That means, when making an album public or private, all subalbums
are made public/private as well. This can be changed afterwards
by performing the opposite operation for a subalbum.
I think this is the better default, since most people probably
won't have public albums with private subalbums.
That is, albums can now contain other albums, which are shown at
the top of the album view. This required some changes to album.js
and the contextMenu.js, because this view contains now both
photos and albums.
The contextMenu on this view has been kept simple by requiring
the user to select either only albums or only photos, but not
a mixture of both.
This feature required a database change, so that the version
has been updated to 3.1.3.
At the moment, album and photo operations (make public, download,
delete, merge) are still "flat", i.e. don't respect the album