getAll(true)); break; case 'getAlbum': if (!isset($_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password'])) exit(); $album = new Album($database, $plugins, $settings, $_POST['albumID']); if ($album->getPublic()) { // Album Public if ($album->checkPassword($_POST['password'])) echo json_encode($album->get()); else echo 'Warning: Wrong password!'; } else { // Album Private echo 'Warning: Album private!'; } break; case 'checkAlbumAccess':if (!isset($_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password'])) exit(); $album = new Album($database, $plugins, $settings, $_POST['albumID']); if ($album->getPublic()) { // Album Public if ($album->checkPassword($_POST['password'])) echo true; else echo false; } else { // Album Private echo false; } break; // Photo Functions case 'getPhoto': if (isset($_POST['photoID'], $_POST['albumID'], $_POST['password'])) { if (isPhotoPublic($_POST['photoID'], $_POST['password'])) echo json_encode(getPhoto($_POST['photoID'], $_POST['albumID'])); else echo 'Warning: Wrong password!'; } break; // Session Functions case 'init': echo json_encode(init('public', $_POST['version'])); break; case 'login': if (isset($_POST['user'], $_POST['password'])) echo login($_POST['user'], $_POST['password']); break; // Miscellaneous default: switch ($_GET['function']) { case 'getAlbumArchive': if (!isset($_GET['albumID'], $_GET['password'])) exit(); $album = new Album($database, $plugins, $settings, $_GET['albumID']); // Album Download if ($album->getPublic()) { // Album Public if ($album->checkPassword($_GET['password'])) $album->getArchive(); else exit('Warning: Wrong password!'); } else { // Album Private exit('Warning: Album private or not downloadable!'); } break; case 'getPhotoArchive': if (isset($_GET['photoID'], $_GET['password'])) { // Photo Download if (isPhotoPublic($_GET['photoID'], $_GET['password'])) // Photo Public getPhotoArchive($_GET['photoID']); else // Photo Private exit('Warning: Photo private or not downloadable!'); } break; default: exit('Error: Function not found! Please check the spelling of the called function.'); break; } break; } ?>