::error('Wrong parameter type for albumIDs!'); if (isset($_POST['photoIDs'])&&Validator::isPhotoIDs($_POST['photoIDs'])===false) Response::error('Wrong parameter type for photoIDs!'); if (isset($_POST['albumID'])&&Validator::isAlbumID($_POST['albumID'])==false) Response::error('Wrong parameter type for albumID!'); if (isset($_POST['photoID'])&&Validator::isPhotoID($_POST['photoID'])==false) Response::error('Wrong parameter type for photoID!'); // Check if a configuration exists if (Config::exists()===false) { /** * Installation Access * Limited access to configure Lychee. Only available when the config.php file is missing. */ Installation::init($fn); exit(); } // Check if user is logged if ((isset($_SESSION['login'])&&$_SESSION['login']===true)&& (isset($_SESSION['identifier'])&&$_SESSION['identifier']===Settings::get()['identifier'])) { /** * Admin Access * Full access to Lychee. Only with correct password/session. */ Admin::init($fn); exit(); } else { /** * Guest Access * Access to view all public folders and photos in Lychee. */ Guest::init($fn); exit(); } } else { Response::error('No API function specified!'); } ?>